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Should schools track their students and dictate what can be put on an individual's social media account and what should be removed? Apparently one Singapore school does, and in my assessment the real shining star turns about the be the student who... More…

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I'm happy to announce (a bit belatedly) the first book in the Technologies of the Imagination series I am editing with Ellen Seiter with University of Michigan Press' digitalculturebooks imprint. Emily Chivers Yochim's Skate Life: Re-Imagining White...

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As of this week, I am officially part of Wikimedia's advisory board. I'm super excited to be part of the Wikimedia team and community, and am feeling rosy about the promise of all I will learn and hopefully even contribute. Like hordes of other net use...

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I have been working for most of my research career in the field of digital media and learning, an area that was just emerging in my years as a graduate student, and has more recently become a growing and recognized area of research and practice. In the...

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For the past year or so, I've been working with David Theo Goldberg at the University of California Humanities Research Institute in planning for and establishing a new research hub in digital media and learning. This is part of the work of the MacArth...

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Next week, I will be presenting a response paper for the National Academy of Science's Committee on Learning Science: Computer Games, Simulations, and Education. They are convening a workshop, open to the public, on games for science education. It shou...

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I just put my Second Life ppt presentation onto slideshare. Have a look if you want. I'm too tired to write about it yet--maybe later! I don't know if the embed worked, so here's the link: http://www.slideshare.net/ldorland/second-life-highlights Your ...

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Tonite I checked on the blog of my Second Life friend Mariis Mills (Marianne Riis from Denmanrk in RL). read more

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The last time I tried to post to my blog here, it wouldn't let me. So this will be short. If it works, I'll come back and write more when it isn't so late. read more

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For the past few months, I have been working with a team of researchers in conducting a literature review of new media uptake in different parts of the world. This work has been part of our work with the MacArthur Foundation Digital Media and Learning ...

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It's been over three years in the making, but we are at long last releasing the results of our Digital Youth Project. The goal of this work was to gain an understanding of youth new media practice in the U.S. by engaging in ethnographic research across a diverse range of youth populations, sites, and activities. A collaboration between 28 researchers and research collaborators, this was a large ethnographic project funded by the MacArthur Foundation as part of their Digital Media and Learning initiative. I was one of the PIs on the project together with Peter Lyman, Michael Carter, and Barrie Thorne.

The project has been quite a journey, and has been by far the most challenging and rewarding research project I've undertaken so far. It tested my skills at so many levels -- fieldwork, conceptually, theoretically, and in management. I feel so fortunate to for the opportunity to have undertaken this project with fabulous colleagues and a team of graduate students and postdocs who taught me so much along the way.

I'm particularly proud of the shared report that we have just released, which was a genuinely collaborative effort, co-authored by 15 of us on the team, and including contributions from many others. We took a step that is unusual with ethnographic work, of trying to engage in joint analysis rather than simply putting together an edited collection of case studies. We spent the past year reading each others interviews and fieldnotes, and developing categories that cut across the different case studies. Each chapter of the book incorporates material from multiple case studies, and is an effort to describe the diversity in youth practice at it emerged from a range of different youth populations and practices.

You can find all the details in the documents linked below, and a summary of our report. The book is due out from MIT Press next fall, but in the meantime you can read a draft of it online. Our book is dedicated to the memory of Peter Lyman.

Sadly, I won't be able to attend, but my team will be celebrating the release of our report at a reception at the American Anthropological Association meetings in San Francisco. Saturday November 22, at 6:30-8:00pm, San Francisco Hilton & Towers, Golden Gate Ballroom.

Click here to download a two-page summary of the report.

Click here to download the summary white paper.

Click here to access the full report.

Click here for the press release and video being hosted by the MacArthur Foundation.

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I'm leaving for Sydney for 2 weeks tomorrow and don't have a lot of time (in fact I should have been in bed hours ago). But my advocacy and mentoring role in the creation of two new Ning networks in the past month prompts me to post at least a few comm...

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Le Mundaneum à Mons (Belgique) Not for the faint of heart--an article from the NYT on the "true" inventor of the internet (?) led me to the flickr images tagged with Mundaneum. View as slideshow and prepare for cognitive whiplash... I haven't blogged here for a long time, but this mini-voyage inside my head seems most appropriate for the enlightened HASTAC crowd.

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