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British Business School Offers M.B.A. Courses on Facebook November 30, 2010, 2:53 pm By Travis Kaya Facebook has changed the way students, faculty members, and administrators communicate outside the classroom. Now, with the introduction of the Lon... More…

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My social networks and tools collided today on Flickr. I located a snapshot I thought was lost for good and found some very cool functionality I didn't know existed. How about you? Read on.   You know how the software we use every day has hidden c...

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I gave a presentation at the Biennial Conference on Chemical Education (BCCE) a week ago with the intent to bring in a TAMU chemical education colleague live as an avatar from Buenos Aires to show her work in Second Life. There were two other avatars (...

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One nice things about getting up early is that I have quiet time to enjoy my (old school) newspaper and some great RSS feeds. Once the little monsters are up and moving, that becomes much more difficult. So in the spirit of sharing, here are six r... More…

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via themalaysianinsider.com Nazri says ending scholarships may stop brain drain - The Malaysian Insider I have explained countless times, to friends back in the USA, that I remain in Asia because life is better here. Professionally, education budg... More…

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Should schools track their students and dictate what can be put on an individual's social media account and what should be removed? Apparently one Singapore school does, and in my assessment the real shining star turns about the be the student who... More…

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I'm happy to announce (a bit belatedly) the first book in the Technologies of the Imagination series I am editing with Ellen Seiter with University of Michigan Press' digitalculturebooks imprint. Emily Chivers Yochim's Skate Life: Re-Imagining White...

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As of this week, I am officially part of Wikimedia's advisory board. I'm super excited to be part of the Wikimedia team and community, and am feeling rosy about the promise of all I will learn and hopefully even contribute. Like hordes of other net use...

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I have been working for most of my research career in the field of digital media and learning, an area that was just emerging in my years as a graduate student, and has more recently become a growing and recognized area of research and practice. In the...

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For the past year or so, I've been working with David Theo Goldberg at the University of California Humanities Research Institute in planning for and establishing a new research hub in digital media and learning. This is part of the work of the MacArth...

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Next week, I will be presenting a response paper for the National Academy of Science's Committee on Learning Science: Computer Games, Simulations, and Education. They are convening a workshop, open to the public, on games for science education. It shou...

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I just put my Second Life ppt presentation onto slideshare. Have a look if you want. I'm too tired to write about it yet--maybe later! I don't know if the embed worked, so here's the link: http://www.slideshare.net/ldorland/second-life-highlights Your ...

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Tonite I checked on the blog of my Second Life friend Mariis Mills (Marianne Riis from Denmanrk in RL). read more