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Dear friends,  like I mention in my previous post here http://bit.ly/collaborationincop2smile I am honored to be in SMILE Project digital publication because I had the opportunity to be selected Leader in community of practices 2 (Using Social Media in schools, whole school approach) organized in SMILE Project obtained through a Facebook Awards Digital Citizenship Research Grant managed by European Schoolnet ( the network of 30 European Ministries of Education, based in Brussels. As a not-for-profit organisation, EUN aim to bring innovation in teaching and learning to our key stakeholders: Ministries of Education, schools, teachers, researchers, and industry partners ) and for this reason they develop many projectS http://www.eun.org/about/projects/ .

Ollie Bray, our brilliant trainer from Intel Teach Essentials training course in Prague http://bitly.com/prgessentials invite all participants to join also Social Media in Learning and Education Project managed by EUN . Janice Richardson, manager of the project said last year when the project start ,, SMILE aims to investigate these issues and, through, an online learning course and mentoring techniques, not only encourage the take-up of social media in schools but also to map best practice in order to foster the exchange of ideas and experience”
You can download official Smile Project handbook free from here
and after you read the publication leave your feed-back, and add a comment to this blog post . smile handbook

The main purpose of this SMILE digital publication ‘Challenges and opportunities for schools and teachers in a digital word - Lessons learned from the 2012 SMILE action research project’ is to provide guidelines and examples to teachers on how to adopt social media in a school environment. “We believe that the SMILE report truly provides manageable steps on how to exploit the potential of these tools for the benefit of learners, both at classroom and institutional levels, in a pedagogically sound manner,” says Janice Richardson, Senior Advisor at European Schoolnet. 
The report also advocates a response to the important issue of online safety that seeks to move beyond a ‘lock and block’ mentality, to a mindset that prefers to use education itself to give young people (and teachers) the skills, the knowledge and the insight needed to be able to use the bewildering variety of tools on offer in ways that minimise risk.
“Nothing is more important to Facebook than the safety of the people that use our site. We think that online safety is a responsibility shared amongst parents, teachers, teens, policy makers and companies like Facebook. Because today’s kids are growing up in a new and different world, we believe that working with partners like these researchers is critical to learning more about ways that we can continue to improve our product. We strive to be as innovative when it comes to safety as we are in every other part of our business, and the Digital Citizenship Research Grants program is just one small part of our overall safety program. We will continue to create new safety programs to emphasise our ongoing commitment,” says Joe Sullivan, Chief Security Officer at Facebook, speaking of the research grants.
 This project has 3 parts :
1. An online learning laboratory for 100 teachers from the 30 member states of EUN partnership to investigate and embrace the educational opportunities social media offers and for this reason Ollie Bray, our trainer introduce all of us in the beautiful world of social media related to SMILE Community of Practices, presenting the 1st part of the project in 6 units . For each unit, he give us introductory video to view, along with a written commentary and additional sources of information. We have also  a list of links to explore and reflect on, and examples of interesting practice taken from both the education sector and beyond. At the end of each unit we made a series of tasks to help us deepen  understanding, and gain practical experience of many of the issues discussed,more here

Social Media in Learning and Education (SMILE) - Video 2 of 6 Using social media in schools - whole school approach. from Ollie Bray on Vimeo.

Still the begining I must told you that I  like verry much this project and for this reason  I was involved  in the discussions in 1st part of the project on the Elearning Platform managed by EUN http://leedu.eun.org/web/smile/home and for my research https://lucianecurator.contently.com/ I was accepted to be COP2 leader in part 2 of the project .

2.Research with the 100 learning laboratory participants to highlight trends and best practices for how social media is being used and can be used in classrooms;
The SMILE ‘learning laboratory’ was organised around a number of Communities of Practice that allowed more than 100 teachers from across Europe and beyond to study some critical aspects of the use of social media in learning and education:
· Social media - what is it?
· Social media - school policies
· Social media - pedagogical principles
· Social media - professional development (CPD)
· Social media - internet safety and responsible use
· Social media - challenges to adoption

 In XXI Century Education, the use of new online technologies ( social media and web 2.0 startup tools and apps ) aren't regarded like a avantgardist movement, but unfortunatelly although we have many free edtools most of the teachers still don't know or don't want to know how to integrate new online technologies into the classroom although in all the schools we have now computers connected to Internet . For this reason I accepted to be COP2 leader - Using Social Media in schools, whole-school approach . I had the opportunity to have Elena Radaelli from Italy my deputy leader who said after the project finished :
 "The reason that led me to attend the on line splendid course SMILE was related to my professional and personal necessity to see if social media such as Facebook, that normally occupy a relevant part of my pupils' daily life outside school, could actually enter school and become an interesting didactical tool. I decided to start with an ad hoc Facebook group focused on our Comenius project to share ideas, jokes, and pictures to enrich the project. [..] I was amazed how fast and precise they were to react and do their homework. During all my teaching years, I had never seen such a prolific, lovely and creative production of assignments, nice jokes, provocations in plain English! So without even knowing it, they started using their first foreign language as a real communicative tool. They were totally involved in the learning process since they didn't perceive it as a burden but as part of their daily life." 

3.Broad dissemination of results of the research through EUN’s interactive portals for teachers as well as through European and international meetings and conferences.
I continue to use social media like I told you in the online session . I focus on my COP2 when I continue to learn students to use social media in eTwinning projects and parteners ( teachers and students ) collaborate in the blog and facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/eSafety4eTwinners/ . Related to using using social media for professional development ( COP3 ) I present SMILE Project in 2 online conferences to a global audience http://www.docstoc.com/docs/136241127/ICT4eTwinners-project-Smile-Project-and-top-10-tools-to-build-a-PLN---Presentation-in-globaled12 and also http://www.slideshare.net/DUMACORNELLUCIAN/connecting-online-2013-conference-presenter-duma-cornel-lucian . I manage also https://www.facebook.com/groups/etwinningmentors/ 

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El pasado mes de febrero inicié, por tercer año consecutivo, la docencia de Edición Digital, asignatura optativa de segundo ciclo de la Licenciatura de Periodismo en la Universidad de Málaga. He tenido la fortuna de poder disponer, durante la totalidad de las horas de clase, de uno de los laboratorios de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Comunicación de la UMA, lo que sin duda posibilita planificarla como he hecho, desde el comienzo, como una asignatura práctica, en la que, a modo de talleres, hemos ido desarrollando, sobre unas bases teóricas, diversas actividades tanto grupales y colaborativas, como individuales. Estas actividades se han orientado en torno a dos grandes ejes que debe asumir el editor digital en el contexto actual de sociedad red y convergencia multimedia: por un lado, y como complemento a otras materias de la titulación, como Diseño Digital o Tecnología de la Comunicación Periodística, sobre cuestiones técnicas y creativas; y por otro, relacionadas con las responsabilidades y la toma de decisiones sobre la publicación de contenidos en empresas periodísticas.

Para ello el temario se ha estructurado en distintos bloques, en torno a las distintas funciones y tareas del editor:

1. Introducción. Definición de editor. Características y funciones: corregir, condensar, clarificar , cortar, comprobar y crear.

2. La corrección.

3. Cómo diseñar la ficción o aspectos abstractos de la realidad.

4. La planificación y las previsiones.

5. Reconocimiento de los elementos tipográficos y aplicación del color. Uso de herramientas de edición en prensa no diaria: Indesign.

6. La manipulación fotográfica a través de Photoshop.

7. Visualización de datos y narrativa periodística visual. Conceptos básicos y producción de infografías periodísticas. Illustrator. Tendencias recientes de visualizac ión de datos, narrativa visual y producción infográfica en red.

Hemos trabajado con distintos programas profesionales de edición multimedia: Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator y Indesign/QuarkXPress.  Y más allá, a lo largo del cuatrimestre hemos ido abordando las posibilidades de la denominada web social para la creación y edición de publicaciones digitales, de forma que en cada tema se han aportado, a través del campus virtual (esencial no sólo como repositorio de contenidos sino también para el seguimiento de la asignatura, el intercambio de ideas y la puesta en común de trabajos en los foros y la entrega de proyectos) referencias y recursos complementarios sobre herramientas 2.0 como alternativas a programas convencionales para la para la realización de tareas de producción y publicación de contenidos multimedia, y se han propuesto, como actividades complementarias, algunas orientadas al uso de herramientas online para publicar y compartir contenidos.


Es el caso, así, de Pinterest, sobre la que hemos creado una galería con algunos de los trabajos de los estudiantes (aquell@s que voluntariamente han querido compartirlos), correspondientes a la parte final de la asignatura, sobre infografía periodística e ilustración digital. Desde ésta podéis ver, así, el resultado de algunos reportajes visuales y pósters digitales sobre herramientas de la web social.

