I am a researcher and scholar at Southern Connecticut State University. I teach and explore the intersection of literacy and technology. My research interests include web Literacies, credibility, and multimodal composition.
Greg McVerry @jgmac1106
Southern Connecticut State University
Experience in online courses and tools
Lots of experience
Follow Jgmac1106
Web Site: http://jgregorymcverry
What connected/open course or courses are you teaching or plan to teach?
EDU 106 New Literacies:Digital Tools for Lifelong a Learning
eDU 522: digital teaching and learning II
Are you participating in connected courses as an individual or with a local group of learners?
A mix. I steal ideas from connected courses and incorporate into class.
Would you like to connect with smaller groups over specific subjects?
How do you prefer to be contacted by others with similar interests?
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