All Blogs Syndicated into Connected Courses (Newest Order)

Below is the list of participant blogs we are subscribed to and syndicating content from into the blog flow. This list is in order of most recently added (see the list in alphabetical order) — which so far includes 6252 syndicated posts. If you would like to be part of this network, see Connect Your Blog for more information and the registration form. Get connected!

Looking for a post to comment on? Not sure where to go? Try a randomly selected syndicated Connected Courses post.

  1. SlideUpLift (see all syndicated posts by @slide_uplift)
  2. Happy New Guitar Day (see all syndicated posts by @
  3. Beat the CPA! (see all syndicated posts by @crushthecpaexam)
  4. Guitar Repair Bench (see all syndicated posts by @
  5. Guitar Repair Bench (see all syndicated posts by @
  6. Writing Explained (see all syndicated posts by @writing_class)
  7. Accounting Institute of Success – CPA Exam Prep (see all syndicated posts by @crushthecpaexam)
  8. Crush The CPA Exam (see all syndicated posts by @crushthecpaexam)
  9. CPA Exam Guide (see all syndicated posts by @cpaexamguide)
  10. My Accounting Course (see all syndicated posts by @
  11. CPA Exam Guy (see all syndicated posts by @crushthecpaexam)
  12. The Untitled Comic (see all syndicated posts by @njokei)
  13. El Bloque (see all syndicated posts by @edjuarezp)
  14. Simplified 4 Me (see all syndicated posts by @simplified4me)
  15. naaduks (see all syndicated posts by @marygift78)
  16. The Creativity Post (see all syndicated posts by @JoeCorneli)
  17. Tchuma Tchato (see all syndicated posts by @tchumatchato)
  18. Connected Courses – open thinking (see all syndicated posts by @courosa)
  19. Mr. Gelston's One Room Schoolhouse (see all syndicated posts by @mrgelston)
  20. Dr Styles Educating and Learning Through Technology Forum (see all syndicated posts by @eStylesConsult)
  21. K-Log (see all syndicated posts by @yinbk)
  22. ConnectedCourses – Transit area… (see all syndicated posts by @vanani00)
  23. Questions (see all syndicated posts by @jaapsoft)
  24. Sparks Fly! (see all syndicated posts by @ProfFigment)
  25. kttrending (see all syndicated posts by @kttrend)
  26. #ccourses – INTERTEXTrEVOLUTION (see all syndicated posts by @jgmac1106)
  27. The Daily Connector (see all syndicated posts by @DailyConnect)
  28. My Design of an Open Course (see all syndicated posts by @GranLupoGarcia)
  29. colearningblog (see all syndicated posts by @nobodhi)
  30. Connected Learning – nicholas c. wilson, ed.d. (see all syndicated posts by @ncwilson78)
  31. Futures Initiative (see all syndicated posts by @FuturesED)
  32. #ccourses – kshjensen – always learning (see all syndicated posts by @kshjensen)
  33. The Fovea (see all syndicated posts by arpearson)
  34. Teaching in the wild (see all syndicated posts by @LuptonMandy)
  35. Matt Rafalow on Medium (see all syndicated posts by @mafalow)
  36. Ed.Media.Tech. (see all syndicated posts by @sanamuah)
  37. Nathan Sandoval (see all syndicated posts by @sandovalcrew13)
  38. The Exploration of Digital Culture (see all syndicated posts by @AmandaHaydon1)
  39. astengorama » Connected Courses (see all syndicated posts by @astengorama)
  40. Connected Course Kennan (see all syndicated posts by @salinerok)
  41. ConnectedCourses – Jska's Blog (see all syndicated posts by @JSKARVA)
  42. Technology & media Archives - Communicating Across Cultures (see all syndicated posts by @rgjones)
  43. Jeff South's Connected Courses blog (see all syndicated posts by @jcsouth)
  44. connected – Leaning in to Learning (see all syndicated posts by @thatchmo)