Esta muestra es sólo una parte de Edición Digital, ya que en ella, además de estas actividades sobre periodismo visual y producción de gráficas e ilustraciones digitales, también hemos realizado actividades orientadas a la corrección de diseños gráficos, la búsqueda y selección de recursos apropiados (bajo la filosofía del Creative Commons), el diseño de bocetos y maquetación de suplementos especiales y otros contenidos periodísticos o fotomontajes creativos. E incluso, realización de videotutoriales sobre Illustrator, empleando herramientas gratuitas del tipo Jing y creando un catálogo colectivo, útil para la consulta de los estudiantes de cara al desarrollo de posteriores actividades.

La entrega de estas actividades, obligatorias y evaluables, ha sido secuencial, y junto a las mismas se han planteado otras optativas, en el propio laboratorio o de forma autónoma, que han contado con una gran participación.

Con el objetivo, además, de ofrecer un contenido lo más próximo posible a la actualidad, en su día creé un hashtag, #ed1213, en Twitter y lo conecté con nuestro espacio en el campus virtual.

De esta forma, sobre la propia plataforma los alumnos han podido seguir los recursos que les he ido compartiendo (tendencias recientes sobre periodismo y visualización de datos, infografías premiadas, novedades sobre herramientas gratuitas online, ideas…), al tiempo que ellos han ido sumando su propio contenido. Parte del resultado puede verse desde Twubs (abajo en tiempo real).

Además de capacitarlos en lo referente a la edición perodística y el periodismo visual, creo que este planteamiento consigue desarrollar competencias básicas imprescindibles para los futuros profesionales de la información. Por un lado, hemos trabajado sobre las llamadas e-skills o competencias digitales, desde una perspectiva que va mucho más allá del mero manejo instrumental de tecnologías y herramientas, cambiantes, y la propia web social se ha convertido en temática sobre la que se han trabajado tanto reportajes visuales como pósters digitales, lo que ha permitido a los alumnos conocer conceptos relacionados con las prácticas y culturas digitales, tendencias en el ámbito periodístico (el caso, por ejemplo, del crowdfunding o el big data) o herramientas, que hasta el momento para muchos eran desconocidas.

Y por otro lado, de esta forma se ha fomentado la investigación, la creatividad, la planificación y la resolución de problemas, con el apoyo del profesor y de los propios compañeros. Además del aprendizaje autónomo, ha sido fundamental el trabajo en equipo y la colaboración, incluyendo a la propia evaluación.

De hecho, en el caso del reportaje visual los alumnos entregaron unas versiones “betas” que fueron revisadas por sus compañer@s, siguiendo una rúbrica con criterios de evaluación objetivos, y sólo después de corregirlas a través de esta coevaluación me entregaron a mí, como docente, sus versiones finales, mejoradas gracias a ello. Una práctica que, además, es una especie de juego de roles que los sitúa como editores gráficos, los inspira y los ayuda a detectar, revisando lo de compañeros, errores en sus propios trabajos, según han reconocido los propios alumnos en una encuesta que acabo de realizar, estos últimos días de curso.

Atendiendo también a los resultados de esta encuesta, la práctica totalidad de participantes valora la asignatura de forma positiva,  reconoce que se han cumplido sus expectativas y la recomendaría a otros compañeros, entre otras cuestiones.Wordle: Edición digital

Aunque había un sistema alternativo de evaluación, para no asistentes, casi todos se han acogido al sistema de evaluación continua, y las calificaciones obtenidas, que se sitúan en un promedio de Notable Alto (gracias, en parte a los extras por la participación y la realización de actividades opcionales), reflejan el esfuerzo y el trabajo constante.

Y a modo de valoración, como no podía ser de otra forma, visual, comparto, por último, a la derecha, algunas de las nubes de tags que realizaron en la última sesión, con aquellas palabras que les ha inspirado su experiencia a lo largo del cuatrimestre (para verlas ampliadas pulsad sobre la imagen).

Éste ha sido, debido al cambio de plan de estudios, el último año de esta asignatura. Pero el Grado en Periodismo nos trae materias muy relacionadas, en las que espero poder seguir compartiendo experiencias con los futuros periodistas.Wordle: Edición digital

Muchas gracias a tod@s, sois l@s mejores. Un #FF para mis alumn@s de #ed1213, hoy que es viernes. Os lo merecéis.

Sé que ha sido un trimestre muy estresante, con muchas asignaturas prácticas, y que a muchos os hubiera gustado poder dedicarle más tiempo a Edición. Para mí tampoco ha sido fácil seguir el ritmo exigido en la evaluación continua de casi 60 inscritos (¡record con el que no contaba, debo confesar, cuando lo organicé todo!) en esta asignatura.

Pero el resultado compensa el esfuerzo, y estoy segura de que lo que habéis aprendido os convertirá en grandes profesionales, e-competentes, creativos, proactivos y responsables. Que sepáis que los trabajos de más de uno y de una ya han suscitado admiración, entre antiguos alumnos de la Facultad y profesionales, más allá del mundillo de los medios :)

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Dear friends because google reader is shooting down in 1 july I want to write this week a blog post ,, Top 10 alternative for google reader " ,but because yestarday and today is organized a global online Teach Conference in London http://london.leweb.co/ I decided to wirte about Leweb startup competition . 

I follow #leweb13 and discover many informations and I want to share with you all . First I want to tell you that I will write next week about top 10 Google Reader alternative, but still then I invite you to follow live Leweb and vote for your favorite startup . 

My favorite #leweb13 EDTECH Startup is studemia . I tweet following #tcdisrupt and my favorite startup ENIGMA.IO WIN 

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Dear friends because google reader is shooting down in 1 july I want to write this week a blog post ,, Top 10 alternative for google reader " ,but because yestarday and today is organized a global online Teach Conference in London http://london.leweb.co/ I decided to wirte about Leweb startup competition . 

I follow #leweb13 and discover many informations and I want to share with you all . First I want to tell you that I will write next week about top 10 Google Reader alternative, but still then I invite you to follow live Leweb and vote for your favorite startup . 

My favorite #leweb13 EDTECH Startup is studemia . I tweet following #tcdisrupt and my favorite startup ENIGMA.IO WIN 

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Dear friends Curation is Social Media King like I present here http://bitly.com/LucianeCuratorCO13Presentation , but like I promise you, after I was a FIE Finalist http://bitly.com/fie2012 I will describe here weekly if I will receive to my blog posts many comments and feed-back from my PLN ,  TOP 10 In my previous post I describe my favorite Top 10 tools in #startup #cloud app battle  to keep safe your files in the cloud and in next post I will describe top 10 startup tools google reader alternative and I will use a startup curation tool,you can add new tools to the list .Stay tune!

This blog post is part of my application for Microsoft Innovative Educator MIE and PILTRAINER  and I am proud member of PIL
NETWORK http://www.pil-network.com/Educators . 
FUSE Labs works in partnership with product and research teams to ideate, develop, and deliver new social, real-time, and media-rich experiences for home and work. FUSE Labs experiences give users new ways to create, connect and collaborate with the people, information and ideas that matter to them.Now I will describe in my post 4 startup social media curation tools and other 6 microsoft research projects
What tool do you like more and why ?                                        Please leave your comments and feed-back .

So.cl lets you create, collect and share stuff you love. Socl is a research project from Microsoft Research FUSE Labs that began as an experiment in social search targeted at students for the purpose of learning. Following the lead of the Socl community, Socl has since evolved to be a service where people connect over shared interests expressed through beautiful post collages which are organized into group or individually curated collections.
Connect over shared interests expressed through beautiful post collages that take seconds to create.
Follow me on So.cl http://www.so.cl/#/profile/Duma-Cornel-Lucian

