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Ever felt like your life is a whirlwind of events, a chaotic jumble of memories? Well, let’s untangle that mess and turn it into a beautiful, organized masterpiece. Having a personal timeline helps captures every twist, turn, and triumph in your ...

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¡En su primera edición no tuve ni tiempo de difundir esta experiencia que tuve la suerte de organizar y coordinar por aquí, pero en esta segunda edición comparto info a modo de nota de prensa […]

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The next installment of the Center for Future Work Places and Practices’s (CFWPP’s) Women in the Future of Work speaker series will be happening on Friday, November 15, from 3-4pm in Pamplin, Room 1045.   Please join us to hear Dr. Sreyoshi Bhaduri present on “Women in High Tech: Upskilling in the Era of Gen AI.” … Continue reading Women in High Tech: Upskilling in the Era of Gen AI

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The Center for European and Transatlantic Studies (CEUTS) will be holding the next installment of its Ambassador Series on November 12, 2024, at 4pm (EST). Please join us to hear his Excellency, Dr. Godfrey C. Xuereb, Ambassador of the Republic of Malta to the United States, deliver a talk about Malta-US and Transatlantic Relations.  Opening … Continue reading CEUTS Ambassador Series – Dr. Godfrey Xuereb

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Meet the Center for Future Work Places and Practices (CFWPP) 2024 Summer Research Award Recipients – Sakshi Taori, Mary Frazier, Yuxuan Guo, and Zeyuan Hou – who shared the findings from their summer research with the center earlier this w...

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Have you ever felt lost in a big project? A Gantt chart PowerPoint presentation is like a map showing every step in the project, how long each step takes, and how they all fit together. It helps you keep your project organized and on schedule. In this ...

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Want to learn how to make a timeline on Google Slides? It’s definitely a lot easier than it seems. We’re going to take a look at the three main methods of creating a timeline – with a diagram, with shapes, and using a template. So, whether ...

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The CPA exam is one of the most challenging professional tests out there. With CPA pass rates hovering around 50%, many aspiring accountants find themselves retaking sections multiple times, often feeling discouraged with each attempt. If you’re prepar...

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We are pleased to release an infographic and report of the main findings from the 2023 Virginia Tech Student Food Access and Wellbeing Survey. This research was made possible by the 2023 CALS Strategic Plan Advancement Integrated Internal Competitive Grants Program. Main Findings If you are a Virginia Tech undergraduate or graduate student and are … Continue reading VT Student Food Access & Wellbeing Infographic & Report

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Gantt charts are powerful visual project management tools used in presentations to showcase project timelines, tasks, and overall progress. Gantt charts are used by professionals across industries to organize and monitor projects effectively. However, ...

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sfjghf kjsfsfgkjghsfk jsdgfak js The post test appeared first on Crush The CPA Exam.

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On August 6 and 7, the Center for Advanced Innovation in Agriculture (CAIA), the Center for Future Work Places and Practices (CFWPP), and the Power and Energy Center (PEC) at Virginia Tech will be hosting a workshop on Advancing Agriphotovoltaics (APV) in Virginia. The workshop will bring together industry leaders, policy makers, agricultural professionals, and … Continue reading Workshop – Advancing Agriphotovoltaics (APV) in Virginia

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The New York Times announced recently a new series that examines the output of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPIs) in popular culture. The first  piece in the series, “Found in Translation: Asian Languages Onscreen,” is focused on the use of ...

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Have you ever had the feeling to make certain objects on your Google Slides pop out from the rest of the slide? Or do you want to tone down the background to improve readability? Well, worry no more! Today, we will show you how to change opacity in Goo...

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Presentations have evolved over the years, and have now reached a stage where every element that is used can help make an impact or completely disassociate from the audience. To ensure that your presentations are on the former half of the spectrum, mak...