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In case you haven’t seen the Connected Learning MOOC yet, you should consider checking it out. Still plenty of time to jump in and make, collaborate, and play, or even just lurk. Peter Kittle, Jarret Krone and I just finished a week leading the charge in making and thinking with …

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There is no shortage of online tutorials and guides on how to search for images on the web. To overly generalize, this boils down to “here is a list of sites, go there and type your keywords in a box”, with the added bits about how stealing is bad and a few links or videos from Creative Commons. You might get some power tips about using advanced search features. To me this is not teaching how to search (as a strategy) but how to use search sites (as a skill). More than semantic word play, this is the difference between knowing how to hit something with a chisel and how to sculpt art with a chisel. More than that, it’s easy to find images when you need specific subjects- like an image of a computer keyboard, a rhinoceros, a train engine, a knitting needle, a sunflower. Search engines are good […]

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Dear friends like I write in my blog in previous year, I rediscover last year more than 100 edtools and ipad apps using #iste13 hastag  http://bitly.com/iste13edtools but now  when is  organized #iste2014 I @LucianeCurator  launch #startupeuchat (a chat for european startup tools and ipad apps ) organized weekly, friday from 7 p.m to 8 p.m to  Bucharest time and I will share here in my blog Top 100 every week .
#iste2014 #edchat #ukedchat If you are based in EU,a #startup #edtool or #ipad app join every friday #startupeuchat pic.twitter.com/0qORxJoIxD
— LucianeCurator (@LucianeCurator) June 27, 2014
 Between 27 june and 1 july in ATLANTA is organized ISTE’s Annual Conference and Exposition who provides four days of inspiration, learning and networking with more than 700 sessions and interactive learning environments and : 
-Four full days brimming with robust, inspirational professional learning opportunities that will help you build the skills to support digital age learning
-Unlimited networking opportunities with nearly 18,000 educators, education leaders and corporate representatives from around the globe
-Three powerful keynote addresses from edtech leaders and experts
-The opportunity to choose from hundreds of sessions in a variety of formats, including lectures, BYODs and hands-on learning environments
-Access to a massive expo hall featuring the latest ed tech products and services from more than 500 companies and 4,500 industry
-One-year standard membership to ISTE
If you have ipad, a mobile device you can usee free conference app https://www.isteconference.org/2014/glance/mobile_app.php who is is your ISTE2014 command center, available in the Apple App Store, on Google Play, Windows Phone, Windows 8 and via the mobile web . 

Learn all about the #ISTE2014 mobile app and download it today! http://t.co/5CIZippVWr
— ISTE (@isteconnects) June 27, 2014
Also you can follow the conference in real time on twitter using #iste2014 hastag . Here are

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Dear friends like I write in my blog in previous year, I rediscover last year more than 100 edtools and ipad apps using #iste13 hastag  http://bitly.com/iste13edtools but now  when is  organized #iste2014 I @LucianeCurator  launch #startupeuchat (a chat for european startup tools and ipad apps ) organized weekly, friday from 7 p.m to 8 p.m to  Bucharest time and I will share here in my blog Top 100 every week .
#iste2014 #edchat #ukedchat If you are based in EU,a #startup #edtool or #ipad app join every friday #startupeuchat pic.twitter.com/0qORxJoIxD
— LucianeCurator (@LucianeCurator) June 27, 2014
 Between 27 june and 1 july in ATLANTA is organized ISTE’s Annual Conference and Exposition who provides four days of inspiration, learning and networking with more than 700 sessions and interactive learning environments and : 
-Four full days brimming with robust, inspirational professional learning opportunities that will help you build the skills to support digital age learning
-Unlimited networking opportunities with nearly 18,000 educators, education leaders and corporate representatives from around the globe
-Three powerful keynote addresses from edtech leaders and experts
-The opportunity to choose from hundreds of sessions in a variety of formats, including lectures, BYODs and hands-on learning environments
-Access to a massive expo hall featuring the latest ed tech products and services from more than 500 companies and 4,500 industry
-One-year standard membership to ISTE
If you have ipad, a mobile device you can usee free conference app https://www.isteconference.org/2014/glance/mobile_app.php who is is your ISTE2014 command center, available in the Apple App Store, on Google Play, Windows Phone, Windows 8 and via the mobile web . 

Learn all about the #ISTE2014 mobile app and download it today! http://t.co/5CIZippVWr
— ISTE (@isteconnects) June 27, 2014
Also you can follow the conference in real time on twitter using #iste2014 hastag . Here are

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So, it’s June 2014, all you #becomingeducationalists have hopefully more or less survived this first year – and are perhaps waiting slightly nervously for those all too important end of year results.