Montage is a flexible web-based service that makes it fun and easy to create and share a visual album of the web on the topics you care about. You can design your Montage around any topic you can imagine by adding content that pulls information from a variety of sources, including RSS feeds, Twitter, Bing News, and YouTube. Montage is an expression of you and you can see Curation Restart Education Project on Montage http://montagepages.fuselabs.com/public/LucianeCurator/CurationRestartEducationProject/09b80b8b-3cde-437c-864a-3bf30ae85816.htm
Spindex brings you an overview of your entire social world in one page. With Spindex you can connect to Facebook, Twitter, Evernote, RSS, and Bing – with more services on the way. Spindex allows you to access and interact with your social networks, see trends from your friends, and see related info from Bing on literally everything you click on. Spindex proactively finds useful articles and information based on your interest in your friends’ messages and comments. It lets you find out more about the topics that your friends and feeds are talking about in one click - so you can jump into the conversation.Make sense of your social overload, open your personalized Spindex page, and find out at a glance what topics are hot in your social world. You can also keep track of the things you are remembering via Evernote - right inside of your Spindex page. Spindex is not just a social reader – as you browse your friends’ updates, Spindex continually suggests related content from Bing – giving you better insight into the topics and trends 
Project Emporia turns your votes on stories into your own personal newspaper.Every day we are told about information overflow; how so much data is coming at us through so many channels every day that it is difficult to weed out the gems that are important to us from all the noise. For those who aren’t social media mavens, the whole concept can be intimidating, and for those that are, digesting social streams can become a huge time sink. Project Emporia sifts through ever-evolving news streams to identify hot stories, categorizes them into topic areas and ranks them, and then presents them to you in a friendly UI. Just by opening Project Emporia you get popular stories on topics of your choice without ever having signed up for anything.This is just the starting point however, you can also influence how future stories are chosen for you, one vote at a time. Your votes will improve the relevance of Project Emporia’s news story choices not just for you, but for every other user as well.
Docs.com  Now you can discover, create, and share Microsoft Office documents with your Facebook friends. Built using Microsoft Office 2010 – Docs for Facebook provides the best possible document service for the Facebook environment. Seamless integration with Facebook means that the service is all about sharing documents.Finally docs can be friendly too http://docs.com/QBT3
CompanyCrowd automatically collects stories, media, and social content to create a living newspaper about the companies that are most important to you and your business. It’s fast, easy, and crowd-curated.CompanyCrowd makes this easy by first finding all the social data into one search index and then leverages the wisdom of the crowd to curate the right topics, experts, and personalities for the company or product in question
Kodu lets kids create games on the PC and XBox via a simple visual programming language. Kodu can be used to teach creativity, problem solving, storytelling, as well as programming. Anyone can use Kodu to make a game, young children as well as adults with no design or programming skills.
Kodu Teaches more than Programming
Kodu is a rich tool for narrative creation and storytelling
Kodu demonstrates that programming is a creative medium
Kodu helps children with critical thinking, breaking a complex goal into manageable steps, and iterate on the design process – an approach applicable to all academic subjects, business and personal relationships
Kodu introduces the logic and problem solving of programming
Kodu introduces conditions and sequences, which teaches cause and effect
Students learn about cooperation, logic and creativity in addition to programming

Some say a picture is worth a thousand words. And when analyzing the massive amounts of data generated by Twitter, this adage could not be more appropriate. FUSE Labs’ SocialGadgets are a set of embeddable widgets that visualize Twitter real-time data. Each gadget focuses on a given keyword and displays its volume of usage over time. Mentioned entities such as people, locations, companies and noun phrases are identified and visually represented. The gadgets are interactive, letting users explore the relationships between topics publically shared on Twitter. By focusing on patterns and trends, the gadgets can extrapolate what people find important, and provide a succinct yet effective way to look at events as they are unfolding.Twitter, 'the pulse of the world,' is an incredibly rich data source used by millions across the globe. People post their thoughts, ideas and whereabouts via text-based status updates. Visually displaying trending topics can help readers better understand content and its context. By using any one of the four SocialGadgets, data flowing through the Twitter fire hose is indexed and semantically analyzed in real-time. Within minutes, major entities are identified and their relationships are displayed. The gadgets are easily configured, allowing users to choose a keyword and a template type, then copy and paste an embed code to be displayed on a website of their choice.
                                   Bing Twitter Maps
Bing Twitter Maps Find out what topics are hottest on Twitter.
                                    Bing Social
Bing SocialKeeping up with real-time information that is coming in from millions of users of Twitter is a tough task. Bing Twitter search makes it easier. Keeping up with real-time information that is coming in from millions of users of Twitter is a tough task. Bing Twitter search makes it easier.

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Dear friends Curation is Social Media King like I present here http://bitly.com/LucianeCuratorCO13Presentation , but we must use also in XXI Century Education elearning apps to keep and secure our files ( photos, videos, presentations, documents ) in the cloud . For this reason I curate and describe here my favorite TOP 10 cloud apps . What app you like more and why . Please leave a comment and your feed-back after you read my article and if you enjoy what you read share with your PLN . I also invite you to discover weekly in this blog more TOP 10  edtools who offer gateway through knowledge for teachers . Next post is about top 10 free edtools for researchers so stay tune and subscribe free :)
Skydrive is a Microsoft App in the cloud who offer you 7 GB of free cloud storage . With Sydrive You’ll be able to access your photos and files from almost anywhere, store them, and easily share them .
Features :
Your cloud

 You've got access to everything on your SkyDrive, your personal cloud, wherever you are. Your photos, documents, and other important files are available to you on your phone, tablet, PC, or Mac. In short, your stuff and your info isn't limited to any single PC or device .And, if you're on Windows 8, and signed into a Microsoft account, you can view all your photos and files, edit and share Office documents, or share with whomever you choose. Plus, stuff like your background, your display, and your settings roam with you.
Real Office, in real-time
Get free Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote in your browser with SkyDrive and free Office Web Apps. Multiple people in different places can work on the same document, at the same time. Share only the documents that you choose, with whomever you choose, and set the rest to remain private.
Prefer to use the full-featured, desktop version of Office instead? Don’t worry,SkyDrive works great with that too.


Justcloud Store All Your Files In The Cloud and access them From Anywhere At Anytime, From Any Device.
Professional Cloud Storage from JustCloud is Simple, Fast and Unlimited.Just Cloud will automatically backup the documents, photos, music and videos stored on your computer, to the cloud so you are never without files again.
Features :

Sync all your files across your computers and devices
Automatically sync files across computers. With Just Cloud, you decide which files and folders you want to sync and where you want to sync them.
Just Cloud works in the background so your most important data is always backed up and available to you. You can start editing a file on your office PC and finish it on your laptop at home.
Browse, backup and sync, all from your mobile
Just Cloud's online control panel allows you to access all of your backed up and synced files from any device with an internet connection anywhere in the world.
You can access your files from Tablets, PC's, Smart Phones, Laptops, Desktops at anytime, from any location. Just Cloud completely eliminates the need for flash drives or other storage devices.
Share files and folders anytime, anywhere
Just Cloud gives you the option to share your files and folders between friends and family. You can invite them by email, Facebook, Twitter or giving them your own custom link.
Just Cloud makes file collaboration easy and gives you the option of conveniently sharing large files between users.
Your files are top priority, it's security you can count on
Just Cloud takes the safety and security of your files very seriously, your data is constantly encrypted using a 256 bit secured socket layer encryption.Throughout all stages of file transfer your files are extremely secure and are stored in our high tech cloud data centres that are monitored 24 hours a day.
Bitcasa is your external hard drive in the cloud that never runs out of space. Bitcasa allows you to store, access, and share everything you’ve ever owned – every picture, every movie, every document, every song – without limits and without the worry of running out of space. With the Bitcasa Infinite Drive, you are able to access all your files, photos, playlists, videos and docs anytime, anywhere. This is a screen capture that I am the winner of infinite storage for life in the cloud  for my computer, phone, and tablet http://blog.bitcasa.com/2011/10/03/infinite-storage-for-life-winners-lucian-and-john/ . You can use also bitcasa free 10 GB storage / backup or 99 $ / year and 10 $ / month for infinite storage in the cloud . 

Evernote for teachers is ready to collect all of your ideas, experiences, thoughts, and memories into an always-accessible place.Take down your inspirations and ideas as they happen
Capture interesting webpages you see, images and all
Snap photos of everything from whiteboards to wine labelsThen, find it all any time from your computer, phone, or the web!
Keep a lifetime of learning at your fingertips.Evernote is a great tool for teachers and students to capture notes, save research, collaborate on projects, snap photos of whiteboards, record audio and more. Everything you add to your account is automatically synced and made available on all the computers, phones and tablets you use.
MEGA is designed both to compete with cloud storage giants like DropboxGoogle DriveCX , Evernote and RapidShare—and also to insulate itself from future charges. The difference that makes a difference is that all files are encrypted using a 2048-bit RSA key. (See a detailed writeup here for more details.) What this means effectively is that Dotcom cannot be accused of knowingly storing copyrighted materials because he cannot technically know the content of the filesstored on MEGA—only the user who uploaded the files and/or possesses the key can.
Google Drive. Keep everything. Share anything. 
Dear friends do you think that Google Drive star will beat evernote and dropbox in XXI Century Education  ?
Access everywhere
Google Drive is everywhere you are—on the web, in your home, at the office and on the go. So wherever you are, your stuff is just...there. Ready to go, ready to share. Get started with 5 GB free.

Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring all your photos, docs, and videos anywhere. This means that any file you save to your Dropbox will automatically save to all your computers, phonesand even the Dropbox website.
Dropbox also makes it super easy to share with others, whether you're a student or professional, parent or grandparent. Even if you accidentally spill a latte on your laptop, have no fear! You can relax knowing that Dropbox always has you covered, and none of your stuff will ever be lost.

Box lets you store all of your content online, so you can access, manage and share it from anywhere
Features :
Get a Hard Drive in the Cloud: Online Storage
What if the files you need are on your laptop – but you're on the road with your iPhone? No worries! With Box, you store files online – then access them anywhere, anytime, on any device.
Get 5 GB Free and Organise All Your Files Into Folders Store all kinds of files online, then arrange them into folders just like on your desktop.

