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Scholarly Voices is a new group that was designed to identify and promote undergraduate voices on HASTAC.  The group is not a place to discuss undergraduate writing.  It is a tool to make it easier for undergraduates to promote their work and make it easier for others to identify the writing of undergraduates involved with HASTAC.

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The Futures Initiative hosted its first workshop of the Mapping the Futures of Higher Education course this past Thursday, January 22nd. A number of the graduate students who will be in the class, which begins on February 3, brought in their own syllab...

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Finally, CUNY soda!This soda can was spotted on the SUNY Stony Brook campus!We at the Futures Initiative have been advocating for more CUNY swag :)read more

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I continue to think about what we mean by a “degree.” Or rather, I think about what a degree might or should mean, and what we in higher ed increasingly act as if it means, and how that disjunction (if … Continue reading

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ConversationFeb 6, 2015, 4:00 pmEnglish Department Lounge (Room 4406)read more

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Last night at the PhD Lab in Digital Knowledge, Professor Cathy N. Davidson presented a workshop on "The Invention of Failure." She addressed a number of issues: what is the relationship between the assembly line mechanics of "making the grade" and "gr...

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I have been thinking very hard lately about the nature and value of focused learning, and especially the kinds of focused learning experiences we might explore and craft within school. I greatly admire the DALMOOC George Siemens and his research … Continue reading

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In “The Invention of Failure,” Dr. Cathy N. Davidson rightly argues that we should eliminate “flunk out” courses which have traditionally been defined as rigorous and demanding simply because so many students fail them. Instead, she proposes developing rigorous and demanding courses that set a high bar of excellence and in which all students could theoretically earn an “A.”

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Demos Orphanides, Webmaster and Online Community Strategist at HASTAC@Duke, recently joined the HASTAC@CUNY and Futures Initiative team for a few days while we prepare for several exciting new things on our horizon. Demos is the force behind the HASTAC...

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We associëren het met september: de geur van verse schriftjes, verwachtingen naar ongebreidelde kennis, leuke medestudenten en straf-uit-de-hoek-komende docenten. Maar ook te midden van een wit landschap is het mogelijk: de start van een nieuwe cursus. Deze week is het zelfs zover! Background Educations gaat er weer tegen aan met literatuur, psychologie en filosofie. Voor […]

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You can look up Duke human resources data in IPEDS (http://nces.ed.gov/ipeds/datacenter/).  The most recent data is for Fall of 2013. read more

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We're all abuzz here with conversation, analysis, dismay, and all the rest about a recent article in the Atlantic that paints a grim picture of the way even the City University of New York--arguably the most equitable public education in America, where over 80% of our graduates leave tuition-debt free--still does not escape the inequality (and especially racial inequality) embedded it American education.  We are even more abuzz, I'd say, with this mornings CORRECTIONS coming from official CUNY sources:  read more

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Dear Editor in Chief Bennet:

This is a request for the withdrawal and review for corrections of “When High Achievers Have No Place to Go”, which was published today on The Atlantic website, replete with major factual errors and mischaracterizations.

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As I described in an earlier post, following extensive discussions with my colleagues and our program’s graduate fellows on the goals and mission of the Futures Initiative, we came to adopt “Equity and Innovation” as our program’s tagline. These are our top priorities—the guiding principles we return to for each project we undertake. They are the elements we consider to be most important in thinking about the future of higher education. 

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