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Now when new year is near the door I wish you HAPPY NEW YEAR 2014 with peace and happiness . I wish you that all your dreams come true and all your wishes to be fulfilled  . I invite you all to drink a coup a champagne for New Years Eve. For me 2013 was a fruitful year because with my PLN help I win a ipad and I begin to mLearning and I really became a social media curator  https://lucianecurator.contently.com . Also I continue now in December my Nativity Project and also I was honored because Larry Johnson invited me to join Horizon Project Europe Expert Advisory Board http://europe.wiki.nmc.org/Advisory+Board and for this reason in january I invite to read here  my blog  post : Top 20 ed tech trends in 2014 .
In 2013 I begin to post in this blog : TOP 100 monthly and Top 20 weekly and I want to continue my series in 2014.

Next year, in 2014  I really want to find parteners and angel investors who will help us to launch a open source platform for Curation Restart Education Project. Why to READ thousands of blogs / websites to discover startup edtools and mLearning apps when you can read how to use all of them on this Open Source Platform made in Curation Restart Education Project . For more follow https://twitter.com/web20education  Like https://www.facebook.com/CurationRestartEducationProject/ .  In XXI Century Education and around the social web still 2011 new Social Media King is Curation who is about adding value for humans because only they can do what no computer can possibly achieve .The Internet Curator’s role is to seek on the web information related to a specic domain,fillter them, select them, organise, share, present them in a unique mode. Curation is the Art of : searching, selecting, sharing/bookmarking , organizing, interaction, communication and global collaboration . If you are agree with me that Curation is Social Media King not only in social web, but also in XXI Century Education and you are a social media and mLearning  addicted like me who want to change online classroom research I invite you to collaborate in this project and to join our google plus community  https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/100188349857613823793?cfem=1 . 
Curation Restart Education Project  aims to : promote global collaboration using a open - source platform / website where teachers worldwide can discover why Curation is Social Media King who restart Education . First the website will be with invitation only and hwo join must respect terms of use , and after I want this platform to be public accesssible for everyone on the web , windows phone, ipad or other mobile devices . On this website teachers worldwide can discover how to make a flipping class in collaboration and cooperation with others by sharing knowledge each other ; make a global Curation database for startup edtools who can be succesfully integrated in nowadays education ( now I can share 1000 startups 4 education useful for teachers ) , organising wekly webinars and online sessions about curation and many other things.We will have a section in our blog where we will post and describe top 20 startup edtools weekly like you can see here http://bitly.com/Top20LucianeCurator
This year I use list.ly to share my favorite startups,mLearning apps and I invite you to add your comments related to your favorite edtool and ipad app, after you will read about all 500 edtools and mLearning  apps .
In 2013 I follow live #iste13  and after I share  http://bitly.com/iste13edtools
In 2013 I follow live #websummit, here is my blog post  http://bitly.com/top100websummitstartup   

Now Because Curation is Social Media King
Finally 150 best edtools and mLearning apps voted by teachers worldwide  http://bitly.com/100eddies13edtools Best Free Education Web Tool 2013 - Edublog Awards
View more lists from Edublogs

I hope you like all and for this reason I invite you to discover more than 1000 in my boards updated daily with startup tools , windows phone and ipad apps to mLearning

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I’ve taken Edinburgh University’s E-learning and Digital Cultures MOOC (Massive Open Online course) twice this year. The first time it was my first ever MOOC and it provided some of the most immersive and engaging learning in which I have ever participated. 44000 students took #edcmooc that first time – engaging with it and each other months before it started.
We were in FaceBook and on Twitter then Google+ and into Communities… This social side kept me engaged and happy. I found support and encouragement – and made friends of strangers (Fraingers). Brilliant.

I told myself that I needed to take the course again to engage with the technical tools – which I’d sort of avoided … But – then came Penn State’s #artmooc and MoMA’s #artinquiry - courses only tangentially related to my work. I found that so much benefit came from these contingent encounters - and blogged about that (below).
Then #edcmooc came around again and I was one of eight people invited to act as a Community Teaching Assistant (CTA) – and I just could not resist.
My first #edcmooc was to learn MOOC… and now we could learn CTA by being CTA. Fabulous! (Also – frankly – I was really flattered to be asked!)
It was a delicate task to be a CTA attempting to add to the experience of new #edcmooc’ers whilst not in any way diluting their experiences. But we plunged in with good will and optimism and positive regard for the new students … and hey – it seemed to work. Rajiv Bajaj blogged about his #edcmooc experiences (http://pursuingmoocs.wordpress.com/) – and the CTAs. He said that we had been light touch but supportive enough to hold on to those who might otherwise has spun off. We had been friendly and caring and useful and valued.
With my own students, rather than *teach* digital literacy, I wanted them to discover the joy and potential of digital learning the way I had. All were encouraged to join either #edcmooc or #ds106. A final joy for me has been that one of my ‘meat’ world students has taken and passed #edcmooc.
Next http://becomingeducational.wordpress.com/ - blogging about our new module. #becomingeducational has embedded within it everything learned from #edcmooc, #artmooc and #artinquiry. 
2013 – what a year for MOOCs! Happy 2014!

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La pasada semana tuve la suerte de poder asistir al V Congreso Latina de Comunicación Social, en La Laguna, Tenerife. En el evento coordiné, el 5 de diciembre y junto a mi compañero Esteban Romero Frías (@polisea), de la Universidad de Granada, una de las mesas de comunicaciones, “Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades Digitales: técnicas, herramientas y experiencias de e-research e investigación en colaboración”, precisamente enmarcada en el proyecto de GRINUGR en el que colaboro, coordinado por él, y que forma parte de los proyectos concedidos en el Campus de Excelencia Internacional BioTic Granada (CEIBioTic Granada) en 2013.

En la mesa mi colega Romero Frías compartió su visión sobre las Humanidades Digitales y  su papel en la investigación, la docencia y el modelo de Universidad. Y yo misma presenté otra comunicación en esta mesa, El Big Data como fenómeno y herramienta para el e‐research en CSyH Digitales, inspirada precisamente en el capítulo que estoy preparando para el monográfico que publicaremos, también desde GRINUGR,  en breve, en la colección Cuadernos Artesanos de Comunicación (CAC), sobre e-research en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, y que os comparto vía Slideshare.