CX is a new kind of cloud experience that takes content to the next level with a range of unique features: secure storage, real-time syncing, public and private sharing, interactive group collaboration, and intelligent discovery. Easily organize your content, access it on the go, share it with friends or publish it online — you decide what and when. Want to discuss a file with a team? CX does that too with group functionality and a unique file commenting system.

ZeroPC - Turning Your Browser Into A Desktop in the cloud .
Connect your personal cloud, securely access all your documents, photos, music and videos from many services all under one virtual roof. Drag and Drop any content from one service to another. Search and discover everything in your cloud content across different services. Securely share any content of any size instantly with anyone. ZeroPC is available on Web, iOS & Android.

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My dearest I follow here live from home many awesome sessions from SXSW 2013 including Bill Gates keynote. Like I told you before I follow live many events using twitter  like LeWeb , Tech Crunch Disrupt , How to Web and after I blog about .
The South by Southwest (SXSW) Conferences & Festivals (March 8-17, 2013) offer the unique convergence of original music, independent films, and emerging technologies. Fostering creative and professional growth alike, SXSW® is the premier destination for discovery.
Using twitter https://twitter.com/lucianecurator and #sxsw hastag I discover this days many informations and also many startup ipad apps where shared on twitter, many of this from my top 10 are SXSW Accelelator Finalists  .
Like I told you before I begin to use my Ipad won in eFront Competition http://bitly.com/LucianeCuratorCO13Presentation and next apps  are killer apps from my new Ipad and for #sxsw participants . What app from my Top 10 you like more and why ? Leave your comments and feed-back after this CURATION article and if you like what you read in this blog help me please to launch a global platform for Curation Restart Education Project http://krunchd.com/CredProject or hire me to write for you .
Here you can wath live #SXSW Accelerator . Now Flesky is the big winner .

Stream videos at Ustream

Fleksy is a revolutionary technology, which makes typing text on a touch-screen easy.
Ever dreamt of an auto-correct system powerful enough to work even when you don’t look at the screen? Enter, Fleksy.Used today by thousands of blind and visually impaired users to type faster and easier than many sighted people, Fleksy is set to revolutionize the way people think about mobile devices and to challenge the traditional barriers in touch-screen typing for everyone.
Featuring Syntellia’s patent pending technologies, Fleksy uses the familiar QWERTY layout, coupled with probably the most powerful text prediction engine out there.
Tap typing, re-invented.
How Fleksy works
Fleksy allows users to type text on the familiar keyboard layout, by tapping on the screen. Our patent pending technology does not need accuracy – just tap on the screen and Fleksy will automatically detect the text you meant to enter – even if you have missed every single key.
It is like nothing you have used before.
Happy Typing!

SXSW GO is the official mobile app for getting the most out of attending SXSW 2013. The app allows you to view/build/share your schedule, network with other Attendees, navigate the trade show, stay connected to the social world and more!
New features for 2013 include Discover and Schedule Sharing!
Build your schedule online at schedule.sxsw.com or directly on your mobile device. With SXSW® GO, you also can sync your online schedule with your mobile device, so your info will always be up-to-date!
Schedule – Search/browse the entire event list. Build your personal schedule or sync with your online account.
Discover – Visually browse event media to build your schedule.
Share My Schedule – Share your personal schedule with your friends and see what events your friends are attending.
Map – Find venues, get directions
Search – Quickly find events, venues or exhibitors via keyword search.
Tradeshow – Search/browse Exhibitors
Presented by Showtime
Powered by Eventbase from Xomo

Blippar – a free magic ‘lens’ which uses your device's camera to 'blipp' and instantly unlock the world around you with exclusive information, entertainment and virtual experiences. 
‘Blipp’ any real world item carrying the 'blipp' instruction – such as magazines, newspapers, billboards, travel cards, logos or even grocery products. By simply holding your phone up in blippar mode to look at the image, it will magically jump to life with an exclusive content experience.Experiences might appear overlaid or ‘augmented’ over the real-world image or object (such as interactive games or magical digital apparitions); or it could take the form of a simple web-link (to watch a trailer, visit a website or ‘like’ on facebook), or perhaps an exclusive ‘take-away’ - something simple which downloads immediately to your phone for future use (such as a coupon or recipe). You won’t know until you ‘blipp’...Always free to users, blippar is a magical new way for your favourite publishers, brands and retailers to get exciting new messages, offers, experiences and helpful real-time information to you. Simply 'blipp' for more! 
How it works: 
• Browse the in-app catalogue or look for a blippar [b] instruction in the real world• Hold your phone up in blippar mode and fill the screen with the image or object
• Blipp! 
• No photo-taking - just hold, wait, enjoy and share!
Younity gives you access to all your files, from all your devices, without ever needing to "sync" your mobile devices again. younity creates a personal cloud for all your files, built from your devices. With younity, you have all your music, photos, videos and documents on all your devices - regardless of storage. All your files, from all your devices, all the time.
younity gives you instant, easy access to all your music (including iTunes libraries/playlists), videos, photos and documents on every computer you own. By first installing younity on each computer you have, you simultaneously have access to all files stored on all devices via your iOS device.
The "personal cloud" is a private cloud - we don't store your files online, can't access them and don't know anything about you or your files.
You don't have to log into each computer or browse them separately. You don't have to put files in special folders or flag them to be synchronized. There is no storage limit because you are streaming files from your devices, so you can have 2GB, 2TB or 2PB of files. If you want to download your files to local storage (for "offline use"), you can, but it isn't a requirement.
Just use every device the way you always have and know that you can have access to any file stored on any device you own.
younity even converts unusable file formats (e.g. WMA, OGG, etc.) to iOS-compatible formats in real-time when you stream, so you can keep your media in whatever format you like.
You can even search for files across all devices simultaneously, without having to even know which device a file is stored on.
younity is compatible with iOS, Mac OS X, Windows and soon Linux. Make sure that you first install younity on each and every computer (desktop and laptop), then install on all your mobile devices and enjoy unlimited access to all your files.
Yappem Rewarding Users in a Fun & Creative Way:
Yappem TM is a unique, social platform that empowers and rewards users who want to interact, support, and share their daily brand and product experiences with their friends and family. Users will benefit from the ability to learn from their Yappem friends, as well as other users with similar customer experiences, when they are sharing experiences, researching, purchasing, or troubleshooting pr0ducts and brands.
The Yappem experience is unique as it is the first social platform where users can focus specifically on their daily experiences with brands and products.
Compete in "Missions" to earn gift cards to your favorite brands and stores.
User’s can join brand communities to collaborate with similar customers and get rewarded for your loyal customer input.
Not only are you rewarded for expressing your experiences about brands, but you can also reward other users for participating and interacting with your posts.
Privacy is very important and you will enjoy the ability to set your privacy settings on each and every post – Yappem will never automatically post to Twitter or Facebook unless you enable that option on your post!

Designed for iPad and iPad Mini, Watchup is the smartest way to watch video news. Build your daily newscast in a snap from our growing selection of US and international news channels.
1. Scroll through the latest videos
2. Pick the best to build your newscast
3. Tap play and watch what's up in the world.
Or, if you're short on time, let Watchup generate your newscast automatically:
✓ Tap the "ON" button and watch the freshest video segments from the news channels you use the most.
✓ Or ask Watchup to deliver your Scheduled Newscast daily. Set the duration and time, and Watchup will remember to deliver the best videos from the sources you watch the most at the appointed hour every day.
The more you use Watchup, the smarter it gets!
Watchup makes your breaks smarter, because your newscast will play continuously while you enjoy your breakfast or relax.
Want to edit your channel lineup? Tap “+” to discover new voices that will enrich your day.
Watchup is free, it takes very little space on your iPad, and it helps you watch smarter.

Infoactive built an interactive, mobile-awesome, super-simple, live-data web-app-thing. That means you can connect dynamic data streams and share drool-worthy interactive visuals in less time than it took you to read this fetures :
Don’t trap your data in a static image. Let it loose and turn numbers into interactive stories. Make your data fun.MOBILE-AWESOME
You can be as big as a high-res Thunderbolt Display or as portable as any smartphone. Our responsive visualizations are designed to scale.
Life is too short for yesterday’s news. Connect live data and change it whenever. Hitting ‘publish’ isn’t the end of the story; it’s just the beginning.
You don’t need to be a programmer, a designer, or a data analyst. Heck, you don’t even need a tutorial. Drag and drop, rock and roll.

