Unit 5 – Twitter Chat #colearning

    0 8186
    Nov 12, 2014 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
    Unit 5 - Twitter Chat #colearning

    November 12, 6 PM Pacific /8 PM CST/ 9 PM EST. Hosted by Mia Zamora and Lee Skallerup Bessette

    We will combine the #ccourses community with the #fycchat for a discussion of peer learning.  Hashtag #colearning Twitter chat prompts: Q1:  What pedagogic practices lead to and nurture a co-learning environment? Q2:  What kinds of assignments lead to a co-learning environment? Q3:  How do we support co-learners to develop their own inquiry-led projects? Q4:  What pedagogic practices support co-learners to develop their own professional learning networks? Q5: What cautions should we consider as we have students develop personal learning networks?