I have taught fully online courses in Folklore & Mythology and in Indian Epics since 2002. There is a strong emphasis in both courses on writing and sharing online, with student blogs (Blogger) and student websites (Google Sites). Both courses are part of my university General Education curriculum. I am interested in student writing, especially creative writing, and the repurposing of public domain materials and other forms of open content. I am also interested in the use of other kinds of social networking platforms, such as Twitter and Pinterest, to encourage student presence and connectedness in online courses.

Laura Gibbs
University of Oklahoma
United States
Experience in online courses and tools
Lots of experience
Follow @OnlineCrsLady
Web Site: http://mythfolklore.net/
What connected/open course or courses are you teaching or plan to teach?
I have taught two courses - "Mythology & Folklore" and "Indian Epics: Ramayana and Mahabharata" - fully online for over ten years. The classes have been evolving over that time as new online tools and resources become available. In Summer 2014 I created an "UnTextbook" for the Mythology & Folklore course, using appx. one hundred public domain sources to create an UnTextbook where students choose their own reading pathways. In Summer 2015 I hope to redo the content for my Indian Epics course using a similar model.
Are you participating in connected courses as an individual or with a local group of learners?
As an individual.
Would you like to connect with smaller groups over specific subjects?
Would you like to connect with a buddy?