 Plotter is a social mapping app that lets you easily create, share, crowdsource and discover maps on your phone and ipad .
Finally, a mobile map app that lets you plot maps of multiple locations that can easily be turned on and off whenever and wherever you need them. There is no limit to how many maps you can create.
We all have those friends you can rely on for a great recommendation. Plotter makes it easy to crowdsource your maps from your friends on Facebook and Twitter. All you have to do is create a map and then sit back and see what they recommend. Once a friend posts a plot for you, it will automatically show up in your Activity feed to easily add to your map or ignore.
Not in the mood to create your own map? The Map Room holds a collection of featured and popular maps that have already been curated by experts and the Plotter community. Keep checking back, as the Map Room grows everyday.
Find and follow your friends to see what maps they're creating. You can easily recommend plots to their maps, and even take maps you like.
Search for addresses and locations just like you would on those other map apps. Once you find a location, you can add it to one of your maps or just view details like a phone number, website and reviews.
Heading out for a trip to the city and want to route the day's activities? Paths allow you to set either a walking or driving path between all of the locations on a map. Simply order the locations as you'd like and you'll get a color-coded path you can follow. Access paths by swiping one of your maps in the left column list view.
Koozoo Broadcast a video snippet so everyone can see what it's like where you are. Or share a 24/7 view of what's going on outside your home or office window. What if it was REALLY simple for anyone to share fun and informative live videos of public places from their front window or from places they went throughout the day? Just think about it. You’d always know if there’s a line at your favorite restaurant or where the hotspots are in the city. Koozoo is the first crowd-sourced network of smartphone cameras with the goal of helping us all make more informed decisions.
There are two ways to share on Koozoo:
For mobile broadcasting, just download the Koozoo App to your current iPhone and start sharing snippets throughout your day.
For 24/7 broadcasting from your home of office, download the app to your old iPhone, install the old phone in your window (we’ll even send you a free window mount!), and share your view. All you need is WiFi, a power outlet, and a clear view of any street or public place.

EasilyDo is a smart assistant that pulls actionable information from your calendar, email, contacts, Facebook, etc. into one feed, alerts you at the right time, and offers to get tasks done for you with one tap – no to-do lists, no digging, no app-juggling. EasilyDo makes everyday tasks simpler and saves time. Features: Never Miss Something Important AgainGet birthday reminders, event invites, and important updates shared by your friends; send your wishes, e-gifts, RSVPs, congratulations and support — be there for your friends.
✓ Easily Navigate Your Day
Get ‘time to leave’ alerts and directions to your home, work, or next appointment; auto-dial into calls; text to say you’re on the way or running late — what you need when you need it.
✓ Stay Organized with Zero Effort
Merge duplicates in your address book, add contacts from recent emails, and file receipts into an email folder automatically — taking care of the niggling things that you always mean to get to and don’t.

TEMPO is Smart Calendar Makes Sure You Don’t Miss A Beat
Tempo is like having your own personal assistant prepare you for what’s next. It’s the only mobile calendar that intelligently enhances your meetings and events by connecting emails, contacts and location to your calendar. Tempo puts more in your calendar so you get more out of your day!
With details displayed right in your Tempo calendar, you’ll never again fumble across apps trying to complete a simple task, such as finding a meeting agenda or someone’s phone number. Tempo fills in the details even when you don’t enter them in your calendar. It knows what you need and what you want to get done. The more you use Tempo the smarter it gets!
Bringing Tempo to your busy day saves you time and eliminates the hassles that can come with preparing for your next meeting. With just one tap, you can:
• Send a pre-populated “running late” email or text
• Dial into conference calls – Tempo handles the passcode
• Get directions, parking and estimated driving time
• Review emails that pertain to the meeting
• Open related documents
• Quickly reach attendees via phone, email or text
• Find the exact location even if you don’t have the address
• Browse attendees’ LinkedIn profiles
• Connect to Foursquare and Yelp
• Get estimated driving time
• Wish your friends happy birthday on Facebook
• Know your flight status
• Use Siri to create your next calendar event or meeting
And so much more!
Tempo intelligently connects your calendar to your accounts and apps, including:
• Google Contacts
• Microsoft Outlook Contacts
• iPhone Contacts

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Dear friends like I promise you when this year begin I try every week to describe here my Top 10 . In my previous post I presented to a global audience http://bitly.com/LucianeCuratorCO13Presentation ( more than 700 attendees worldwide joined my online class ) : Top 10 startup social media curation tools for Social learning in the workplace that will change research in XXI Century Education organized in #CO13 Conference . Because MOOC is next Big Thing in XXI Century Education along with Curation who is Social Media King now I describe my favorite platforms where you can organize or join a Massive Online Course, now I participate in 4 :) . You are welcome to add comments and feed-back to all my blog posts !

Teach2013 will be the year of online instructor and mooc . 
MOOC stands for Massive Open Online Course. MOOCs are structured similarly to other online college or university courses—they have instructors, course materials, and start and end dates. But unlike traditional online courses, participation is free and open to anyone who is interested and has an Internet connection. MOOCs are designed for large-scale participation. Students do not need to be admitted to a university offering a MOOC in order to take the course, and are not required to pay for the MOOC.MOOCs are a recent development in the area of online learning. They are a new way of learning that takes full advantage of all the benefits of a digital world where global connections are possible and information is highly accessible. Now if you want you can share your expertise and became one .
How it Works: Each week, Udemy will email you with training, resources, and tools to help you teach the world. Join us and build your first online course in 2013.
Not an expert yourself? No worries.Tweet at an expert you know and tell them to Teach2013.

Udemy helps students make moves. Whether you want to get promoted, break into a new industry, start a company, further a passion, or just accelerate your life, Udemy helps you learn from the amazing instructors in the world, so that you can get there and get there faster.
Udemy  team recruits the world's top experts, including New York Times best-selling authors, CEOs, celebrities, and Ivy League professors. These expert instructors have taught over 500,000 students on Udemy, helping them learn everything from programming to photography to design and more. Founded in 2010, Udemy is funded by Insight Venture Partners, Lightbank, MHS Capital, 500 Startups and other investors who previously foresaw the internet giants YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter, Groupon and Yelp. Udemy is headquartered in San Francisco, California.

Today, IT4ALL is a huge network with followers and graduates of Moodle for Teacher (M4T) MOOCs and workshops. The network is self-funded by Dr. Nellie Deutsch who organise every year since 2009 Connecting Online for Instruction and Learning FREE eConference http://www.wiziq.com/CO13 and this year I had the pleasure to have more than 700 attendees around the World to my Curation session http://bitly.com/LucianeCuratorCO13Presentation . The members of IT4ALL contribute to the success of the workshops and the learning community. The workshops at IT4ALL are facilitated by educators who follow a relationship-based collaborative learning approach where participants become active learners. Active learning goes beyond active participation as teachers and students become partners of learning and learn through teaching. The rationale behind active learning is that teachers are expert learners who can facilitate the process of learning.
 You are invited to enroll in the workshops available, suggest new courses, create courses of your own, add comments, and ask questions. To access what IT4ALL has to offer, please click on the headings on the top bar of this and other pages of the website.
Scholarships are available for most of the professional development workshops. 

I am happy to be involved in http://etmooc.org/ ,a ‘Connectivist’ MOOC (‘cMOOC) that is designed around a few key principles:
The course is developed with a weak ‘centre’. While etmooc.org will provide a level of aggregation, detail, and direction, the majority of interactions are likely to occur within groups and networks, facilitated through various online spaces and services.
Participants are strongly encouraged to develop their own reflective, learning spaces. We’re hoping that every learner in #etmooc creates and maintains their own blog for continuous reflection, creativity, and resource sharing.
Sharing and network participation are essential for the success of all learners in #etmooc. Thus, we’ll be needing you to share your knowledge, to support and encourage others, and to participate in meaningful conversations.

It's a honour for me to be accepted and collaborate with teachers from USA in The Transatlantic Educators Dialogue . Sponsored by the European Union Center (euc.illinois.edu), and College of Education (education.illinois.edu) at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. (T.E.D.) provides an opportunity for educators in the United States and the European Union to come together online for shared exploration and examination of a variety of educational topics as they relate to issues of identity and difference, with a particular emphasis on representations of "the other" in the classroom. 
Who is involved with T.E.D.?
A total of seventy educators in the U.S. and the EU will be involved. Participants from the U.S. may be current teachers, pre-service teacher education students, school administrators, graduate students, and education faculty. Participants from the Europe should be residing/teaching in an EU member country (including candidate countries).
Where Does T.E.D. Meet?
Participants can participate anywhere they are located, provided they have access to the internet. Class sessions are synchronous; readings and reflections take place asynchronously.
Synchronous sessions take place weekly for ninety minutes using Elluminate. This online application enables registered participants to simultaneously communicate with classmates by using microphones connected to their computers, typing into a shared chat-rooms, contributing notes on a "chalkboard" tool, and using webcams and other capabilities to upload videos and picture images. Technical support for the program is provided by the University of Illinois, College of Education.
Prior to each weekly session, participants will have assigned readings representing US and EU perspectives on the topic. Readings will be available through a shared course website called Moodle.
Using Moodle, participants can share articles with other participants, post comments on topic-specific forums, and send messages to other participants.
Participants will be meet on-line once a week for 90 minutes: Sundays (February 12 - May 6) 12PM US Central Time / 5PM Greenwich Mean Time. Upon successful completion of T.E.D., all participants will receive a Certification of Completion from the European Union Center / Center for Global Studies at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. For US particpants, six ISBE-approved CEU's/30 contact hours are available http://www.euc.illinois.edu/TED/TED2012.html

I have the opportunity to join with 23000 #mediacourselab global mooc.
Read more on their website http://learn.media.mit.edu/. Learning Creative Learning is a courseoffered at the MIT Media Lab. It introduces ideas and strategies for designing technologies to support creative learning. This semester, for the first time, P2PU and the Media Lab are working together to bring the course online. They opening up the seminars, course materials, and hands-on activities to anyone with a computer and Internet access. It's a big experiment, we expect to learn a lot, you'll enjoy it.

