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Dag 2: de eerste les psychologie. Deze keer goed op tijd ter plaatse, op de Thomas More campus psychologie in Antwerpen. Welkomstwoordje door opleidingshoofd Peter De Graef, die nog wat napraat na een receptie in de hal. Dan snel alles klaarleggen: kaften, boekjes, even de pc testen… Voilà, tijd voor een inwijding in de psychologie. […]

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Joining Connected Courses today. 

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Dawn rises.Awake to complexity of silence. Stay dumb, stay mute, stay still.No words.No words, my friends.We await our moment to spark.Peaks glower down our feeble flailingsHearts bound in awe.No words, no words.No words, my friends.Catching breath, we...

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Joining Connected Courses today. 

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A good chunk of today went to making the best of an inadvertent ending, but the effort also folded into shaping/ reorganization for Connected Courses  (more here). Instead of "developing networked, open courses that embody the principles of connected learning and the values of the open web," I want to develop my motley collection of blogs, social media, curation/aggregation pages, whatever, into an open information network that incorporates the principles of connected learning and the values of the open web ~ not a course but still for learning.

Intending to delete a duplicated back-up blog on Tumblr, I instead deleted my main account along with associated blogs ~ adjunct, local, personal, special interest~ some more active than others. From the now extinct dashboard, I managed Precarity Dispatches, Adjunct Stories, COCAL Updates and recently re-purposed Equity in Diversity (still finding its way). The last two are gone for good, as explained elsewhere.

Panic beckoned until I remembered that 1-2 (not sure which) had originated on and still be on another account (tl;dr) ... if I could remember the account name, which email address created under and find the password, all of  which I eventually managed. Since this was more like an emergency restart to keep on going than a "new beginning," could I call it an "old beginning"?

The inventory is uneven, incomplete ~ in progress. Nor are all either exclusively "precarity centric" or with an advocacy focus but all are interest related. 
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