Algunas de las anteriores formarán parte de nuestro citado monográfico en CAC.
Jornadas sobre Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades Digitales en la UGR
Este lunes 16 de diciembre comienzan, además, las I Jornadas sobre Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades Digitales en la Universidad de Granada, coordinadas por mi compañero Esteban Romero Frías, y a las que os animo a asistir. La inscripción es gratuita, aquí está toda la información:

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Hi and welcome . After in my previous post here I nominate again my favorite in Edublog Awards, now I want to share with you Best 150 edtools in #eddies13 selected by teachers worldwide . This year Edublogs use my favorite lists curation tool Listly  for all finalists  and now everyone can vote for his favorite .
Before to read about all this awesome edtools and apps I recommand to read https://lucianecurator.contently.com/ blog posts this year:Top 100 #websummit startup tools who can disrupt Social Media world http://bitly.com/top100websummitstartup  ; Top 100 edtools discover at #iste13  http://bitly.com/iste13edtools
Also don't forget to read weekly my blog to discover Top 20

This year I was the 1st who discover that Edublogs used Listly to select winners because I used this curation tool all year long and you can follow me here http://list.ly/LucianeCurator

What edtool and mLearning app you like more ? Please leave a comment and also see all this year Edublogs Finalists http://list.ly/edublogs

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Well I've been off line for the last few weeks as my mum fell off a step coming out of the dentist and broke her right hand. She picked herself up, got into her car and as she phrased it "waited until I felt up to driving home." The next day her hand was swollen and off to the hospital she went. So Mum and Dad have been staying with me for the last two weeks off and on, except for when they had to go home for the fracture clinic. Mum had over 600 cards to write for the Christmas tree farm and needed help writing them so it was just better for her to come here where I could look after her. It was great to sit down with my mother and chat.

But that doesn't mean I haven't been thinking about the video story assignment. I've been thinking about it a lot and talking to my mum about the video assignment and DS106. My mum is 77 this week and she and my father have lived interesting lives, so I thought I would begin to tell their stories. My mother had just come back from visiting her brother John who lives in Edmonton (he just turned 78 and is a dynamo!) and they had been talking about the war, doodlebugs and other shared memories from their childhood. "What's a doodlebug?" I asked. And so the story unfolded. War through the eyes of a four year old. Mum was only four but still remembers hiding in a closet  during the early days of the Blitz. When she returned to Southampton in 1945 or so, housing was a tremedous problem as so many homes had been destroyed. Mum remembers playing in abandoned bombed building and walking the roof rafters!

During the week I looked stuff up for my mum online so she could see Southampton during the blitz and some movies of Southampton. We found the road she lived on before she had to move away because a bomb had landed in a yard just down the street and Grandma decided Southampton was too dangerous. She was sent to live with other people for the remainder of the war. Mum and I looked at photos of the Bargate in the photos and videos. It survived because the Germans used it as an aerial marker to let them know when to drop the bombs. I hadn't been to Southampton since I was 11 so while I do remember walking on the Norman walls and visiting the archaeologist who was excavating the Roman ruins found under the Victorian homes they had torn down and seeing churches that had not yet been rebuilt since the war, I didn't remember that landmark.

What went right with this assignment?  My mum agreeing to do it. She is a very private person so this was a gift. My mum interviews very well, though at some points you can hear a lot of background noise as she was rubbing her splint. I think it would have been much better if I was using a video camera for both sound and image.  My voice does not come out particularly clearly as I was sitting too far away from the mike. Perhaps the next time mum and I sit down I might have improved in my planning for recording and editing. Another frustration was images. While there are a lot of images online of the Southampton Blitz, someone has taken the old photos, scanned them and then put an all rights reserved sticker on them. So I made the decision, reluctantly, not to include any still images. I found some various videos on the web to start the video, including the historical and military rational for the bombing of Southampton.

I used Movie Maker to put the clips together, but ran into trouble when I tried to publish it as the program said YouTube didn't like long movies. I sent a message out to through Twitter and of course my PLN sent me answers back! So very reliable!

Since the movie was made, my mother had another health issue so DS106 went onto the backburner as well as blogging, tweeting and other social media assignments and relationships (the health issue has been resolved and all is well!)

November ended up being a lost month in terms of blogging but not in terms of spending some good quality time with my mum. You can see why she's always been one of my role models!

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Now into the 10th year teachers worldwide are nominalized .
Before to read all my nominations I recommand to read https://lucianecurator.contently.com/ blog posts this year : Top 100 #websummit startup tools who can disrupt Social Media world http://bitly.com/top100websummitstartup and Top100 #edtools discovered through #iste13 http://bitly.com/iste13edtools 
Also don't forget to read weekly my blog to discover Top 20 
Was verry hard, but here are my nominations for Edublog Awards 201http://learni.st/users/DUMACORNELLUCIAN/boards/7511-eddies you can see also my last years nominations here :

1.Best individual blog http://teacherluciandumaweb20.blogspot.ro

2.Best group blog http://www.edudemic.com

3.Best new blog http://www.educatorstechnology.com

4.Best class blog http://esafety4etwinners.blogspot.ro/

5.Best student blog http://jarrodsblog.global2.vic.edu.au/

6.Best edtech/resource sharing blog http://www.freetech4teachers.com/

7.Best teacher blog http://ozgekaraoglu.edublogs.org/

8. Best library / librarian blog http://blogs.slj.com/neverendingsearch/

9. Best administrator blog http://ericsheninger.com/esheninger/blogs

10.Most influential blog post #30goals

11.Best individual tweeter https://twitter.com/web20education

12.Best twitter hashtag #edchat

13.Best free web tool GlogsterEdu

14.Best educational use of audio / video / visual / podcast http://khanacademy.org/

15.Best educational wiki http://englishclassroombg.wikispaces.com

16.Best open PD / unconference / webinar series  http://connectededucators.org/events/

17.Best educational use of a social network http://www.integrating-technology.org/

18.Best mobile app https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/scoop.it/id487321972?mt=8

19.Lifetime achievement http://larryferlazzo.edublogs.org

Not in the list curation 20. Robin Good http://www.masternewmedia.org
What is your favorite ? Please leave a comment .

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Dear friends and my blog readers as you already know I want to implement Curation Restart Education Project ; like facebook page https://www.facebook.com/CurationRestartEducationProject and if you like my project and want to collaborate, help me to launch my dream platform for this project contact me here . I also want to tell you that I am the only social media curator from Romania who was invited in Horizon Project Europe Expert Advisory Board . This year between 30,31 octomber 2013 was organized WEBSUMMIT in Dublin and there participate over 10,000+ of The World's Brightest Minds in Technology, over 350 speakers across dozens of stages, workshops and roundtables catered to every sector. . The Summit was a global gathering of the world's leading thinkers and doers in technology. It's not just a gathering of the planet's leading startups and technology companies, but of businesses, large and small, who are being impacted by new technologies. 
Over 150 tools and apps participate in Websummit Pitch Startup Competition http://www.websummit.net/startups/ but like I promise you I will share monthly in my blog Top 100 . In a previous post I describe Top 100 edtools discovered through #iste13  http://bitly.com/iste13edtools and now I want to share with you my curated list in 1 weeek with my favorite 100 + startup tools discovered using #websummit hastag and also following live this gr8 event . You can see more here http://www.youtube.com/user/websummitnet/videos
and read important news from official Websummit blog  http://blog.websummit.net . I invite you after you see my 100 + startup list to share / tweet your favorite tool or share using emebeded code this full list on your blog/ website  and also if you like this list.ly leave a comment please !
Because Curation is Social Media King I invite you to collaborate, curate with me this year next list.ly s : Best ( more than 100 ) Ipad apps to mLearning in education still 2013 ; Best ( more than 100 ) windows phone to mLearning in education still 2013  ; Best #edtools ( more than 100 )who offer gateway through knowledge for teachers and students in 2013 ; Best #startup tools ( more than 100 )who offer gateway through knowledge for teachers and students in 2013

