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PrefaceI have been wondering why some lines I write cry out to be bold. I never question, I just follow their commands. I have tried to condense my last post to feature only the bold. This is what came out. Having done this, a new title demanded a...

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The idea for this post came to me while reading Randy Bass’s piece “Disrupting Ourselves: the problem of learning in higher education” (which I plan to review critically once I finish it). On p. 24 he refers to how disciplinary … Continue reading

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#EDGamify Week 2 Blog1. What makes an Open Class Engaging?2. What factors make a game effective for learning?As an adult learner, I think some of the factors that make an open class engaging to me are probably different than from a high school or even younger-aged student. For the most part, however, the key components of engagement seem to be fairly universal. An inviting environment with formatting/fonts/programming that is aesthetically pleasing will definitely attract or [...]

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A catalyst for me joining in on the Connected Courses adventure is my recent discovery of Inoreader, an RSS aggregator that offers some really powerful tools that people can use in aggregating and syndicating blogs via public sharing. For tho...