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Daily Connector

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(Note: The CLMOOC of 2016 starts on July 10. We’re running these Daily Connector ideas before CLMOOC launches as a sort of teaser, and an invitation to get connected. For more information about CLMOOC, you can sign up for news and information.) Mad Libs are a hoot. So why not try your hand at this […]

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(Note: The CLMOOC of 2016 starts on July 10. We’re running these Daily Connector ideas before CLMOOC launches as a sort of teaser, and an invitation to get connected. For more information about CLMOOC, you can sign up for news and information.) You know how you follow your favorite hashtags (ie, #clmooc) and you think, […]

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So, how YOU doin’? It’s been a few weeks since the Connected Courses sort of ended (not really) and Laura wants to “check the pulse” of people in the community. Are you still breathing? How has the Connected Courses helped your thinking now that you have had time to digest it all? Please, check in […]

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(Note: The CLMOOC of 2016 starts on July 10. We’re running these Daily Connector ideas before CLMOOC launches as a sort of teaser, and an invitation to get connected. For more information about CLMOOC, you can sign up for news and information.) Peel back the covering. Avoid getting your fingers stuck. Place the sticker on your […]

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What do you mean, you don’t have time to write a play? Of course you do. We’ll just … shorten it up a bit. For today’s Daily Connect, write a 15 second play. What? That’s right. There’s a whole genre of writing in which people write a play designed to be performed (maybe with the […]

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(Note: The CLMOOC of 2016 starts on July 10. We’re running these Daily Connector ideas before CLMOOC launches as a sort of teaser, and an invitation to get connected. For more information about CLMOOC, you can sign up for news and information.) Ready for the odd? (You’re here, so that’s a start) Use Crumbles to […]

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Twitter Lists are one of those powerful connecting ideas that often fly below the radar. The Twitter lists that people make and share are not always immediately visible (go to profiles to find ‘em). And yet, the curated efforts that go into those lists can be a great place to discover and connect with others on […]

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(Note: The CLMOOC of 2016 starts on July 10. We’re running these Daily Connector ideas before CLMOOC launches as a sort of teaser, and an invitation to get connected. For more information about CLMOOC, you can sign up for news and information.) So, let’s say you discovered a wicked cool app or website or a […]

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(Note: The CLMOOC of 2016 starts on July 10. We’re running these Daily Connector ideas before CLMOOC launches as a sort of teaser, and an invitation to get connected. For more information about CLMOOC, you can sign up for news and information.) What a gift it is to receive a poem. Why not make someone’s […]

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You may not have noticed it lately, amid all the hubbub (We love that word!) and sharing, but out here in the great beyond, we writers form constellations. We connect to make stories. We hover in the imagination. We are all stars. For this Daily Connect, let’s make that idea a bit more tangible. Let’s […]

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Now, listen, don’t get too carried away with this one. We don’t want to read any headlines of professors getting kidnapped or anything like that. In fact, as your attorney, we suggest that if you are one of those folks who dives in a little too deep, perhaps this Daily Create is not for you. […]

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We’d like to thank everyone who has participated in any of the Daily Connects this month of October. While the daily posts will now come to a stop, you are welcome to steal, borrow, remix any of the ideas that have been shared here through crowdsourced efforts. So, where can you go from here? Well, of […]

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Everyone knows the impulse to recycle and re-use is a good thing. So, too, is this site. It was first set up to support Connected Courses, but is now being revamped for Connected Learning MOOC (CLMOOC), Write Out, and beyond. If you want to get a surprise  … use the Random Connect Generator. Just click here […]

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  We’re nearing the end of the Daily Connect. (I know, I know .. the box of tissues is over there, in the corner of the blog). For today’s Daily Connect, why not reflect a bit at your own blog or writing space about the concept of the Daily Connector and/or the Connected Courses? Some questions you […]

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If the Connected Courses were a syndicated television show, everyone would know your name. But it’s not. It’s an open learning environment. Still, we’ve got ourselves a bar and grill where you can walk through the door and everyone will call out “Norm!” (if your name is Norm. If not, then you might be a […]