  45. Derek The Gaming Guy (see all syndicated posts by @DC_Swain)
  46. Connectivit-D (see all syndicated posts by @dbjennings_d)
  47. ccourses – Miranda Warning (see all syndicated posts by @nickkearney)
  48. etmooc and beyond (see all syndicated posts by @karenatsharon)
  49. USC-MAT (see all syndicated posts by @uscteacher)
  50. #ccourses – RADIO SILENCE (see all syndicated posts by @ryancales)
  51. ccourses – Bionic Teaching (see all syndicated posts by @twoodwar)
  52. markulendo (see all syndicated posts by @markulendo)
  53. Bio Higher Ed (see all syndicated posts by @0dwyVT)
  54. Connected Learnings (see all syndicated posts by @paolaricaurte)
  55. The VCEwe (see all syndicated posts by @jsroudabush)
  56. Cursos en línea (see all syndicated posts by @alurizap)
  57. Open Assembly Blog (see all syndicated posts by @domienders)
  58. My Avatar & I (see all syndicated posts by @maha4learning)
  59. The Daily(ish) Teacher (see all syndicated posts by @DailyishTeacher)
  60. RBC CREATES (see all syndicated posts by @tarpaperpress)
  61. Fresh and Crispy (see all syndicated posts by @cpjobling)
  62. Background Educations (see all syndicated posts by @BackgroundEdu)
  63. Ralph P Hall (see all syndicated posts by @ralphphall)
  64. ConnectedCourses – education everywhere (see all syndicated posts by @jjulius)
  65. connected courses – From There to Here, From Here to There… (see all syndicated posts by @DrDanielleDick)
  66. connectedcourses – More than just Content (see all syndicated posts by @josephgliddon)
  67. Homo infinitus (see all syndicated posts by @ReidJill)
  68. Digital Media (see all syndicated posts by @springintoit)
  69. Kevin Ryan in Tokyo (see all syndicated posts by @tokyokevin)
  70. 🌊 the stream (see all syndicated posts by @trevor_c)
  71. connect – One More Thing… (see all syndicated posts by @amyS4S)
  72. Snippets - Digisim - A Flipped Academic (see all syndicated posts by @digisim)
  73. EdgeMaking Riffs (see all syndicated posts by @johnkao)
  74. MOOC Metaphors (see all syndicated posts by @StaffSandboxOER)
  75. #ccourses – Little did I know (see all syndicated posts by @Clarissamfb)
  76. Pedagogy Pickins - Weather Wise (see all syndicated posts by @jenjhenderson)
  77. connected – Learning and Technology Reflections (see all syndicated posts by @AnneHole)
  78. homagoblog (see all syndicated posts by @imee4stanford)
  79. connected – Techist: Teaching, Technology, History, & Innovation (see all syndicated posts by @jmcclurken)
  80. Catalyst Woman (see all syndicated posts by @Marsonearth)
  81. Blogarama (see all syndicated posts by @marknarayn)
  82. through the looking glass (see all syndicated posts by @lyndsaysdurham)
  83. Roberta's Blog (see all syndicated posts by @RobertaGentry7)
  84. Dani is a Girl's Name (see all syndicated posts by @dmfernandez11)
  85. #ccourses – catherinecronin (see all syndicated posts by @catherinecronin)
  86. lastrefuge (see all syndicated posts by @Danceswithcloud)
  87. connectedcourses – Learningcreep (see all syndicated posts by @crumphelen)
  88. Bajo mi sirena (see all syndicated posts by @emoreno@)
  89. Rock Island Techie (see all syndicated posts by @rockislandgirl8)
  90. connected courses – Lorena A. Barba Group (see all syndicated posts by @LorenaABarba)
  91. Dig_Lit (see all syndicated posts by @smstagner)
  92. mdarbison (see all syndicated posts by mdarbison)
  93. Small Steps To Connect (see all syndicated posts by @jaimehannans)
  94. Connected Courses – look4connexions (see all syndicated posts by @MollyBRansone)
  95. ExploratoryLearner - The Real Deihl (see all syndicated posts by @wdeihl)
