2 Days Live Virtual Training on Adobe Illustrator Essentials (50% OFF)
- Introduction to Solving Data Problems with UNIX - Simpliv
United States
Date(s) course is being taught
- 07 Jul 2020 Tue- Wed(02 Days) 10:00 AM - 02:00 PM (PDT)
We will start with the basics, so you feel totally at ease with the interface, preferences, setting up new documents. We will also cover fundamental principles like the difference between vector and pixel graphics.
The next two chapters will teach you everything you need to know about working with objects in Illustrator. These are the buildings blocks of all vector graphics so these initial lessons will help you to understand and work with more complex tools later on.
Next up, in the drawing section of the course, master drawing modes, the Pen tool, Curvature tool and all the different ways you can draw and manipulate paths.
Next learn about the different types of Brushes and how to make the most of their unique features. You will also learn how to create your own custom brushes.
In the next chapters you will learn about tracing photographs with a powerful feature called Image Trace and everything you need to know about adding type to your illustrations.
Finally, discover how to correctly export your work for print and screen, and ways to share and archive your projects.
Course Objective
Producing vector graphics for print and screen
Using all the time-saving features of Illustrator and work efficiently
Designing logos and brand identities for clients
Creating vector illustrations, infographics and icons
Tracing scanned drawings and sketches and turning them into scalable vector graphics
Producing repeatable patterns for product packaging, apparels and stationaries.
Who is the Target Audience?
This course is aimed at anyone who wants to get into the creative industry and gain a rock-solid foundation of Illustrator.
Although it is providing a beginner to intermediate level learning experience it can be useful for experienced Illustrator users too as there are many self-taught users who are missing out on a lot of techniques and features.
Basic Knowledge:
Any version of Adobe Illustrator, preferably not older than Illustrator CS6. Ideally Illustrator CC (Creative Cloud).
Prior knowledge is not needed
Exercise Files would be provided