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Dear friends, teachers, researchers, social media curators and students like I told you before I will share weekly in my blog here TOP 20 and mounthly TOP 100 and I recommand to read https://lucianecurator.contently.com/ previous blog post Top 100 edtools rediscovered through #iste13 http://bitly.com/iste13edtools
Also in my previous post here I write about Nellie Kroes new initiative #startupeurope and http://www.openeducationeuropa.eu/ part of #connectedcontinent . Now because it's Connected Educator Mounth #CE13 I want to give everyone the possibility to share my favorite tools in their blogs or website using embeded code and for this reason I will share them using list.ly .                                   
The Connected Educators initiative’s mission is to help educators thrive in a connected world. Such environments are envisioned in the 2010 National Educational Technology Plan and are soon to become the norm due to efforts such as ConnectED. Connected Educators pursues this mission through seeking to understand and promote educators learning and collaborating through online communities of practice and social networks. That pursuit combines research, development, and outreach:
Research – Through studying existing communities and networks, we ask questions such as
How does participation produce value?
How can schools and districts as well as individuals benefit?
What design and facilitation strategies maximize that value?
How can learning analytics using data generated through participation help improve the use of those strategies?
Development – Through designing and leading networked learning spaces for educators—such as theCS10K community that supports the National Science Foundation’s efforts to broaden participation in computing careers—we test the results of research in our own practice.
Outreach – Through Connected Educator Month and project publications, we raise awareness of and engagement in learning and collaboration through communities and networks. Over the last three years, they reached hundreds of organizations and hundreds of thousands of educators and this year more than 200 organizations, companies, and communities have already signed up http://connectededucators.org/cem-2013-participating-organizations/ and they organize more than 300 events worldwide http://connectededucators.org/events/ 

Also if you want to connect with teachers worlwide join http://edconnectr.connectededucators.org/# and also if you want to organize a online event next 20 web conferencing tools can help you .
What tool / app you like more and why . Please leave a comment after you see full list .You can also add a comment related to your favorite edtool .

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1 week ago I read here a announcement about new portal http://www.openeducationeuropa.eu/I was verry excited to read the annoncement because 4 years ago I registered here to collaborate with eLearning experts like you can see http://elearningeuropa.info/en/users/dumacornellucian 
and still today I want to collaborate also with social media curators, teachers and researchers  on the new ePortal  http://www.openeducationeuropa.eu/en/users/dumacornellucian  . 
Do you like the new portal, leave a comment after you read my post because today European Commission launches 'Opening up Education' to boost innovation and digital skills in schools and universities
More than 60% of nine year olds in the EU are in schools which are still not digitally equipped. The European Commission today unveils 'Opening up Education', an action plan to tackle this and other digital problems which are hampering schools and universities from delivering high quality education and the digital skills which 90% of jobs will require by 2020. To help kick-off the initiative, the Commission today launches a new website, Open Education Europa, which will allow students, practitioners and educational institutions to share free-to-use open educational resources.
Between 50% and 80% of students in EU countries never use digital textbooks, exercise software, broadcasts/podcasts, simulations or learning games. Most teachers at primary and secondary level do not consider themselves as 'digitally confident' or able to teach digital skills effectively, and 70% would like more training in using ICTs. Pupils in Latvia, Lithuania and the Czech Republic are the most likely to have internet access at school (more than 90%), twice as much as in Greece and Croatia (around 45%).The European Commission launched Open Education Europa in September 2013 as part of the Opening Up Education initiative to provide a single gateway to European OER. This portal is grounded on the basis of the elearningeuropa.info portal, active since 2002 to support the transformation of education through technology. Today, with close to 38,000 registered users and an average of 55,000 monthly visits, it has become the meeting point for exploring change and innovation in education.
The main goal of the Open Education Europa portal is to offer access to all existing European Open Educational Resources in different languages in order to be able to present them to learners, teachers and researchers.
Open Education Europa is a dynamic platform built with the latest cutting-edge open-source technology, offering tools for communicating, sharing and discussing. The portal has many features and it is structured in 3 main sections:
• The FIND section showcases MOOCs, courses, and Open Educational Resources by leading European institutions. Each institution is also featured in this section alongside the MOOCs, courses, and the Open Educational Resources it provides.
• The SHARE section is the space where portal users (scholars, educators, policymakers, students and other stakeholders) come together to share and discuss solutions for a diverse range of educational issues by posting blogs, sharing events, and engaging in thematic discussions.
• The IN-DEPTH section hosts eLearning Papers — the world’s most visited e-journal on open education and new technologies —, provides an exhaustive list of EU-funded projects, and highlights the latest news about open education as well as the most relevant recently published scholarly articles.

Follow @se_hq 
Nellie Kroes , European Comission Vice-President launch also this week #connectedcontinent Initiative after she launched the official website of #startupeurope http://www.startupeuropehq.eu as a part of Digital Agenda for Europe and you can read her speech here . 
Don't forget to visit weekly my blog to discover top 20 edtools .

References : 
Open Education Europa Official Website
European Comission , Nellie Kroes Connectedcontinent Speech 
New website #StartupEurope

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This past week on Headless 2013 we've been discussing storytelling,the arc of stories and Kurt Vonnegut's idea that stories have a shape. Well, I loved both the infographic and the video of Kurt Vonnegut discussing the shapes of stories. I had never thought of it that way but as soon as you do, you can completely see it. It is said that the gift of genius is the ability to see what others don't and then be able to explain it. Lovely to see it in action. What a great sense of humour Kurt Vonnegut had. The infographic helped solidify my understanding and was very helpful.

Now over the weekend, I succumbed to the lure of #TvsZ. Twitter vs. Zombies 3.0 is the brain child of Jesse Stommel and Pete Rorabaugh from Hybrid Pedagogy. The game is played by members of different university classes or online education groups such as OOE13. I'd played before and was very happy to play again. What's not to like about a story/game that unfolds and changes every 12 hours with new rules? As always, I started as human (I think the organizers are afraid of letting me start as Patient Zero-everyone would be a zombie by the end of the day. I am a very dedicated zombie.) and was turned within the first two to three hours of the game. Once again I became a zombie. But this time I had a #zombiegirlfriend  @barbiez2013. Now @barbiez2013 was a Twitter newbie, didn't have a blog and was, at the beginning, upset about being turned into a zombie (she was zombified before me.) We started direct messaging each other and we became a team, deciding on a target and pursuing them until we were successful. She quickly began understanding the nuances of twitter (much faster than I had) and within the game time period started a blog, uploaded video and pictures (a very similar learning curve of my own experience with TvsZ 2.0.) Together we turned Mariana Funes. Now Mariana struggled mightily with the whole idea of being a zombie, and she decided she was going to be a compassionate zombie, similar to the zombie character of Warm Bodies (new to me). She quickly got over that, but the idea she presented, that of a zombie who was able to absorb memories, stayed with me. And I began to write my blog posts as if zombies were driven not just by hunger, but by the desire to know people. To really understand their fellow human at the point of their demise. And lo and behold, a story emerged. Even though my blog posts were designed as #overrun attempts to destroy human #safezones while a zombie, a story emerged of a creature who lived not only for flesh but the sweetness and addiction to the memories of others. So when you destroy a zombie, do the dead finally, utterly die?