  96. ccXplorations – Open vs Free? (see all syndicated posts by @Northerntweeter)
  97. connectedcourses – Bloglillon (see all syndicated posts by @pythy)
  98. Flaws In Science - Blog (see all syndicated posts by @sepiaxtoned)
  99. OU Digital Teaching (see all syndicated posts by @OnlineCrsLady)
  100. Teaching Without Walls: Life Beyond the Lecture (see all syndicated posts by @brocansky)
  101. Love2Write (see all syndicated posts by @love2write)
  102. Connected Globally (see all syndicated posts by @MaureenDonovan)
  103. Testing…Testing… 1, 2, 3 (see all syndicated posts by @DavidRCroteau)
  104. the ed tech cabin (see all syndicated posts by @HARRIETEW)
  105. precarious life & times (see all syndicated posts by @VanessaVaile)
  106. connectedcourses – Steve C. Phillips (see all syndicated posts by @stevecontip)
  107. Tara Tiger Brown (see all syndicated posts by @tara)
  108. #ccourses – Silence and Voice (see all syndicated posts by @JeffreyKeefer)
  109. Connected – Vibrant Outlook (see all syndicated posts by @swilson416)
  110. Connected Course – Library Connections (see all syndicated posts by @Lib_Lauren)
  111. CSU, Chico Connected 2014 (see all syndicated posts by @JWallace)
  112. Connected Courses – kathleen godfrey (see all syndicated posts by @cakeypal)
  113. connectedcourses – jlewiscourses (see all syndicated posts by @instructorjan8)
  114. Possibilities Abound-- (see all syndicated posts by @lanihall)
  115. time threads (see all syndicated posts by @infoliterati)
  116. Comments on: (see all syndicated posts by @CathyNDavidson)
  117. Learning To Learn (see all syndicated posts by @AparnaNagaraj14)
  118. connected – Learning Design (see all syndicated posts by @JoyceKincannon)
  119. Liz Dorland's Blog (see all syndicated posts by @ldinstl_chimera)
  120. Shift Happens: From Bricks to Clicks (see all syndicated posts by @JaimieLHoffman)
  121. #ccourses – Brave New World (see all syndicated posts by taniatorikova)
  122. Lora Taub-Pervizpour (see all syndicated posts by @ltaub)
  123. Faculty Learning Express (see all syndicated posts by @lizfalconer80)
  124. Connected Courses – Rhonda (see all syndicated posts by @rljessen)
  125. Thinking with Crash (see all syndicated posts by @EdNagelhout1)
  126. ccourse14 – AmusED (see all syndicated posts by @amyburvall)
  127. Looking away (see all syndicated posts by @pstefania)
  128. Connected Courses – Out Loud Learning (see all syndicated posts by @L4LP)
  129. Creative Comms Club (see all syndicated posts by @philippada)
  130. Connected-Course – TechFoot (see all syndicated posts by @generoche)
  131. ccourses – Building Creative Bridges (see all syndicated posts by @paulsignorelli)
  132. live2learn_skills (see all syndicated posts by @lifeisyum)
  133. Archer's Paradox (see all syndicated posts by @EnochHale10)
  134. Adventures in Teaching - Gaming & Open Ed (see all syndicated posts by @phantomfarmAK)
  135. Connected Stories, Threaded Lives (see all syndicated posts by @fmindlin)
  136. (see all syndicated posts by @ColinShaw19)
  137. Connected Courses – London History (see all syndicated posts by @brianfinbarr)
  138. ConnectedCourses – Stepping Stones (see all syndicated posts by @rheyden)
  139. #ccourses – þoht-hord (see all syndicated posts by @jasongreen)
  140. Connected Courses – Alex Chaucer (see all syndicated posts by @geoparadigm)
  141. Paradigm Shift (see all syndicated posts by @macurcher)
  142. ConnectedCoursesbyMura (see all syndicated posts by @muranava)
  143. Lisahistory Connected (see all syndicated posts by @LisaMLane)