EdX is a not-for-profit enterprise of its founding partners Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology that features learning designed specifically for interactive study via the web. Based on a long history of collaboration and their shared educational missions, the founders are creating a new online-learning experience with online courses that reflect their disciplinary breadth. Along with offering online courses, the institutions will use edX to research how students learn and how technology can transform learning–both on-campus and worldwide. Anant Agarwal, former Director of MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, serves as the first president of edX. EdX's goals combine the desire to reach out to students of all ages, means, and nations, and to deliver these teachings from a faculty who reflect the diversity of its audience. EdX is based in Cambridge, Massachusetts and is governed by MIT and Harvard.

Coursera offer high quality courses from the top universities, for free to everyone, currently host courses from Princeton University, Stanford University, University of California, Berkeley, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, and University of Pennsylvania changing the face of education globally .
Classes offered on Coursera are designed to help you master the material. When you take one of the classes, you will watch lectures taught by world-class professors, learn at your own pace, test your knowledge, and reinforce concepts through interactive exercises. When you join one of our classes, you'll also join a global community of thousands of students learning alongside you. Coursera know that your life is busy, and that you have many commitments on your time. Thus, courses are designed based on sound pedagogical foundations, to help you master new concepts quickly and effectively. Key ideas include mastery learning, to make sure that you have multiple attempts to demonstrate your new knowledge; using interactivity, to ensure student engagement and to assist long-term retention; and providing frequent feedback, so that you can monitor your own progress, and know when you've really mastered the material. Coursera offer courses in a wide range of topics, spanning the Humanities, Medicine, Biology, Social Sciences, Mathematics, Business, Computer Science, and many others. Whether you're looking to improve your resume, advance your career, or just learn more and expand your knowledge, we hope there will be multiple courses that you find interesting.
Features of the Coursera Platform :
Education for Everyone.
Coursera offer courses from the top universities, for free.
Learn from world-class professors, watch high quality lectures, achieve mastery via interactive exercises, and collaborate with a global community of students.
Classes offered on Coursera are designed to help you to master the material. You’ll be able to learn at your own pace, work on your own schedule, test your knowledge, and reinforce concepts through interactive exercises.
When you join a Coursera class, you’ll also join a global community of thousands of students learning alongside you. At any time, you’ll be able to ask questions, make suggestions, and get feedback on course topics from both peers and experts in the field.
Improve your resume, advance your career, expand your knowledge, and gain confidence by successfully completing one of our challenging university courses.

KHANACADEMY : A free world-class education for anyone anywhere.Khan Academy is an organization on a mission, a not-for-profit with the goal of changing education for the better by providing a free world-class education for anyone anywhere.
All of the site's resources are available to anyone. It doesn't matter if you are a student, teacher, home-schooler, principal, adult returning to the classroom after 20 years, or a friendly alien just trying to get a leg up in earthly biology. Khan Academy's materials and resources are available to you completely free of charge.
Skillshare is a global marketplace for classes. Learn real-world skills from anyone, anywhere. We power thousands of creative, collaborative classes on everything from programming to design to crafts.
How it Works1. Post a Class
Have knowledge to share? Posting a Skillshare class is easy. With the click of a button, you can create your very own local, in-person class or apply to teach a global, online class.2. Share with Your Community
From social sharing to custom discount codes, our marketing tools and resources make it easy for people to find and enroll in your class.3. Share Your Knowledge!
Connect with people in your community and around the world. Earn cash from ticket sales, build your brand and make your community a better place.

Canvas Network Open online learning, as defined by you .
Connecting students, teachers and institutions, through an open, online course network.
Learning is a pretty great thing. When the people who provide and participate in it can interact in new, imaginative ways, it gets even better.
Canvas Network gives teachers, learners and institutions alike the place and platform to define the world of open online learning in a way that makes sense for everyone. It grows as teachers and learners apply it in individual ways and then share the results with the world. Put courses, knowledge and insight into the hands and minds of more people than ever before. Reach new students and collaborate with other instructors and peers that have similar interests. 
Built on the same Canvas platform that millions already use to learn every day, Canvas Network will grow to be a gathering place for the open online courses, communities and collections that millions more will be able to use to evolve learning to meet their goals.
Canvas Network leverages the features of Canvas to provide a simple, flexible experience. Courses are defined by you--whether long or short, involved or hands-off, fun or serious, you decide. Canvas Network is where instructors can design and teach the type of open courses that fits them and the vision of their institutions.So take a course. 
Teach a course. Explore. Imagine.

iversity the collaboration network for academia, Open Courses make open educational resources and public domain content interactive, collaborative and social. Browse through the material, add what you feel is relevant and discuss with other learners. 
Share your thoughts on aspecific resourceEngage in interesting discussions
Help your peers
Ask questions
Share comments with your peers – live
Highlight what’s important
Peer-to-peer learning
Start discussions
Printed Readers
delivered in 3 business days
Readers and lecture notes (40+ pages)
Paperback binding
Cheaper than a copy shop
Thesis quality prints

Memrise Learn something new every day
The Memrise community uses images and science to make learning
languages and facts child’s play.
Features :
Learn a language
220 languages. Memrise is the fastest way to pick up vocabulary in any language.
Study anything
Quickly make your own interactive flashcards and study materials, get learning quickly and share with your friends.
Memrise is the ideal tool for teachers who value engagement and long-lasting learning in their pupils.
Learning's a game on Memrise, and we've got perhaps the largest community of recreational learners on the internet.

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I am verry excited to see so many people who joined my online class( more than 700 registered to attend ) . Like I promise you you can download the presentation,join Curation Google Plus Community https://plus.google.com/communities/100188349857613823793 and like https://www.facebook.com/
CurationRestartEducationProject .#co13 Top 10 startup social media curation tools for Social learning in the workplace that will change research in XXI Century Education by @LucianeCurator

Here is the recording of my session .

Thanks Dr. Nellie Deutsch because you offer me embed code for my session . Dear friends after the session I invite you all to see / download my presentation here on my blog  and still then click on screen capture .

Dear efront eLearning team thank you because you selected me in top 5 finalists articles and now Ipad Winner in your Competition after 3 weeks of sharing / comments for our guest posts . Now I want to thank you to all my friends because with your help I have more than 400 shares and 12 comments I am Winner with next Title of blog post : Top 10 startup social media curation tools for Social learning in the workplace who will change research in XXI Century Education . Now I want to invite you to join my Curation session / online wiziq class  in Connecting Online 2013 Conference https://www.facebook.com/events/314906631960258/ to read my greetings for you in 2013 and 2012 year in review http://bitly.com/LucianeCuratorwishyouHAPPYNEWYEAR2013 and my letter to Santa using a startup social media curation tool http://checkthis.com/fvn/ where I please him to help me to win the Ipad competition and I pray to God to help me to implement a platform / website for Curation Restart  Education Project http://krunchd.com/CredProject ;  ; https://twitter.com/web20education . 
             Now I must told you that I will continue to write on this blog about TOP 10 weekly and your repplies, comments ; feed-back is welcome for all my blog posts.

I chose to write about this topic now because I discover in 2011 a new social media king who is Curation, the Art of : searching, selecting, sharing/bookmarking , organizing, interaction, communication, . In XXI Century Education where informatics and science developed spectacular and the use of new technologies aren’t regarded like a avangardist movement new tools and apps Web 2.0 and socialmedia can bring a new dimension and can reform education around the world because electroniccommunication helps teachers and students to learn from each other.These new tehnologies can stimulate discussion, open gatewaythrough knowledge, promote creativity and innovation for effective learning. Teacher and also students should have an entitlement to safe internet access at all times. Pulling Piaget and Papert, the use of participatory media tools in education is typically geared towards, creating a more student centered in a adaptive environnement where learners can contribute to the course material,formulate and express their own insights and opinion, construct their own understanding of materialby connecting concepts, to personal experience or current events, and learn from one another in collaborative environments . Web 2.0, social media and other digital and information tehnologies are powerful and interesting tools,which open up new opportunities for everyone and for this reason teachers and students must know how to use it in nowadays education The Internet Curator’s role is to seek on the web information related to a specific domain, flter them, select them, organise, share and present them in a unique mode .