So what type of story curve is my human/zombie/human/zombie narrative that is found on Twitter and my blog and others during TvsZ? I started human, but was a happy killer as a zombie, I was reluctantly converted to a superhuman because of the wrench of leaving my zombie horde (we all feed together) and then in mid post let my inner zombie out again. I am wondering is this curve a Cinderella story? Or because of its ambiguity is it a Which Way is Up story line? I waver between the two but lean more to the Which Way is Up camp.

Now this time around, what did I gain from playing TvsZ? Well for one thing, I have finally wrestled Windows 8 into submission (enough that I should be able to participate fully in Headless DS106 I hope, though I am having issues with Soundcloud for some reason.) I have Movie Maker on my computer now, I can take photos with the webcam and I latched onto AudioBoo to make sounds to share on Twitter. It also was a great vehicle for promoting writing, both on Twitter and on my blog. I was very surprised at how attached I became to my alter zombie ego as a writer. And as always, I gain immeasurably from the interaction with others. I've gained some new friends, been delighted by the creativity of others and played a great game of hide and go seek/tag.

And when Twitter vs. Zombies 4.0 comes out? I'll be there!

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21st September 2014:

As I was reading my Twitter stream, I was  reflecting on my next act, which will speak of music, space and silence.  Then, a number of tweets and posts decided me to produce a revival of the following play: All the world's a stage...(and we are just poor teachers?)

So in no particular order here are some of these linked elements which inspired this revival:

RT : The “learner’s why” vs the “teacher’s why” Sometimes the operative words is versus, yes?

All the world's a stage...(and we are just poor teachers?) A revival. 
Originally performed in September 2013.
And we are just poor teachers, who strut and fret our time, stage front, tutting and grumbling about dwindling levels of interest amongst a distracted audience...and then blogging about it (with apologies to William).

Oh the distraction!

Before it was just the turnip throwers in the gods,a rowdy rabble if ever there was. We got rid of them by employing muscular stewards and a brilliant policy of over-priced seats. William came up with a master-stroke: "Why didn't we organise a cheap knees-up for the mob and keep them far away from our classical theatre?" Masterful William!  Alas! Now it's spread to the monied classes in the posh seats. My monologue was interrupted last night by the dim lights emitted from their damned smartphones. Have they no respect for the thespian art?

The critics are out. The notices are rather mixed.

We organised a meeting of the company. What might we do to stop declining ticket sales? Helmut suggested we might get a microphone.  I thought that we should just change the play. Bob came up with a new fangled (and awfully expensive) pyrotechnic effect to thrill the stalls.  Walpole, as usual, was more than helpful. "Why didn't we try stilts?", he suggested (idiot!).

After a few beers, Harry started getting carried away. "Couldn't we introduce a flying carpet to give them a music-hall eyeball?" Frankly we were heading towards pantomime. Besides, such extravaganza would demand skilled technicians in the wings, an almighty budget, sponsors even! Walpole was charming, but seemed to only be able to drink tea in the green room.

Theatre in the Round

 In the face of declining audience behaviour, we ended up doing some research. Someone came up with "Theatre in the Round". We discussed this question at length. Should we use the same theatre building? Was it a question of taking out a few seats, moving the stage to the centre? With diminishing budgets and audiences, this was viewed as a feasible option. Rather than knocking down the protected classical edifice, we asked a local architect to modify it somewhat.

First reviews for our new season were much improved. We did have to modify our dramatic art rather to adapt, but it was better than leaving the theatre altogether and ending up recording jingles for soap powder. We gradually worked towards a concept of immersive theatre, with massive audience participation. That was excellent!

Street Theatre

We even ventured out into the streets. It was romantic, getting back to the roots, a life of the wandering player. The other day we bumped into the rabble from the gods. They were dancing and drinking in the park. There were masses of them. What on earth were they doing there just behind the band-stand? I later learnt that it was what is called these days "A Flash mob." They had all arrived there, apparently separately,  like an army of goddam ants via some Facebook page or some sort. For once, I was stumped for words. They, I thought to myself, would make a wonderful audience in the theatre.

The Seventh Art

I am no Eisenstein, but I admit to daydreaming between acts in the green-room. Might they not be persuaded to be extras in a little movie project of mine? Then the penny dropped. They were actually making a movie (of sorts). I had a dreadful Pauline moment, on my way to the theatre, I realised that I had, in this haphazard, unplotted cinema, become rather the extra. I sat in the wings, deep in reflection...

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Dear friends like I promise you in my previous post here where I describe Top 100 edtools and ipad apps to mLearning rediscovered through #iste13 http://bitly.com/iste13edtools , now when we back to school I will share weekly when I have time TOP 20 wich will replace TOP 10, and monthly TOP 100 in my blog.
Like you already now I am social media addicted who want to became a real curator teacher and for this reason I follow live many global online tech conferences like Leweb and SXSW 

Between 7 and 11 september I follow #tcdisrupt  and I discover many startups and useful things session following live the conference here
 TechCrunch Disrupt is one of the most anticipated global tech technology conferences of the year. Between September 9-11, TechCrunch bringing Disrupt back to San Francisco to reveal an all new slate of outstanding startups, influential speakers, guests and more to the stage. The conference had 3 main parts like you can see here :
* Hackaton
* Startup Battlefield
* Startup Alley

Live streaming video by UstreamLike you already now I win a ipad in eFront Learning competition like I write in my blog here and for this reason I like to use an discover many ipad apps . These days I discover through #tcdisrupt many tools, but I selected my favorite apps and here are
.I invite you to share the list, tweet / vote your favorite, add comments if you like the ipad apps and If you missed the conference follow here

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Hace un par de meses fui invitada a participar en una de las mesas de debate de las Jornadas provinciales de Transparencia Pública en Andalucía que organizó el 10 de junio, en el Museo Picasso de Málaga, la Consejería de la Presidencia e Igualdad, Junta de Andalucía, en colaboración con el Centro de Estudios Andaluces. Una iniciativa que, personalmente, me pareció muy oportuna, que comenzó, ese día, en Málaga y que, posteriormente, se ha realizado, durante este verano, en las distintas provincias andaluzas, salvo en Sevilla, donde tendrá lugar a mediados de septiembre, según la información publicada ahora en su website.

Hasta ahora no había tenido tiempo para escribir sobre ello, pero dado que se trata de un tema de vigente actualidad y las instituciones andamos trabajando en estas cuestiones, de cara a a adaptarnos a los requisitos de la nueva regulación, me parece oportuno compartir, desde este blog, un comentario sobre mi intervención entonces (el documento empleado para mi presentación ya lo publiqué en su día en mi perfil en Slideshare, pero comparto abajo una miniatura embebida).

