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Matthew Giles did not always know he wanted to teach, but after his first time in a classroom, he realized it was his calling. After four years as an English language teacher and business consultant in both Costa Rica and the Philippines, he decided to pursue his Master of Arts in Teaching at USC.

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I wrote a little about the use of mirrors last time around. We see some more in episode 5. The opening scene shows Avon Barksdale in the apartment of one of his girlfriends. We see him and his reflection divided … Continue reading

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I’d like to widen people’s awareness of the tremendous timespan lying ahead — for our planet, and for life itself. Most educated people are aware that we’re the outcome of nearly 4bn years of Darwinian selection, but many tend to think that humans are somehow the culmination. Our sun, however, is less than halfway through […]

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I stumbled across this review of Daniel Levitin’s non-fiction work, The Organized Mind, while roving through my Scoop.It site , CurationEd. Levitin seems to have embodied what I have been thinking should be the largest part of what I do as a university comp teacher–information management. And here’s why according to the reviewer “The digitization […]

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I stumbled across this review of Daniel Levitin’s non-fiction work, The Organized Mind,  while roving through my Scoop.It site , CurationEd.  Levitin seems to have embodied what I have been thinking should be the largest part of what I do as a university comp teacher–information management.  And here’s why according to the reviewer “The digitization […]

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In the commentary for the first episode of The Wire, David Simon said they used CGI special effects to put the towers in behind the low-rises, because they had been torn down a few years earlier. I thought of that … Continue reading