For this reason I want to implement the project Curation Restart Education Project http://krunchd.com/CredProjectNow I will describe my favrorites / top 10 startup curation tools who will bring a new dimmension for XXI Century Education although I discover this year more than 100 and you can read about here http://edtech20curationprojectineducation.blogspot.ro/ and about startup edtools and edapps here http://startup4edu.blogspot.ro/ and also about ipad apps to mLearning here : http://ipadappsineducationtomlearning.blogspot.ro/

Now here is the article with logos and links because I use all next tools almost daily  .

1. Glogster Edu is my favorite curation and presentation tool and I am proud to be a Ambassador.This edu tool open gateway through knowledge for students because develop children’s creativity and innovation . Glogster EDU is the leading global education platform for the creative expression of knowledge and skills in the classroom and beyond. GlogsterEdu empower educators and students with the technology to create GLOGS - online multimedia posters - with text, photos, videos, graphics,sounds, drawings, data attachments and more. I made a GlogsterEdu for Curation Restart Education Project http://dumacornellucian.edu.glogster.com/credproject/
2. Scoop.it enables professionals to share important ideas with the right audiences giving them an opportunity to create and maintain a meaningful Web presence, a crucial component to the success of their business and career. Scoop.it lets you share ideas that matter and shine on the Web through beautiful topic pages. Collect relevant content and add your insight to attract an avid audience. Whether you’re a professional or educator representing a business or nonprofit, Scoop.it will help you efficiently and effectively build your online presence. Scoop.it is a one-stop shop for social media and content curation publishing. When you post on your topic page, you can easily share to your social networks including Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Google+. Advanced analytics available on Scoop.it Pro and customizable pages, post scheduling and Wordpress integration available on Scoop.it Business. 

3. Learnist is the latest social media curation tool for education , still in beta launch by Grockit team . Learnist super easy to share what you know by pointing to existing web resources. You can use videos, blogs, books, documents, images, anything to explain how to learn something.Use Learnist to share what you know and learn new things. Create Learn Boards on topics you understand and add learnings by pointing to videos, blogs, images and documents on the web. Board creation permissions are granted on rolling basis.

4.Pinterest lets you organize and share all the beautiful things you find on the web. Teachers use pinboards to manage their projects and also People use pinboards plan their weddings, decorate their homes, and organize their favorite recipes. Best of all, you can browse pinboards created by other people. Browsing pinboards is a fun way to discover new things and get inspiration from people who share your interests. To get started, request an invite or leave a comment after you read my post with your email and I will send you a invitation to try this curation tool . Also don't forget that you must pin a immage to bookmark on pinterest . 
5 . Mentormob is a social media startup curation tool who make learning online free and accessible to the entire world . One Learning Playlist Can Reach Millions...Creating and editing Learning Playlists is a free and easy process. Not only does it show the world what you know, but it opens your knowledge to people who share your skills so they can help you refine it by adding and editing your Learning Playlist. Each Learning Playlist can be rated, bringing the best ways to learn to the top of the charts.Creating and editing Learning Playlists opens the door to being able to share your skills and get feedback from those who share your passion.So finally, we can get some real organization when learning online because after all, it's not up to the Internet to make learning free and accessible to the world, it's up to us.
6. Mightybell This is about infusing passion and color into everyday life. Too often, we spend time on what we have to do, not what we want to do. We’ve lost the ability to follow what makes us curious, in favor of choosing what makes us more efficient.With Mightybell, you can step into a world of curiosity and serendipity. By making space for ideas, interests and adventures with friends, you’re embracing the opportunity to create a more colorful life. Each Mightybell space has a story, one you can share with as many likeminded people as you want. You can share : a question, an article, a link, a video or a photo about something that interests you is all you need to start a Mightybell space. After all, you never know when you’ll discover your next passion.


7. Springpad Smart Notebooks to save, share and act on what's important to you and to your friends .Springpad now makes it easy to invite your friends so you can make awesome notebooks together. Springpad is great for just about anything and it's even better when you invite your friends.Springing just got easier .Now you can just type in the information you want to save and let Springpad do the rest. Try typing in a task you want to remember, an event you want to save, a movie you want to see, or a product you want to buy. It's that easy!
8. SymbalooEdu is a social media curation tool, great resource for teachers. With Symbaloo you can: Gather the best content on the web about 1 topic, and present it on a webmix Share a webmix with other teachers, and students . Discover useful webmixes in the Symbaloo Gallery to use in the classroom Share a webmix withparents to provide some insight of the used materials A worthy mention: Symbaloo is free of charge and doesn’t include any annoying ads.

9. Zeen is a social media startup curation tool launch by Avos ( YouTube Co-founders) who offer a cool new way to share your interests with the world – bring pictures, prose, and videos together in eye-catching digital magazines.                                
10 . Socl — pronounced social — allows you to express and share your ideas through rich post collages comprised of images, links, captions and videos.Socl is a research project from Microsoft Research FUSE Labs and began as an experiment in social search targeted at students for the purpose of learning. Following the lead of the Socl community, Socl has since evolved to be a service where people connect over shared interests expressed through beautiful posts that take only seconds to create.

With consideration and respect http://xeeme.com/Lucianecurator/

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Discussion of the political impact of social media has focused on the power of mass protests to topple governments. For example, see this short video, Technology’s Role In the Arab Spring Protests, of Jared Cohen, Director of Google Ideas, elaborating on the role Twitter and other social media tools have played in the Arab Spring demonstrations and protests. “Technology accelerates everything,” says Cohen.

[Technology’s Role In the Arab Spring Protests]

Another example can be read in People Power 2.0- Technology Review about how civilians helped win the Libyan information war. But in fact, social media’s real potential lies in supporting civil society and the social sphere as Paul Hepburn suggest in Unlocking the Civic Potential in the Local, Online, Networked Public Realm (page 12). See also, Clay Shriky in  The Political Power of Social Media (as the original article is under paywall, please go here for the whole article.)

But not only that, social media has also been moving steadily into the business world. David Kirkpatrick, advising Forbes’ readers (Social Power-and the Coming-Corporate Revolution), warns them: “This social might is now moving toward your company. We have entered the age of empowered individuals, who use potent new technologies and harness social media to organize themselves. ……. most are ordinary people with new tools to force you to listen to what they care about and to demand respect. Both your customers and your employees have started marching in this burgeoning social media multitude, and you’d better get out of their way–or learn to embrace them.”

Educators have been somewhat slow to adopt social media in their professional activities (even when they themselves might be users of social media tools for personal purposes), but that is also slowly changing, at least for the case of higher education, as shown in this Mashable infographic. Teachers, in primary and middle schools, are now considering how to take advantage of social media services and tools.

Social media is here to stay, so be better learn how to use these tools well and effectively. Social media is, I believe,  part of a new culture of openness, transparency and cooperation. In this new emerging culture, there is a tension between what is public and private as Jeff Jarvis explains in his book, Public Parts, where he coins a new word for this new era: publicness*.


pub·lic·ness:1. The act or condition of sharing information, thoughts, or actions. 2. Gathering people or gathering around people, ideas, causes, needs:“Making a public.” 3. Opening a process so as to make it collaborative. 4. An ethic of openness.

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All over the world, the way citizens perform in society is strongly guided by the kind of context in which they live. Language, a human invention, is from time immemorial the preferred way by which we create context and meaning. We do this by means of the stories we tell each other. We have been doing this since we sat inside caves around blazing fires. Generation after generations, we have all created oceans of context, which have transformed the world.

But, what exactly is this context?

Context is the set of basic beliefs, our mental patterns, or our worldview, which we use to interpret and frame the world we live in. Context is what emerges, with the passage of time and history, from the interaction of maps and events. Context is expressed by means of language, by the stories we tell ourselves. Through stories our values and principles have from time immemorial been passed from generations to generations. The world comes to me as a bundle of facts but it is up to me to decide what to do with it and give it meaning. What we pay attention to and, therefore, how we behave is shaped by our context, our worldview.

When contexts have become worn out and outdated, but we, as a society, keep on telling and retelling the same stories that created them, the contexts are transformed into bars that restrict or imprison citizens in their societies. But, let us not worry too much about this because as Rosamund and Benjamin Zander say in their book, ‘The Art of Possibility’: “All life comes to us in narrative form, it’s a story we tell”.

And they are right, we are all storytellers or, in other words, we are all bards!

Bard is a word of Celtic derivation. In the ancient history of Europe, a bard was a person with the especial duty of narrating the stories, legends, and long poetic hymns that celebrated the victories of their people or to praise God. Bards exercised a very powerful influence in Celtic societies.