También hay ya disponible un vídeo, en el sitio online de las jornadas, cuya parte final tiene todas las intervenciones de la mesa en la que participé incluye, además de la mía, las siguientes, muy recomendables:

Antonio Morales Lázaro. Ex-Fiscal Jefe y presidente de Cruz Roja Málaga
Ángel Valencia. Catedrático de Ciencia Política e investigador del Centro de Estudios Andaluces
Nico Sgiglia. Democracia Digital Andalucía
Victoria Anderica. Coordinadora de Campañas de Access info Europe. Coalición Pro Acceso
Antes también están las de otra mesa, la de periodistas, organizada esa misma mañana, también muy interesante, y la presentación institucional de las Jornadas a cargo de Susana Díaz, Consejera de la Presidencia e Igualdad de la Junta de Andalucía.

Bajo el título de “Hacia una cultura de la transparencia: Experiencias y apuntes sobre el Anteproyecto de Ley desde la universidad española”, dicha intervención (al final del vídeo citado) comenzaba destacando algunos de los puntos del Anteproyecto de Ley andaluza sobre transparencia para, posteriormente, repasar cómo es la situación, en lo que a ello se refiere, en la universidad española, y compartir algunas actuaciones que, desde la Universidad a la que pertenezco, la UNIA, venimos realizando en este sentido. Ello, entendiendo que es necesario, tanto en la universidad como en el resto de instituciones, fomentar lo que podemos llamar cultura de la transparencia.

Ahí va mi comentario… (no suelo hacer post tan largos, pero me apetecía compartirlo)

De qué partimos: ejes de la Transparencia según Anteproyecto Ley de Transparencia Pública de Andalucía

Debemos, siguiendo con el Anteproyecto de Ley de acuerdo a su estado en junio, partir de los DOS GRANDES EJES de la transparencia.

En primer lugar, la PUBLICIDAD ACTIVA, que hace referencia a la difusión por propia iniciativa de los poderes públicos de determinada información, y que se traduce en acciones de Open Data o en la implantación de portales web con datos públicos que los ciudadanos pueden consultar y procesar digitalmente.

Y en segundo lugar, el DERECHO A LA INFORMACIÓN PÚBLICA. La transparencia implica participación ciudadana, en cuanto a petición de datos a las entidades públicas, y exige respuesta por parte de estas entidades. Y fijémonos en cómo las propuestas recibidas estas semanas, mediante el procedimiento de participación impulsado por la Junta, de los propios ciudadanos, insisten, en este sentido, en cuestiones tales como que este procedimiento sea rápido, sencillo y gratuito; y que tanto las solicitudes como las respuestas sean públicas y se publiquen.

[El propio Anteproyecto recoge en su artículo 6, como PRINCIPIOS BÁSICOS en los que deben inspirarse estos ejes, los siguientes: Transparencia/ Libre acceso a información pública/ Responsabilidad/ No discriminación tecnológica/ Veracidad/ Utilidad/ Gratuidad/ Y Facilidad y comprensión]


A qué aspiramos: la Transparencia como principio del Gobierno Abierto

Debemos, además, situar la Transparencia como uno de los principios del Gobierno abierto (tal como se recoge en la propia Memoria Justificativa del Anteproyecto de Ley de Transparencia Pública en Andalucía) y por tanto, como herramienta o vehículo para alcanzar este modelo en las instituciones públicas.

Materializarlo requiere, además, de otros principios, como la participación y la colaboración con la ciudadanía y la responsabilidad, estrechamente vinculados e implícitos en la filosofía o cultura de transparencia.

Y en este camino, y tal como recoge el ‘Estudio Objetivos, estrategias y actuaciones nacionales e internacionales sobre Gobierno Abierto’- del ONTSI, las TICs, ya sea a través de aplicaciones y herramientas web o a través de redes sociales, foros u otros espacios de interacción online, se erigen en herramientas imprescindibles para “mejorar la calidad de la democracia y el funcionamiento de las administraciones públicas”.


El coste de la transparencia en el contexto de cultura digital y sociedad red

En el actual contexto de cultura digital y sociedad red, el software libre y las herramientas de la llamada web social se convierten, por tanto, en aliados, en recursos que, en época de crisis, permiten a las instituciones “implementar” la transparencia sin que ello suponga un gran esfuerzo económico.

Una prueba son los portales webs de transparencia como el de la Universidad de Alcalá, pionero en la universidad española y que, presentado oficialmente hace un mes, en abril de 2013, ha sido realizado por el propio personal de la Universidad, según puede leerse desde la web de la propia institución.

Este portal está dividido en secciones, como puede verse en la imagen, que incluyen información genérica sobre los diferentes epígrafes (normativa aplicable, explicación sucinta sobre los datos suministrados…), documentación que da cuenta de la gestión y varios gráficos interactivos que facilitan la lectura de los datos. Además de datos económicos y financieros, se incluyen, así, datos sobre el Personal, Convenios y Contratos, Estadísticas e Informes, Actas y Normativas, Rankings o Agenda del Rector, entre otros.

Y más allá, da acceso a los canales de la institución en redes sociales.

Para elaborarlo se han tenido en cuenta iniciativas similares existentes en universidades de otros países y portales de transparencia diseñados por instituciones políticas de relieve, como la Oficina del Primer Ministro Británico o la Oficina de la Casa Blanca, además de las recomendaciones de la organización Transparency International-España.


Oportunidades: big data y visualización

Más allá, comienzan a abrirse otras posibles líneas de actuación que, como reconocen tanto ciudadanos como periodistas y expertos en open data, pueden suponer una oportunidad para el desarrollo de una transparencia institucional más funcional, que dé respuesta a sus demandas.

Entre ellas:

  • Buscar estándares para la conexión entre las bases datos públicas, que faciliten la recuperación de información global (imagínense, una especie de big data de las instituciones públicas andaluzas, por ejemplo).
  • Desarrollar herramientas y sistemas de visualización de datos online (del tipo de la que aparece en pantalla, diseñada por CIVIO), que permitan a los usuarios interaccionar para seleccionar y obtener los datos de forma más personalizada.

Estos sistemas quedarían, online, al servicio del ciudadano y del llamado periodismo de datos, tendencia en alza.


Pero, ¿qué coste puede tener la transparencia para las instituciones?

Últimamente hemos sabido que un gran porcentaje de consultas ciudadanas a las instituciones públicas, como la que aparece en la noticia de la izquierda, no tiene respuesta. Debemos evitar este silencio administrativo. No basta con que los esfuerzos se concentren en que los datos estén accesibles públicamente online sino que las instituciones deben dedicar recursos a garantizar la respuesta al ciudadano.

De hecho, la nueva Ley define las condiciones de tal respuesta y prevé sanciones y otras medidas.

Pero también es fundamental vigilar que exista coherencia, aunque ello implique determinada respuesta. De ello depende en gran medida la reputación de lo público.