  144. Unknown Unknowns (see all syndicated posts by @KateMfD)
  145. Jeff Merrell (see all syndicated posts by @jeffmerrell)
  146. Reading Writing Responding (see all syndicated posts by @mrkrndvs)
  147. McGee's Cyber Closet (see all syndicated posts by @VanessaVaile)
  148. Professor D's Read-Along Blog (see all syndicated posts by @jtdellinger)
  149. Dynamic Epistemology (see all syndicated posts by @sheridaryan)
  150. Online Learning Insights (see all syndicated posts by @OnlinelearningI)
  151. ccourses – bavatuesdays (see all syndicated posts by @jimgroom)
  152. connectedcourses – Pacific NW Photography (see all syndicated posts by @sbethm)
  153. Connected Courses – EduGeek Journal (see all syndicated posts by @grandeped)
  154. Seuketat (see all syndicated posts by @chegoyo)
  155. Life Speed Bumps (see all syndicated posts by @l_jones_Gillies)
  156. Multilitteratus Incognitus (see all syndicated posts by @koutropoulos)
  157. | Sarah Galletly | » ccourses (see all syndicated posts by @s_galletly)
  158. connectinfolit (see all syndicated posts by @connectinfolit)
  159. Connected Courses – PIXELS & TWEED (see all syndicated posts by @merryspaniel)
  160. #ccourses – Jenny Connected (see all syndicated posts by @jennymackness)
  161. #ccourse – All Hands on Deck (see all syndicated posts by @klbz)
  162. Kim Jaxon (see all syndicated posts by Kim Jaxon)
  163. Too Much Tea (see all syndicated posts by @tnyto)
  164. Posts on D'Arcy Norman dot net (see all syndicated posts by @dlnorman)
  165. Connected Learning – Revise and Resubmit (see all syndicated posts by @Nicole_Mirra)
  166. Mimi Ito - Weblog (see all syndicated posts by Mimi Ito)
  167. Learning>Technology>Nexus (see all syndicated posts by @Marj_K)
  168. ccourses – WayUpNorth's Blog (see all syndicated posts by @xb7r)
  169. connected courses – Abject (see all syndicated posts by @brlamb)
  170. Half an Hour (see all syndicated posts by @Downes)
  171. nell on connected courses (see all syndicated posts by @cursodeconecciones)
  172. EntreTodos (see all syndicated posts by @enguita)
  173. Laura Park Gogia: The Coloring Book (see all syndicated posts by @GoogleGuacamole)
  174. Kneefin » Connected Courses Blog (see all syndicated posts by @kneefin)
  175. (see all syndicated posts by @phb256)
  176. The GSMIS team (see all syndicated posts by @DannyAnth)
  177. connectedcourses – Moved to (see all syndicated posts by @djplaner)
  178. connected – MixedRealities (see all syndicated posts by @rolandlegrand)
  179. Download My Learning (see all syndicated posts by @jvg)
  180. #ccourses – Dave, Connecting (see all syndicated posts by @_daveh70)
  181. ConnectedCourses – Mrs. Poulin: Reflect & Share (see all syndicated posts by @poulingail)
  182. touches of sense... (see all syndicated posts by @sensor63)
  183. FILIP DANIËLS (see all syndicated posts by @helloWhispers)
  184. ConnectedLearn – Innovision (see all syndicated posts by @Radhertz)
  185. iPlay iLearn iTeach (see all syndicated posts by @turnbullchris)
  186. Online Education (see all syndicated posts by @bryanjblakeley)
  187. connectedcourses – Learning Is Social (see all syndicated posts by @raccooncity)
  188. ccourse – Skate of the web (see all syndicated posts by @avunque)
  189. connected courses – Andrea Rehn (see all syndicated posts by @profrehn)
  190. kristen eshleman (see all syndicated posts by @kreshleman)
  191. CCourses Archives - Laura Ritchie (see all syndicated posts by @laura_ritchie)
  192. CCourses – Kevin's Meandering Mind (see all syndicated posts by @dogtrax)
  193. TEACHING UPSTREAM (see all syndicated posts by @bonnieboaz)
