Unit 4 – Class 1: How to Build Inclusive Learning Collectives

    0 6059
    Oct 27, 2014 @ 8:00 am – 9:00 am
    Unit 4 - Class 1:  How to Build Inclusive Learning Collectives

    Monday, October 27, 2014 8 AM PDT/10 AM CDT/ 11 AM EDT

    via Google Live Hangout.

    Participants: Lisa Nakamura, Elizabeth Losh, Anne Balsamo

    Goals / Topics:

    Feminist learning networks in and about Technology

    The Case of the FemTechNet Collective

    Describe the DOCC as alternative genre of MOOC

    How is the DOCC a distributed learning network?

    • Live Dialogue:  Anne Balsamo, moderated by Liz Losh
      • Talking point:  3 things to have teachers think about when designing courses to be delivered on the web:  How NOT to be sexist and racist when designing web-based courses!
    • Weekly Newsletter = New Materials posted on FemTechNet Digest Magazine

    Reading / Background Material: