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Over één punt zijn alle sprekers het eens: volwassenenonderwijs is nog steeds het ‘onderschoven kind’. Het beleid houdt zich uitgebreid bezig met alle vormen van leerplichtonderwijs, maar levenslang leren? Dat komt in het parlement zelden ter sprake. Na het volgen van het onderwijsdebat in de media was Background Educations tot dezelfde conclusie gekomen. Daarom nodigden […]

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… although sometimes they all look very similar.

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… although sometimes they all look very similar.

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Tussen psychologie en marketing speelt de boeiende wereld van het consumentengedrag. Bram Van den Bergh, hoofddocent aan de Rotterdam School of Management, is expert en legt drie verrassende effecten uit. Het ‘goal gradient effect’: net als een ratje dat door een buis naar een lokaas loopt – het vertrekt traag en gaat steeds sneller lopen […]

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(2 min read) Photo CC licensed: http://bit.ly/1zmqhdV A short reply that is longer than a tweet. This morning I did like every morning, and indulged in an hour of reading – blogs, tweets, articles. It sounds like a long time, but I promise it’s not – I can type (nearly) as fast as I read. […]

The post Grow your PLN? Hmmm… thoughts on connecting appeared first on lauraritchie.com.

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A Connected Courses tip - all online classes, open or not, connected or not, have some squirrels. But they aren’t necessarily pests! Feeding them can help keep things calm and organized.

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A Connected Courses tip - all online classes, open or not, connected or not, have some squirrels. But they aren’t necessarily pests! Feeding them can help keep things calm and organized.

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You are cordially invited to the Futures Initiative Welcome Party on Tuesday, December 9 from 3:00-5:00 at The Graduate Center, CUNY in rm. 3314.read more

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As I was preparing today’s Connected Courses discussion about the intersecting ideas that link Connected Learning and the Indie Web I came across Ignatia De Waard’s post about Stephen Downes’s presentation on Personal Learning he gave at Online Educa Berlin … Continue reading

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Tomorrow at 12 PM Eastern/ 9 AM Pacific I’ll be be hosting a Connected Courses discussion that will explore the IndieWeb movement as a people-centered response to the corporate web. How do core IndieWeb principles such as owning your content, remaining better … Continue reading

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On November 21, the Futures Initiative hosted a panel on digital publication and multimedia scholarship. Jessie Daniels was joined by Alexei Taylor and Diana Taylor to discuss their use of various digital publishing platforms in their research collabor...

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Edward Saïd geldt als ‘klassieker’ in de postkoloniale literatuur door in zijn “Oriëntalism” (1978) aan te tonen dat het westerse beeld van het oosten (van het Midden-Oosten over India en China) als een karikatuur wordt voorgesteld. De westerse beelden en teksten over het oosten zijn veralgemeningen van een gigantische regio, waar consistentie in realiteit onmogelijk […]

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“Connect ALL the courses!” -@drjaxon. Watch yesterday’s #ccourses webinar here: http://t.co/1baibggFEe pic.twitter.com/mmTsuB0AiJ — DML Research Hub (@dmlresearchhub) December 2, 2014 On Monday I hosted the first of two Connected Courses sessions this week that focuses on actually building a connected course. This first session … Continue reading

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I love teaching spaces that make me smile even before anything happens. When I walked into the Disruptive Media Learning Laboratory teaching space at Coventry University, WAIT. I didn’t walk into it. I carried (with help from two fantastic gentlemen) an orchestra of string instruments from the van to the third floor of the building, and we […]

The post #Phonar. yes, this was very very very … appeared first on lauraritchie.com.

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Dear Graduate Students, Teachers, Co-Learners,Welcome!  I can't wait to meet you. read more