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The NEH is launching an exciting new opportunity for humanities scholars:read more

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Help Background Educations groeien en ontvang een boekenbon van 50 €! Als nieuw initiatief willen we meer mensen bereiken en daar kan jij bij helpen. We belonen je dan ook graag met een boekenbon van 50 €! Hoe kan je meedoen? Praat met vrienden, op FB, Twitter of andere sociale media over Background Educations en […]

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Thanksgiving is my favorite US holiday - food, friends, family and appreciation. This year, I happily added Connected Courses community to my roster of what I am profoundly grateful for.

Connected Courses was launched with the energy and goodwill of a handful of facilitators who shared the values of connected learning, equity, and the open web. I could never have imagined how connections and networks could have blossomed and fanned out from these beginnings. Reviewing the analytics from Jamieson of @dmlhub, I see a picture of conversations and connections bubbling merrily across the open web, through twitter, G+, Facebook, Diigo, disqus forum, and hundreds of blogs. What is a nightmare from a data analytics point of view is an ideal outcome for those of us seeking to build open networked learning communities. It’s about seeding the beginnings of relationships, ideas, projects, and courses that will take root and blossom in a widely distributed set of contexts, communities, and institutions. The official course site and offerings are clearly just some among many passage points in growing and nurturing this process.

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Here's the results of the interactive exercise during my talk on "Curriculum from the Classroom Up" at UNESCO Barcelona.   I asked:  “WHAT ARE THE TOP THREE THINGS OUR STUDENTS NEED TO LEARN IN ORDER TO THRIVE IN THE WORLD WE LIVE IN NOW?”  


The reason I am optimistic about educational change is becaue, whenever I ask this question, people come up with great insights.  We can build on these.  What's on YOUR card?

In 90 seconds, here's what people came up with.  It's a great start!


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(photo CC licensed http://bit.ly/1rM3BgX) 2 min read There is talk of ccourses being over, winding down, lack of tweets… and the last, seemingly most how-to unit has not even begun. WHAT IS UP WITH THAT? I really don’t get it. From what I can see the last one is the how-to. It’s like we have been […]

The post The end before the beginning- What’s up with that? appeared first on lauraritchie.com.

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(1 min read) Yesterday I welcomed a guest for the day. We had both studied at Northwestern University a lifetime ago and we passed many times in the hallways of the practice building, went to each other’s recitals, and even had classes with each other’s teachers. Jonathan is a professional tuba player. He took the […]

The post A breath of fresh air appeared first on lauraritchie.com.

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Intuïtief onderscheiden we vijf rassen, maar er zijn vele redenen om daar niet mee akkoord te gaan. Olivier Lemeire (KULeuven) schetst het voornamelijk Amerikaanse debat tussen eliminataristen, conservationisten en reconstructionisten. De eerste groep wil rastermen elimineren. De tweede groep wil wel over rassen spreken: de term kan immers nuttig zijn om beleid op af te stemmen […]

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Tonight I had a conversation with a friend about the first course we'll be offering in the Futures Initiative program at The Graduate Center, CUNY---"http://www.hastac.org/blogs/danicasavonick/2014/11/10/apply-now-mapping-... ">Mapping the Futures of Higher Education," beginning in Spring 2015.  I told him that, in my research and in my personal experience, I have almost never have found thinkers/practitioners who work through the the interrelated issues of

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20141123_UM_APELO_DE_AJUDA_AOS_AMIGOS_DO_FACEBOOK_opt Aos amigos Portugueses do Facebook, este é um pedido para que vocês, meus caros, ajudem o Projecto Tchuma Tchato a terminar de construir a Igreja/Centro Comunitário da nossa associada em África, a “Kingdom Life Worship Community Centre,” em Barberton, África do Sul. No ano de 2012, começámos os trabalhos de construção para finalmente podermos … Continue reading

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20141123_A_PLEA_FOR_HELP_TO_FACEBOOK_FRIENDS_opt To my facebook English speaking friends, this is a plea in desperation for you dear ones to help The Tchuma Tchato Project in the completion of the Church/Community Centre for our sister church in Africa, the “Kingdom Life Worship Community Centre,” in Barberton, South Africa. In the year 2012, we were able to start … Continue reading

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Yesterday I found myself running. running from a lecture to the train running from the train to the tube running to another meeting running to reply to the emails running and running and running and then I stopped. I have a weekly meeting that, at the moment, keeps me grounded in hope, friendship, and a […]

The post Mind the (Learning) Gap ! appeared first on lauraritchie.com.

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Wat als: blijkt dat 76% van onze medische klachten niet terug te voeren zijn naar een lichamelijk probleem en dus ‘medisch onverklaarbaar’ zijn? Denk aan chronische vermoeidheid, hyperventileren, darmproblemen, hoofdpijn, hartkloppingen, benauwdheid etc. Iedereen kampt er wel eens mee en soms hebben ze een duidelijke fysieke oorzaak. Maar soms kan die niet worden gevonden, en […]