We want to say a big THANK YOU to you all! You were great. It was an excellent year. Being with you lot formed the highlight of our week. Seriously!

We hope that Becoming, whilst intensive, thought-provoking and, hopefully, challenging - was also playful; that we created space for us to ‘play to learn’. As Winnicott (1971) says – play is vital to counter the implicit threat of those tricky transitional spaces. And – I bet you all know about Winnicott now – eh?

We hope that you are pleased with your results!!

Nil desperandum

Any students who had issues preventing them from getting the work in on time – do not despair. There is the opportunity for re-submission – and there will be some re-sit and re-submission support in the Learning Centre,
Holloway Road
; in the Moorgate Hub and at Calcutta House – from w/b 14th July. Check out the Study Hub calendar for specific times: http://learning.londonmet.ac.uk/epacks/studyhub/

Read all about it: Blogging to Learn

Towards the end of the year we presented our ‘Blogging to Learn’ paper in class before presenting at the ALDinHE 2014 Conference at the University of Huddersfield.

Well, we developed elements of that presentation into an article that has been accepted for publication in Investigations in University Teaching and Learning. When it is actually published, we’ll post links here.

Good luck folks – and keep in touch!

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AEU News Vol 21, Issue 4, June 2014

Here is a copy of my letter to the editor printed in the latest edition of the AEU News, responding to the recent changes to the performance and development process …

I am a believer in lifelong learning and development, but I really question whether the recent changes to the performance and development process will achieve this? I worry that it will achieve the opposite if we don’t manage it locally. Instead of a climate of collegiate collaboration, this creates an aura of self-interest where ironically our prime focus is ourselves, rather than our students.

John Hattie suggests that the greatest point of influence on education is teachers and that our goal should be to help improve every teacher. Yet I wonder if a process with the spectre of fear hanging over it is going to achieve this? If we really want the best then schools need to foster an environment that not only challenges teachers, but also welcomes error and provides adequate feedback. In this scenario, teachers are able to passionately engage with their teaching based on the evidence at hand.

The problem is that a focus on pay means that we miss the point. Instead of saying ‘how can I be the best’, the focus is on ‘what do I need to do to achieve my next increment’. Our view then is of today, not tomorrow.

With a new system being implemented we have an opportunity to make this review process work for us.  We need to demand that the implementation be consulted on at our schools and that it support and advance the work we do, rather than let it be something that is done to us.

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Digital technologies and the Internet have made knowledge accessible to all, leaving us with the potential to take the power back from publishers and remove the restrictions to access caused by the high prices imposed on consumers.

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Writing to the web.. Today I really thought I must say something about writing on web.. because I have seen many many readers writers online.. Yes.. for a viewer it is their precious time that a writer is begging for, so what ever the content...

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Tomorrow, Sandy Graham will be retiring from her position as office manager for the Urban Affairs and Planning (UAP) program at Virginia Tech. Sandy has been working at Virginia Tech for 25 years and has been with UAP for the past five years. Prior to coming to UAP, Sandy worked for the Department of Hospitality and Tourism Management. […]

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Alright, this isn’t really a response to some assignment. It has to do with style. In my opinion, a paragraph of text that is left justified (lines up along the left margin with the right end of each line finishing … Continue reading

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creative commons licensed ( BY-NC-SA ) flickr photo shared by Pedro Vezini I intend not to discuss the merits/demons of badging systems. My main response on weighing such questions always slide down to “It Depends”. But to me badging, nanodegreeing, calculating massive course dropouts remains overweighted on one side of the system. This has been mulling in the cranium for a while (often best where ideas are left to fade away) but came again to mind reading Heather’s post How do We Define Success in an Open Course? To me, the definition is always for the provider. Success is the success on the entity that offers the course. And of course (to be alliteratively not so clever, Wilbur) if you run courses, you want to know how well you are doing. No argument. And recognizing that people sign up for free no risk courses for different reasons is a relief. […]

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I’m glad to be an “open online participant” rather than a registered student. If I were an official student, I would have my work in on time! (side note: I’ve been an official student plenty of times, and find that … Continue reading

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Estos días, en concreto del 17 al 23 de junio de 2014, mi compañera Inmaculada Trenado, responsable de Comunicación institucional, y yo, María Sánchez, como parte del equipo de Innovación, hemos tenido la oportunidad de visitar, en el marco del Programa ERASMUS para personal de la Universidad Internacional de Andalucía, la Universidad de Cagliari (UNICA), [...]

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creative commons licensed (BY-SA) flickr photo by mrkrndvs: http://flickr.com/photos/aaron_davis/14502665342I recently got into a discussion about 1:1 devices. My argument was that we needed to be pushing for more devices in primary school as a part of...

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