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So little time – so many great things to do in #ccourses!
I am lagging behind – I am a *bad* student! BUT one thing I really loved in this theme was the chance to collaboratively produce a poem with other #ccourses participants – and loosely based on the theme of trust. We used TitanPad (https://titanpad.com/sXgaTJMniP) – and it could definitely be something to try with students… If not a collective poem – why not a collective essay or article?

So, in lieu of *proper* homework (!!),here’s that poem:

How to Stay Connected (While Walking Through the Wires)
A Connected/Collaborative Poem – erupting from #ccourses
(You can listen to the podcast of the poem from October 2: http://vocaroo.com/i/s00WbrKqEIj6 )
(This version copied, 14th October 2014)

Walking through wires
Dancing on air
Whirling through space
Pay attention to the sounds
of others alongside you
humming, mouthing, shouting...
Notice those beside you 
also walking 
through wires.
Only look at them through 
the periphery
Else...it's a long way down
from balanced.

We're all tightrope walkers here
navigating across the lines
always in motion
teetering in virtual time:
Virtuosos, all of us!

Listen, what was that? 
A whisper, a scuffling of feet
from some other, other
a-part of the world,
apart in the world,
resonating with words and links and images
and sound
Perhaps a small laugh, full of excitement,  the froth of lingering fear
Look around, reach ...
Totter, swirl on the brink of
beyond yourself
make connections that 
span place and time

     I am so alone
     In this icy space
     The wires unjangled
     By the current that should warm them
Share your fire at our hearth
please join so that we may be comforted
This cozy cottage a gathering place, 
a shelter from our loneliness.

     It is so far down
     and the wires are slick and worn
     and sometimes I think
     a spider lingers nearby...licking.
But don't be afraid of falling,
we are all friends here
Trust us and if you fall we will catch you
so that you may continue on your journey

Do I have to say trust me to have you
close your eyes or better still, look around;
give me your hand and walk with me
or run ahead and lead the way.
Dance your dance across the wires
so that I might find your rhythm and
create the rhyme

And even when it seems we are

we are not.
These are the times our feelings are just

your eyes 
clear your ears to think.

But where are we going?
Do we have a map?
Do we explore and make 
our own
(Haec dragones sunt!)
Or -
Are we waiting for-

Why wait?

we cannot wait for someone to prove
their trustworthiness
we cannot wait for someone to protect
our privacy

 how do u know
 whom to trust
 without ever taking risks?
 how do u know?
 Our risks may be 
 Our safeties in disguise...
 or not.

 But before the barricades
 believe in the possibilities
 like cliches in a poem
 they are endless

Grow your knowledge of trust 
as you test the path.
It's a well worn road
Ask for directions
But don't expect everyone's using 
the same map.

It's a magic of sorts
Walking through timezones 
digging through rhizomes
riding wires like skipping stones, 
or underwater currents,
As if they weren't there,
saying good morning to
someone's goodnight, and wishing upon
the same stars from the sky.

A dimension transcending time and place.
Truly human
not making judgements
based on appearance, age, 
status, wealth - 
what do you say? 
Join us. Or don't.
Just don't do nothing. 

Extending an invitation
to write
to express
to make sense 
of the daily chatter
as well as the world's conversation
trying to streamline thoughts
playing, mixing, and remixing
words and ideas
conventional vs. unconventional
with just a few tweaks
I will have started the process

Simply trust --- that you can.
don't autumn  leaves
     that ?
  don't autumn leaves
      part of the soil
      that recreates
the Earth? 

humus = humility
mulch = organic

Trust your ideas will extend the wires
weaving a tapestry of understanding not yet imagined

these things are fleeting.
Ideas alone remain,
connecting cultures and 
enriching life.  
The expresso to the latte.

This human existence
encapsulated in connected thoughts.
A prism-glimpse of neurons, synapses.

Will you think?
Or muted, remain lost...

Wires broken, 
finding no easy signal and no outlet?

En otros idiomas
También conectados
Porque ya no hay fronteras
Para quienes estamos interesados

Hola, te oigo

#ccourses 2014

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If you can't sing it, it won't come alive.

Last Sunday, our #dailyconnect asked us to collaborate on a song.  I got together with some #ccourses folks and collaborated to create a new version of an old favorite. Some people were really trepidatious.

That got me thinking - what must it feel like for people to step outside their comfort zones with music? I am comfortable making music, sharing music.  I enjoy taking things others create and adding my own musical touch to them. I sing, play saxophone, guitar, write songs.

There’s a certain feeling you get when you share a song that is close to your heart. On one hand, you don’t want to let it go. It’s so personal that it feels like a child that needs protecting. On the other hand, some songs come out nearly perfect (or so it seems) and the only way to breathe real life into it is to share it. 

I also love making comics.  See some examples here.  Comics are not for everyone.  But they help me to zero in on important ideas in the writing of others. It's my way of "reading" the posts and material, searching for interesting tidbts.

So I decided to take a comic look at how it might feel for others to make music in #ccourses.  The second panel in this comic includes my friend Terry, our favorite writer/pirate.  His use of obscure phrases always makes me laugh (and think).

Finally, my friend Maha posted here, where she asked, "Can Less Be More in an Age of Abundance?"  Maha had planted a small garden of green beans, but then found she had planted too many and they were too close together.  She took that and applied it as a metaphor to revision, and growth, and collaboration.  One of her lines grabbed my attention and made me think:

Peace (in the frame),
as Kevin

(comics made with http://www.makebeliefscomix.com/)