I’m an open educator and researcher. My work focuses on open education, digital identities, exploring the boundary between formal and informal learning, and #ITwomen — currently working towards Ph.D. exploring open education and digital identity practices.
Catherine Cronin
National University of Ireland, Galway
Experience in online courses and tools
Lots of experience
Follow @catherinecronin
Web Site: http://catherinecronin.wordpress.com
What connected/open course or courses are you teaching or plan to teach?
I have taught open courses in the past (#ct231 and #icollab) but I am not teaching this term. I am, however, enjoying connecting with others, reflecting on my practices, and generating ideas for future courses :)
Are you participating in connected courses as an individual or with a local group of learners?
Would you like to connect with smaller groups over specific subjects?
Would you like to connect with a buddy?