Transparencia y nueva Ley ¿Oportunidad o mera obligación?

El Anteproyecto de Ley, en su título IV, insiste en la necesidad de que se fomente de apertura y transparencia y capacitación para desarrollarla, buscando transversalidad e interoperatividad (Tít. IV Anteproyecto de Ley).

Ante esta nueva Ley cabe hacerse la pregunta, “¿existe en España cultura de la transparencia?” (El experimento realizado, en el estreno del programa de El Objetivo de Ana Pastor en La Sexta a inicios de junio, al solicitar información sobre páginas de Internet más vistas en Congreso, en España, y luego hacer lo mismo en Inglaterra, evidencia diferencias…).

Tal vez cada administración pública tenga su propia visión sobre la Ley, y algunas la contemplen como mera obligación…

¿Y que sucede en instituciones educativas como las universidades?

Me aventuraría a decir que, salvo excepciones, la universidad española no asume aún, especialmente a nivel institucional, las bases que conforman un Gobierno Abierto, entre ellas, la transparencia. Ahora bien, sobre las razones, ¿existe, en ellas, resistencia a la transparencia y gobernanza abierta, o se trata de una mera falta de conocimiento, sensibilidad o implicación? (sí hay con todo ciertos proyectos que, por ser los que conozco, en nuestro caso, pueden suponer una mayor apertura de la universidad, que comentaré, pero antes veremos un diagnóstico)


Examen de transparencia web en la Universidad española

La principal unidad de análisis hasta ahora, para examinar la transparencia de las universidades españolas, han sido sus webs institucionales/ otros espacios en red

Es el caso de “Examen de transparencia: Informe de transparencia en la web de las Universidades Públicas Españolas” (Barrio y Martín Cavanna, 2012), presentado a finales de 2012 por la Fundación Compromiso y Transparencia, sobre un censo de las 50 principales universidades, y disponible para su consulta online. Veremos rápidamente su metodología y los resultados de su diagnóstico, aunque hay que decir que desde el mismo se ha avanzado bastante.


Criterios para la transparencia en cuanto a publicidad de datos online en la universidad

¿De qué condiciones depende el nivel de transparencia?

Según este informe, no basta con que los datos sean públicos, sino que es necesario fijarse en aspectos como los siguientes:

  • Visibilidad del contenido.
  • Accesibilidad.
  • Actualidad de la información.
  • Comprensibilidad.

¿Qué datos deberían incluirse según este informe?

En el caso de las universidades, según este informe debería publicarse información sobre los siguientes aspectos, sobre los cuales se basa el análisis (algo que no difiere mucho del Anteproyecto de Ley, como pueden observar):

  • Misión y Plan Estratégico.
  • Personal, Órganos de Gobierno y Claustro de profesorado.
  • Oferta y demanda académica y otra información relevante para el alumnado.
  • Resultados de universidad.
  • Información económica.


Diagnóstico y repaso de cuestiones por mejorar

  • Accesibilidad y visibilidad de la información institucional: ¿quiénes somos y cuál es nuestra misión?

En el Informe se destaca que la publicación de información en abierto plantea problemas, ya que no siempre es comparable, accesible, actual o comprensible.

Además, ante la pregunta de un ciudadano: ¿qué es esta universidad, y para qué?, preocupa que en torno a la mitad, aproximadamente, no defina su misión, o tampoco recoja su Plan estratégico.

  • Dar información sobre demanda de cada carrera (año anterior y total).

Ninguna publica el número de solicitudes de matrículas que han recibido (0%), y muy pocas dan información sobre la demanda que han tenido cada una de las titulaciones ofertada en el último año (y en total).

  • Mejorar acceso a resultados de actividad investigadora y docente

Y el área de resultados es una de las más débiles desde el punto de vista de la transparencia y la comunicación. Aunque la mayoría (86%) publicaba los resultados de su actividad investigadora, sólo un tercio hacía referencia al impacto de su actividad docente y un 26% mencionaba la satisfacción del alumnado con la publicación de los resultados de las encuestas realizadas (entre ellas, la UNIA). Únicamente un 6% comunicaba en su página web las posiciones que ocupaban en los distintos ranking de universidades.

Pero el talón de Aquiles es, sobre todo, la información económica, a la vista de este informe: la mayoría publicaba presupuestos pero muy pocas sus estados financieros, memoria de las cuentas generales e informe de auditoría externa. Aunque la mayor parte de las universidades (el 88%) publicaba el presupuesto, el porcentaje de cumplimiento era significativamente menor en el resto de aspectos (publicación de estados financieros, memorias de cuentas generales o informe de auditoría externa), especialmente delicados y necesarios para rendir cuentas a la sociedad por su gestión. Y sólo seis universidades eran plenamente transparentes desde el punto de vista económico según los indicadores definidos.

Resultados en cuanto a universidades

Más de la mitad de las universidades analizadas (66%) aprueba la evaluación.

La más transparente es la Universidad Pompeu Fabra, mientras que a nivel andaluz la primera en el ranking, entonces, era la Universidad de Jaén.  Las universidades menos transparentes, de acuerdo a este estudio, eran, la Menéndez Pelayo, la Jaime I, la Miguel Hernández, la Laguna, la Complutense y la de Málaga y Pablo de Olavide, entre las andaluzas.


Revisión de examen: actuaciones más recientes

Algunas Universidades, como la de Málaga, que no estaba muy bien situada según resultados del citado estudio (la décima de entre las diez universidades públicas andaluzas), han aprovechado el reciente rediseño de sus webs para hacerse más transparentes, como vienen publicando algunos medios.

Mientras que otras, como la de Cantabria, o la antes citada Universidad de Alcalá) apuesta por crear portales o microsites específicamente orientados a la transparencia, adelantándose a la obligatoriedad de la ley, y a difundir sus actuaciones ante los medios.


Benchmaking y transparencia: aprender de otras instituciones

  • Las iniciativas y buenas prácticas desarrolladas no sólo pueden servir de referencia para implementar nuestros propios sistemas de transparencia
  • sino que también la apertura de datos de otras nos posibilita hacer vigilancia del entorno y desarrollar sus ideas o actividades con resultados positivos en ámbito de gestión, docencia o comunicación en nuestra institución. En síntesis, oportunidad para la innovación y la transferencia.


¡Creemos en la transparencia! Oportunidades y experiencias para la apertura desde la UNIA

Termino, como adelanté, con el caso de la UNIA, no porque seamos un referente sino porque es el que conozco. En el Informe citado aparecía como cuarta universidad andaluza en cuanto a transparencia, y esta posición tal vez se deba a las bases con las que venimos trabajando.

1. Gov 2.0: En primer lugar, en torno a la idea de Gobierno abierto, la UNIA ha asumido institucionalmente estrategias y proyectos que se desarrollan bajo una filosofía open y unos valores propios de la cultura digital.

2. Innovación 2.0: En segundo lugar, trabajamos sobre mecanismos que favorecen la generación, implantación, difusión y valoración de propuestas innovadoras que parten de las propias personas de la institución (transparencia y participación interna).

