Mapping the Futures of Higher Education
Includes Template Descriptions for Undergraduate CUNY Campus Courses
To: “Mapping the Futures” Graduate Students Teaching CUNY Classes in S 2015
From: Profs Cathy Davidson and Bill Kelly, course instructors, and FI Deputy Director Katina
Rogers (on behalf of the Futures Initiative team)
Re: Syllabus-Building Workshop January 22, 4-5 pm, Room 3312. Plus logistics,
On December 1, 2014 the Futures Initiative along with JustPublics@365 and theread more
Here are a baker's dozen of the main principles of connected learning. As you will see, they form an “ecosystem,” where each component influences and changes the others. These apply in any field (although differently in each field).
A new report from the CUNY Office of Institutional Research and Assessment highlights the considerable economic impact of CUNY alumni in New York.
Most CUNY alumni remain in New York after graduation, and given that 1.3 million students have earned CUNY degrees since 1966-67, their overall contribution to the state’s workforce is astonishing. In addition, CUNY institutions have a direct, positive impact on the local economy through partnerships with employers, research funding, and challenge grant support for emerging technologies and entrepreneurial programs.
If you missed The Futures Initiative's open session with Austin McLean, ProQuest‘s Director of Scholarly Communication and Dissertations Publishing, last week, the video is now available online. The discussion built on questions raised during the recent HASTAC/Futures Initiative event What Is a Dissertation?
Photo CC licensed: (1 min read) Today I had spent the afternoon assessing: 20 music students performed contrasting songs to show their work and progress this term and I tippity-tapped away on the laptop while sitting behind a desk with another examiner. We make it as fun an experience as it can be, but it […]
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