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The Invention of FailureTuesday, January 20, 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm  Open to the public. Light dinner provided.PhD Lab in Digital KnowledgeJohn Hope Franklin Humanities Institute, Duke UniversitySmith Warehouse, Bay 4, 1st Floor, C106, 114 S. Buchanan ...

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As a graduate student, part of my research explores our commonly held sensibilities about what it means to educate the public. The assumption is that our educational imaginaries—how we conceive of public education and education’s situatedness within society—structure the material realities of these projects and determine the kinds of work they can do.

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What if we got rid of "flunk out courses" that were defined as "rigorous and demanding" and, instead, set our goal as ensuring the success of every student in equally "rigorous and demanding" courses?   That is, what if we decided what we tho...

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This is an excerpt from Now You See It:  How the Brain Science of Attention Will Transform the Way We Live, Work, and Learn (Viking, 2011).   It was published, in this condensed format, in the Chronicle of Higher Education, The Chronicle...

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In September 2013, I was invited to conduct a workshop on “Transforming Higher Education for the Digital Age” at a Carnegie Institute symposium on The Future of Higher Education.  After the session that was full of innovative ideas, a dean from one of the larger University of California campuses stopped me and rather triumphantly announced, “We’re on the verge of implementing the most radical idea of all.  Our university is going to a three-year degree.  Isn’t that wonderful?”


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Tinha sido um jantar magnífico de delicioso, com óptima companhia, clima Africano excelente, filhoses, Bolo Rei, todos os conformes. Ao retirar-me para os meus aposentos, sentindo-me mais do que satisfeito com a vida em geral e o estômago em particular, parecia que não haveria mais nada a fazer no dia seguinte, o Dia de Natal. … Continue reading

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The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2014 annual report for this blog. Here’s an excerpt: A San Francisco cable car holds 60 people. This blog was viewed about 1,000 times in 2014. If it were a cable car, it would take about 17 trips to carry that many people. Click here to see the … Continue reading

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(1 min read) It’s sort of that time of year- lots going on, lots of activity, lots of lots. We went away. Not away from the people, in fact we’ve been a sea of people, but away from the routine, away from the habit, away from mountain of lots to do, and I learned to […]

The post This week I learned to stop. appeared first on lauraritchie.com.

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Bonni Stachoiwiak did a great job interviewing me and editing this podcast on "Teaching in Higher Ed" , "How To See What We're Missing in Higher Ed":   http://teachinginhighered.com/podcast/cathy-davidson/ read more

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2014.12.25 …I WAS SICK AND YOU VISITED ME… (Matthew 25:36) It was a grandelicious Christmas dinner, with magnificent company, excellent African weather, filhoses, Bolo Rei, the bits and the pieces. Upon retiring to my quarters, feeling more than content with my life in general and my bellychest in particular, it seemed there was nothing else … Continue reading

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2014.12.15 ACÇÃO MISSIONÁRIA AURORA – AMA PROJECTO TCHUMA TCHATO EM PARCERIA COM TFI CARTA DE NOTÍCIAS 02/2014/15 – 20141215_TT2014/15_CN02 Caros amigos, apoiantes e futuros apoiantes do Projecto Tchuma Tchato. Antes do mais, quero agradecer a todos que – apesar das vicissitudes que atravessamos no momento as quais não se vê nesga por onde fugir para … Continue reading

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AURORA MISSIONARY ACTION – AMA TCHUMA TCHATO PROJECT IN PARTNERSHIP WITH TFI NEWSLETTER 02/2014/15 – 20141219_TT2014/15_NL02 Dear friends, supporters and future supporters of this Project. I choose to always speak faith. First of all I want to thank you all that, in spite of financial problems – hard to escape from, into a more comforting … Continue reading

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LaGuardia Community College Professor Eduardo Vianna is featured in “Raising Ambitions: The Challenge in Teaching at Community Colleges,” an illuminating New York Times article by Ginia Bellafante. Vianna’s research and teaching methods, which concentrate on peer learning and student engagement, are very much aligned with the Futures Initiative’s goals. His work has had remarkable results:

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"Mapping the Futures of Higher Education" is a series of courses at the Graduate Center and throughout the CUNY system.  It is also a collaborative, peer-driven movement to rethink the best ways of learning for higher education--and YOU are invite...

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John Rawls, overlever van WOII, beseft als geen ander hoe moeilijk het begrip ‘rechtvaardigheid’ kan zijn. Waarom overleefde net hij die oorlog, terwijl zijn vrienden dat niet deden? De drie belangrijkste principes uit zijn politieke filosofie, met dank aan Piet Lambrechts-Van Assche (Thomas More): 1e principe: GELIJKE VRIJHEID. Rawls vertrekt vanuit een gedachte-experiment: je weet […]