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El Departamento de Tecnologías de Información, tras un brillante semestre de operaciones donde se concluyeron exitosamente 2 proyectos de desarrollo de software, logrando un nivel de madurez CMMi 2, con algunas prácticas del nivel 3 y una práctica del nivel 5, ha sufrido una reestructuración total debido a que todos sus ingenieros dejaron el departamento […]

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Reposted from Connected Camps.

Why do some kids spend their time killing each other while others engineer epic builds in Minecraft? The educational benefits of Minecraft are celebrated, particularly for developing tech skills, but not every kid is unleashing her inner MacGyver. It doesn’t really matter if Minecraft is good for learning if your kid isn’t engaging in complicated builds, coding, engineering or collaboration online. After all, there’s more variety in Minecraft play than any game on this planet.

My son’s binary calculator

Minecraft was a big part of my son becoming an avid coder, a positive digital citizen, and an aspiring engineer. He started playing Minecraft in middle school with his friends, and he played in a server that the school hosted. What really got him excited about being creative in Minecraft was discovering YouTube videos of epic builds. Eventually he applied to join a Minecraft server community hosted by some of the heroes he discovered on YouTube; he leveled up in his building, as he collaborated with and learned from others in the community. A few years later, he was exposed to coding in high school, and decided to explore coding in Minecraft and build a massive binary calculator with redstone (a special type of Minecraft block that acts like an electrical wire and allows players to create circuits and other machines). In the summer, he helps out in the family business, working in the Connected Camps Minecraft server teaching kids to code.

Here’s three lessons I learned growing up with my son about unleashing learning in Minecraft.

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Thanks to Jeff Layne from CSU, Chico’s Regional & Continuing Education for making our Digital Humanities Panel Discussion available for viewing. Link here to our talks and panel Q&A.  

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16.ª Comissão Missionária/Humanitária em África – Projecto Tchuma Tchato 16th Missionary/Humanitarian Commission in Africa – Tchuma Tchato Project A casa está feita, agora vamos ao que interessa! The house is built, now let’s tackle the important stuff!

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Las juntas de coordinación se utilizan para planificar el trabajo diario. De acuerdo con Disciplined Agile Delivery (DAD), entre las estrategias para planificar el trabajo diario se encuentran las siguientes: Junta diaria de coordinación (Scrum) Junta diaria de coordinación (Kanban) Junta de estado semanal Sin junta planificada   Durante la fase de construcción, cada uno […]

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Ahora que cerramos el segundo parcial hicimos una breve pausa para reflexionar sobre el aprendizaje de esta experiencia. Como individuos nos hemos tropezado bastante, pero como departamento estos tropiezos han significado aprendizaje y mejora continua. Pasamos del caos a los procesos, gracias a los miembros del departamento que se atrevieron a cambiar y con ellos […]

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