We are the problem because we have collectively created the narratives that bind us and we are the solution because and, this is important, if the narratives we tell ourselves are obsolete and not good anymore, we can together co-create new stories that will produce more suitable contexts. This we can do because storytelling has been at the center of human communication, we love listening to good story and we are all capable of telling stories because, at heart, we are all bards!

This means that through conversations we have an opportunity to change our contexts. There are some methodologies -sort of social architecture design mechanisms collectively called large group intervention methodologies-, such as the World Cafe, that can be used to create spaces to hold face-to-face conversations which can have transformational effects and set the stage to bring forth new contexts. I wrote about this in We are all bards.

But online conversation in social networks such as Twitter and Facebook can also be channels to change the world as this Norwegian example shows ( Barn av regnbuen case): two Norwegian women were extremely offended by derogatory remarks about a much-loved song called Barn av regnbuen (Children of the rainbow) made by terror defendant Ander Behring Breivik and put out  message over social media networks suggenting that people show up at a popular Oslo square to sing the song with unexpected results.

However, the important aspect is to have conversations that matter. Social media, as we know it, did not exist in Germany in 1990’s, yet, four Munich residents, having a conversation over dinner, were able to change their local context as told in this New York Times report: Berlin Journal; Germany Ablaze: It’s Candlelight, Not Firebombs.

Social media is a set of channels or platforms that connect us and presents us with many different opportunities to have conversations that matter, offering us  boundless possibilities to change our own immediate world.

After all, we are all bards!

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I decided to sign up for DigiFoot12 in part because I think the experience will be interesting and, on the other hand, because of something I recently read in Jacob Neddleman’s The Heart of Philosophy :

“It remains to be said that the effort to think together, to work with each other in the search for truth, is the most urgent need of our common life today. Where previous eras may have been dominated by the vision and moral power of great individuals, our own time seems to require something different. Today, perhaps, the immense complexities and imbalances of both our world and our personal lives are beyond the grasp of any one of us alone. From where will come the energy and the intelligence we need, if not in the community of people who know how to come together to listen to each other and confront their deepest questioning together?”

In other words, to expand one’s Personal Learning Networks is a wise thing to do (also see, The Wisdom of Crowds). Allow me thus to introduce myself. My name is José Alvarez-Cornett. I am a multidisciplinary generalist, world citizen 2.0, with many intellectual interests to keep myself tied to only one profession. My original educational background is in Theoretical Physics (Central University of Venezuela, 1981). I did graduate studies in Geosciences at UC, Berkeley, and have an MBA, from the University of Southern California, 2000, Los Angeles, California. I also had a 3-years-life experience (1992-1995): living, exploring, working, and studying Chinese language and culture at Beijing Language and Cultural University in Beijing, China.

Professionally, I have worked as a field geophysicist and a manager for several Oil & Gas companies and have also held business managing positions within the IT industry. I have special interests in Biomimetics, Futures Studies (foresight in UK parlance, prospective in French), large group intervention methods (World Cafe, OST), science communication, and digital technologies and infotention. I am also the curator of Social Media, Social Might.

I look forward to contribute to the group in the days ahead.

I live in Caracas, Venezuela. My Twitter is @Chegoyo .


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At this year’s ALT-C conference, I’ll be contributing to a symposium session along with Frances Bell, Josie Fraser and Richard Hall. In our session, The Paradox of Openness: The High Costs of Giving Online, we will pose a range of issues for debate, provoking participants to reconsider the costs of participation online, openness, and the sharing of resources. I’ll be focusing practice-based scenarios based on the publishing and sharing of digital artefacts that highlight areas of uncertainty, risk and the personal cost of openness. In this post, i’m exploring ideas around:

The Tyranny of Authenticity (identity)

There is undoubtedly much to be gained from taking control of, and actively developing our digital identity. I work with HE students who are developing their (professional) online presence in order to develop their PLNs, and bridge across the transition from formal education to their professional careers. In order to engage our learners I find myself evangelising and modelling online behaviours. This in itself affects my own online behaviour, in that I have a more relaxed Twitter ‘self’ during the summer months (more personal details, sharing of music/images, probably some swearing…) and this then deviates from my Twitter persona during the academic teaching year when I’m more guarded with regards my online communication and behaviour, focusing on sharing useful links and operating more as an ‘interestingness’ curator for my students. I have 2 Facebook accounts, multiple Flickr accounts, and separate Twitter accounts for teaching and personal/professional use. Essentially, my online self – despite having become more comfortable being ‘me’ online, and also being much more consolidated now that I exist professionally as ‘heloukee’ (see earlier post) – is still performed to some extent. Having spoken to many members of my PLN (personal learning network) about authenticity, trust and reputation I’m certainly not alone. Twitter is a good example of this, especially the considerable use of the back-channel (DMs), which we often use to say things we wouldn’t want to share publicly on the main stream.

When we encourage our students to manage their digital identity we often find ourselves adopting a rhetoric centred on openness and authenticity as devices for connecting, building social capital, nurturing networks/networking and PR of the self. Although there are tangible benefits in terms of developing their online IDs/networks, we are also operating within a pedagogical space which is largely driven by an employability agenda, the perceived need to develop an online presence in order to compete in a for employment opportunities, and the development of the PLN as an additional device for lifelong learning.

The transition from ‘me’ to ‘professional.me’ is not unproblematic, and there are ethical issues at play when we encourage our learners to cast-off prior, potentially problematic online IDs in order to nurture a persona that appeals to potential employers. In my case, the students who I work with are assessed on their content production and online IDs and while we have so far only had success stories, it has at times thrown up some interesting issues and highlighted tensions around what is/is not acceptable in a formal educational context vis-à-vis the individual’s right to present themselves in the manner they chose in an online space which is not owned, provided or controlled by the institution.

Being a believer in the web as a place for play and experimentation, I’m a huge fan of pseudonyms and think that we should have the right to adopt a moniker (or monikers) of our choosing. The ability to adopt pseudonyms and personas has been core to the experience of many of our students, who choose to present themselves using alternative IDs in the professional spaces while still retaining their (much ‘cooler’ in terms of their peers) identities within less formalised spaces. They are simultaneously performing to the industry/future employers while retaining/building social capital with their ‘peer audience’ in their recreational online spaces – which is something that many of us (try to) do, to varying degrees.

The arrival of Google+ has seen a groundswell of disapproval and outrage in relation to Google’s ‘real name’ policy; essentially they are demanding that G+ users present themselves using their real names and decided to enforce this policy by identifying and closing down accounts where the user has adopted a pseudonym. The public outcry has been substantial, as evidenced by the open listing of Google Profiles Pseudonymity Debate Coverage, danah boyd’s “Real Names” Policies Are an Abuse of Power, and most significantly in the EdTech context: Should Students Use Pseudonyms Online?

For all this talk of openness, when socio-technical systems demand that we use our ‘real’ names; when we require our learners to ‘give themselves’ through the development of online IDs upon which they will be assessed; when we ourselves ‘perform’ professionalised selves, which are essentially watered-down versions of our actual selves, is the tyranny of authenticity leading to an inauthentic public commons? What do we expect from our learners and communities?

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If life is a journey not a destination and we live and learn, where shall we go together in our lives?

Talk without walk is perhaps a waste of our time unless we take the time to walk to talk together.

With social media are we risking being alone together and straying far from what is essential in life? Does social media distract from the essential relationship between teacher and pupil? Does personalisation mean individualism and an abandonment of community? What values underpin our transactions, our education?

If education is life and not just a preparation for life what is our role as educators?

If  life is what happens to you when you are making other plans (John Lennon?) is learning what happens despite our best laid plans? Is education learning to listen to John Lennon?

If education is what remains after we have forgotten everything we have learnt at school (Einstein) why should we waste our time forgetting?

If Socrates knew he knew nothing, why bother trying to learn something? Or maybe we need to revise our classics?

Money talks, absolute power corrupts absolutely, not all that glistens is gold, love is a smoking gun...

'Birds of a feather flock together'.
Vultures circle around the carcasses, pigeons buy without thought, chickens run around headless, ostriches put their heads in the sand. People are falling like sparrows, while the hawks are watching on from afar.

The Twitter revolution, the Facebook generation, the teacher strike, the surgical strike...let's not forget that when all has been said and done, children and women bleed and careless talk costs lives.

"Great minds think alike, but fools seldom differ.'

If we are not part of the solution we are part of the problem.

Proverbs I am learning:

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I gave a presentation at the Biennial Conference on Chemical Education (BCCE) a week ago with the intent to bring in a TAMU chemical education colleague live as an avatar from Buenos Aires to show her work in Second Life. There were two other avatars (besides me) scheduled to present and to help.

The title was: "teh interwebs" : Collaboration across the Virtual Spaces of Twitter and Facebook, and Second Life.

read more