3. Apertura y publicación en red. Y en tercer lugar, también institucionalmente se contempla, y se ha desarrollado, la apertura de publicación en red…

  • De propuestas, planificación y resultados de estos y otros proyectos y programas. Iniciativas como las anteriores, si dejan de hacerse públicos y transferibles, pierden su esencia
  • De herramientas y canales de comunicación institucionales y por áreas/ proyectos.
  • De la actividad y resultados de determinadas áreas.
  • De actividades académicas y de sus resultados (la más destacada en Examen de transparencia, en cuanto a grado de satisfacción de alumnado).
  • De contenidos procedentes de docencia e investigación y de espacios para el apoyo a la innovación educativa.

Web UNIA, rediseño y portal

Los datos anteriores se centralizan, ahora, desde nuestra actual web: www.unia.es.

Aunque nuestro objetivo es que esta publicidad de datos online sea más accesible, comprensible y completa, para lo que estamos trabajando en nueva web institucional y portal de transparencia con datos económico-financieros y otra información en abierto.


Canales institucionales de universidad en redes sociales

La UNIA viene realizando, desde hace más de tres años, uso de canales institucionales en redes sociales como Facebook, Twitter y Linkedin…

Más que los resultados cuantitativos, debo destacar el cómo la experiencia nos muestra que estar en estos canales obliga no sólo a estar sino a ser sociales, y más transparentes: las respuestas de ciudadanos a través de ellos exige respuesta y debemos estar preparados y destinar los recursos necesarios para ello.


Y espacios en red por áreas/ proyectos para la publicación de información y contenido específico

También, especialmente las áreas que producimos más contenido, venimos usando la web social, y herramientas como Vimeo, Issuu, Prezi o Slideshare, entre otras, para la publicación de éste, en distintos soportes, en red.

Los ciudadanos están en estas redes sociales, y su publicación aquí los hace, en este sentido, más visibles y accesibles, y nos permite generar redes sobre los mismos.

Asimismo, desde 2008 venimos informando de toda nuestra actividad sobre enseñanza virtual, formación del profesorado y proyectos de innovación educativa y sus resultados, de forma continua, a través de un blog del Área.

Creemos esencial el uso de estos canales ante este tipo de proyectos, que pueden tener interés para públicos externos a la UNIA. Es, digamos, nuestro diario, nuestra forma de ir rindiendo cuentas.


Proyectos en la línea del movimiento open access

Como otras universidades, venimos trabajando en distintos proyectos en la línea del denominado movimiento de acceso abierto, ya que consideramos que con ello la universidad se adapta mejor a las demandas del contexto actual y se facilita el cumplimiento de su función social.

Entre ellos, el OpenCourseWare-UNIA, programa institucional iniciado en 2007 para dar acceso libre y universal en red a los materiales docentes de asignaturas impartidas en la Universidad para que puedan ser usados en sentido pleno por usuarios interesados (autoaprendizaje) o por otros docentes (fines didácticos) y que supone por tanto la apertura, en red, de recursos educativos.

Además, proyectos como éste tienen un impacto positivo para la institución, ya que suponen una oportunidad para la mejora de su prestigio, y para la calidad de su docencia (publicar sus materiales hace la labor de los docentes más honesta y transparente)


Exigir retornos de lo público a lo común#UNIAcapitalriego

Más recientemente, a inicios de 2013 y en colaboración con Goteo, hemos iniciado Capital Riego, que emplea la fórmula del crowdfunding para el desarrollo de actividades. Ya hemos lanzado la primera convocatoria, para actividades culturales, y estamos trabajando en una segunda, orientada a proyectos de innovación educativa, cuyo plazo para la presentación de propuestas arranca, precisamente, en unos días, el 1 de septiembre, según puede leer desde el blog de Capital Riego y la web de Goteo.

Se trata de una iniciativa pionera (somos la primera universidad en lanzar convocatorias basadas en crowdfunding), y que, inspirada en la filosofía del procomún, implica que son los ciudadanos quienes deciden en qué proyectos invierte la universidad. Unos proyectos que, además, se caracterizan por basarse en el copyleft y porque implican un retorno colectivo.

El proyecto tiene un alcance más amplio que una simple fuente de financiación. De lo que se trata es de cambiar el modo de seleccionar los proyectos que forman parte de la programación de la Universidad, de darle el testigo a los colectivos y a los artistas y acompañarlos; apoyando económicamente los proyectos que tengan un respaldo social, una comunidad de seguidores y que la sociedad ha decidido que son válidos. La UNIA confinancia responsablemente los proyectos, junto a los seguidores y los promotores de los mismos y pondrá a disposición de los impulsores los medios de la universidad para su desarrollo.

Se trata del inicio de un experimento, de un nuevo camino que implica la revisión de los modos de funcionamiento actuales de la universidad, y exige repensar su función y  recuperar papel crítico y responsabilidad social…


Fomentar y poner en valor la participación de las personas. Plan de Innovación en la UNIA

Precisamente el proyecto UNIA Capital Riego es resultado de una de las propuestas remitidas por una de las personas de la Universidad en el marco del llamado Plan de Innovación. En torno a él se articula un sistema de fomento y reconocimiento a propuestas innovadoras de la comunidad universitaria de la Universidad, que gestionamos desde una Comisión de Innovación y desde el Área de Innovación, empleando blogs y otras herramientas 2.0.

Una de las claves ha sido implicar a las personas desde el inicio, con acciones tales como:

  • Presentación de ideas y proyectos de innovación
  • Votación abierta para menciones de innovación a proyectos desarrollados

El resultado de nuestro primer año está disponible para su consulta, en forma de memoria en red, vía Issuu.


Algunas claves para una cultura de apertura en la universidad (y el resto de instituciones)

Con ello esperamos, en síntesis, no sólo acceso abierto a los datos económico- financieros y a otra información (generar confianza), aprovechando las TICs, sino también fomentar la reutilización de la información, disponer de mecanismos que garanticen la participación de la comunidad universitaria y sociedad en general y la respuesta a ésta, e innovar en la gestión de la transparencia, aprovechando y poniendo en valor el talento de los ‘intraemprendedores’ (cultura interna) así como la coordinación y sinergia entre universidades y colectivos ciudadanos con experiencia en dicha gestión, como instituciones más abiertas y participativas.

En síntesis, una #universidad20. ¡Continuamos trabajando en ello!

