
Melbourne High School
Experience in online courses and tools

Some experience

Web Site: http://taniasheko.com

I retrained as a teacher librarian after having taught English, French and German in secondary school. The teacher librarian role frees me from focusing on specific subject content, and allows me to focus on skills and literacies across the whole school (9-12). My passion is learning itself, and as a teacher, to create an engaging, student-driven learning environment. I love writing (although I have no professional qualifications), and I enjoy facilitating a Writing interest group for students across year levels. My mission is to create a community where students share their writing with each other and globally through their blog. I love to hijack teachers and their classes and show them the potential of social media in connecting students and providing them with a real audience beyond their classroom walls. I also enjoy a close relationship with the Visual Arts faculty, and use social media networks and platforms such as Pinterest and Diigo to inspire students.

What connected/open course or courses are you teaching or plan to teach?
I'm a secondary school teacher librarian and I've been working with classes on Wordpress, so I'm hoping to improve the interactivity between teacher/students and different classes using what I've learned. Our school is also planning to create online courses for gifted and talented students in Victoria (we are a selective school), and I'm keen to make it an truly connected course rather than just putting content online.
Are you participating in connected courses as an individual or with a local group of learners?


Would you like to connect with smaller groups over specific subjects?


Would you like to connect with a buddy?


How do you prefer to be contacted by others with similar interests?
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