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Dear friends like I told you in my previous post here http://bitly.com/myreflectionsinSMILEProject when I was Cop 2 Leader in Smile Project managed by European Schoolnet I will share weekly  top 20 and montly  Top 100 here in my blog
Between 23 and 26 june in San Antonio is organized ISTE’s Annual Conference and Exposition who provides four days of inspiration, learning and networking with more than 700 sessions and interactive learning environments. If you have a ipad or a mobile device you can usee free the conference app who is is your ISTE 2013 command center, available in the Apple App Store, on Google Play, Windows Phone, Windows 8 and via the mobile web . Using #iste13 hastag I rediscovered many edtools and for this reason I decided to share with you this list 101 edtools and ipad apps to mLearning ( every day I add new 25 tools to the list ) and in 27 june you can see here more than 100 . I want through this list to show you the power of Curation, Social Media King and why I want to implement a platform for Curation Restart Online Education Project where teachers worldwide can collaborate and share using new online technologies for free . If my Curation project seems interesting for you and you want to help me to launch the project website and also if you want to collaboate read more here http://krunchd.com/CredProject ; follow https://twitter.com/web20education ; like https://www.facebook.com/CurationRestartEducationProject  Join https://plus.google.com/communities/100188349857613823793     My dream is to present this project next year at #iste14
What tool / app you like more and why . Please leave a comment after you see full list .You can also add a comment related to your favorite edtool . I describe also daily startup edtools here http://startup4edu.blogspot.com  , ipad apps here http://ipadappsineducationtomlearning.blogspot.ro/

I invite all of you to add favorite edtools in this padlet and I will add after to the list .  First I share to the list my Top 10 social media curation tools for social learning in the workspace who will change research  , I use most of these tools daily and also I add many Ipad apps to mLearning .

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Dear friends,  like I mention in my previous post here http://bit.ly/collaborationincop2smile I am honored to be in SMILE Project digital publication because I had the opportunity to be selected Leader in community of practices 2 (Using Social Media in schools, whole school approach) organized in SMILE Project obtained through a Facebook Awards Digital Citizenship Research Grant managed by European Schoolnet ( the network of 30 European Ministries of Education, based in Brussels. As a not-for-profit organisation, EUN aim to bring innovation in teaching and learning to our key stakeholders: Ministries of Education, schools, teachers, researchers, and industry partners ) and for this reason they develop many projectS http://www.eun.org/about/projects/ .

Ollie Bray, our brilliant trainer from Intel Teach Essentials training course in Prague http://bitly.com/prgessentials invite all participants to join also Social Media in Learning and Education Project managed by EUN . Janice Richardson, manager of the project said last year when the project start ,, SMILE aims to investigate these issues and, through, an online learning course and mentoring techniques, not only encourage the take-up of social media in schools but also to map best practice in order to foster the exchange of ideas and experience”
You can download official Smile Project handbook free from here
and after you read the publication leave your feed-back, and add a comment to this blog post . smile handbook

The main purpose of this SMILE digital publication ‘Challenges and opportunities for schools and teachers in a digital word - Lessons learned from the 2012 SMILE action research project’ is to provide guidelines and examples to teachers on how to adopt social media in a school environment. “We believe that the SMILE report truly provides manageable steps on how to exploit the potential of these tools for the benefit of learners, both at classroom and institutional levels, in a pedagogically sound manner,” says Janice Richardson, Senior Advisor at European Schoolnet. 
The report also advocates a response to the important issue of online safety that seeks to move beyond a ‘lock and block’ mentality, to a mindset that prefers to use education itself to give young people (and teachers) the skills, the knowledge and the insight needed to be able to use the bewildering variety of tools on offer in ways that minimise risk.
“Nothing is more important to Facebook than the safety of the people that use our site. We think that online safety is a responsibility shared amongst parents, teachers, teens, policy makers and companies like Facebook. Because today’s kids are growing up in a new and different world, we believe that working with partners like these researchers is critical to learning more about ways that we can continue to improve our product. We strive to be as innovative when it comes to safety as we are in every other part of our business, and the Digital Citizenship Research Grants program is just one small part of our overall safety program. We will continue to create new safety programs to emphasise our ongoing commitment,” says Joe Sullivan, Chief Security Officer at Facebook, speaking of the research grants.
 This project has 3 parts :
1. An online learning laboratory for 100 teachers from the 30 member states of EUN partnership to investigate and embrace the educational opportunities social media offers and for this reason Ollie Bray, our trainer introduce all of us in the beautiful world of social media related to SMILE Community of Practices, presenting the 1st part of the project in 6 units . For each unit, he give us introductory video to view, along with a written commentary and additional sources of information. We have also  a list of links to explore and reflect on, and examples of interesting practice taken from both the education sector and beyond. At the end of each unit we made a series of tasks to help us deepen  understanding, and gain practical experience of many of the issues discussed,more here

Social Media in Learning and Education (SMILE) - Video 2 of 6 Using social media in schools - whole school approach. from Ollie Bray on Vimeo.

Still the begining I must told you that I  like verry much this project and for this reason  I was involved  in the discussions in 1st part of the project on the Elearning Platform managed by EUN http://leedu.eun.org/web/smile/home and for my research https://lucianecurator.contently.com/ I was accepted to be COP2 leader in part 2 of the project .

2.Research with the 100 learning laboratory participants to highlight trends and best practices for how social media is being used and can be used in classrooms;
The SMILE ‘learning laboratory’ was organised around a number of Communities of Practice that allowed more than 100 teachers from across Europe and beyond to study some critical aspects of the use of social media in learning and education:
· Social media - what is it?
· Social media - school policies
· Social media - pedagogical principles
· Social media - professional development (CPD)
· Social media - internet safety and responsible use
· Social media - challenges to adoption

 In XXI Century Education, the use of new online technologies ( social media and web 2.0 startup tools and apps ) aren't regarded like a avantgardist movement, but unfortunatelly although we have many free edtools most of the teachers still don't know or don't want to know how to integrate new online technologies into the classroom although in all the schools we have now computers connected to Internet . For this reason I accepted to be COP2 leader - Using Social Media in schools, whole-school approach . I had the opportunity to have Elena Radaelli from Italy my deputy leader who said after the project finished :
 "The reason that led me to attend the on line splendid course SMILE was related to my professional and personal necessity to see if social media such as Facebook, that normally occupy a relevant part of my pupils' daily life outside school, could actually enter school and become an interesting didactical tool. I decided to start with an ad hoc Facebook group focused on our Comenius project to share ideas, jokes, and pictures to enrich the project. [..] I was amazed how fast and precise they were to react and do their homework. During all my teaching years, I had never seen such a prolific, lovely and creative production of assignments, nice jokes, provocations in plain English! So without even knowing it, they started using their first foreign language as a real communicative tool. They were totally involved in the learning process since they didn't perceive it as a burden but as part of their daily life." 

3.Broad dissemination of results of the research through EUN’s interactive portals for teachers as well as through European and international meetings and conferences.
I continue to use social media like I told you in the online session . I focus on my COP2 when I continue to learn students to use social media in eTwinning projects and parteners ( teachers and students ) collaborate in the blog and facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/eSafety4eTwinners/ . Related to using using social media for professional development ( COP3 ) I present SMILE Project in 2 online conferences to a global audience http://www.docstoc.com/docs/136241127/ICT4eTwinners-project-Smile-Project-and-top-10-tools-to-build-a-PLN---Presentation-in-globaled12 and also http://www.slideshare.net/DUMACORNELLUCIAN/connecting-online-2013-conference-presenter-duma-cornel-lucian . I manage also https://www.facebook.com/groups/etwinningmentors/