  194. Tony Brainstorms (see all syndicated posts by @TonyBrainstorms)
  195. CC – A Lavender's View of Higher Ed. (see all syndicated posts by @lavenes)
  196. Connected Courses (see all syndicated posts by @clb1906)
  197. ConnectedCourses – Jake's Blog (see all syndicated posts by @jakegrohs)
  198. Connected Courses – (see all syndicated posts by @hajj_mr)
  199. ConnectedCourses – High on Education (see all syndicated posts by @LehtimakiMari)
  200. connected courses – From Padawan to GEDI (see all syndicated posts by @archyken)
  201. You Are Not Here (see all syndicated posts by @seanyconaway)
  202. connectedcourses – Clinic Matters (see all syndicated posts by @jwaldron22)
  203. Nicole Pagowsky (see all syndicated posts by @pumpedlibrarian)
  204. Connected Courses – Sirius Reflections (see all syndicated posts by @purling4peas)
  205. connected courses – iunctio 2.Oh (see all syndicated posts by @shellifowler)
  206. Design thinking, eLearning, MOOCs, HCI & UX,I in Sri Lanka by Dilrukshi Gamage - Connected Learning (see all syndicated posts by @Dilrukshi_ISaC)
  207. (connected_course) (see all syndicated posts by @podehaye)
  208. Interaction, Organisation & Technology (see all syndicated posts by @dirkvl)
  209. Obsidian Communications (see all syndicated posts by @obsidcomm)
  210. Tweedy Impertinence (see all syndicated posts by @joefromkenyon)
  211. Connected Courses Archives - McGee's Musings (see all syndicated posts by @jmcgee)
  212. Sail's Pedagogy (see all syndicated posts by @SailWozniak)
  213. Obsidian Communications (see all syndicated posts by @wtbell)
  214. breflex (see all syndicated posts by @BReflex)
  215. Working blog (see all syndicated posts by comdiannadelras)
  216. Byzantine Vectors (see all syndicated posts by @byzantiumbooks)
  217. Get Connected (see all syndicated posts by @LadyChaterli)
  218. necto ergo sum (see all syndicated posts by @paulormbatista)
  219. (see all syndicated posts by @petewright)
  220. connected – All The Young (edu)Punks (see all syndicated posts by @dietsociety)
  221. Cibermarikiya 3.0 (see all syndicated posts by @cibermarikiya)
  222. Connected Archives - TISCAR - Comunicación y Educación Digital (see all syndicated posts by @tiscar)
  223. Connected Courses – transforming graduate education (see all syndicated posts by @kpdepauw)
  224. Connected Courses – MICHAEL BRANSON SMITH (see all syndicated posts by @mbransons)
  225. @Ignatia Webs (see all syndicated posts by @ignatia)
  226. Hugh Hamilton (see all syndicated posts by @hughhamilton)
  227. kimeke's tumblr (see all syndicated posts by @kimeke)
  228. Teaching Beyond Tropes (see all syndicated posts by @eatcherveggies)
  229. Connected Courses – Michael Stewart (see all syndicated posts by @thegreatmichael)
  230. Andy's Teaching and Learning Blog (see all syndicated posts by @papahazama)
  231. anummablog - Brooke Lester (see all syndicated posts by @anummabrooke)
  232. NEW SAVANNA (see all syndicated posts by @bbenzon)
  233. lesliekennedyblog (see all syndicated posts by @adjuak)
  234. Shukies Web (see all syndicated posts by @shukieone)
  235. connected courses – Jennifer Englund (see all syndicated posts by @jmenglund03)
  236. ccourses (see all syndicated posts by @penpln)
  237. ccourses – Gardner Writes (see all syndicated posts by Gardner Campbell)
  238. Comments on: (see all syndicated posts by @rjhogue)
  239. #ccourses – Reflecting Allowed (see all syndicated posts by @Bali_maha)
  240. connectedcourses – Abram Anders (see all syndicated posts by @abramanders)
  241. Research,Curation;Top 10 tools in Education (see all syndicated posts by @LucianeCurator)
  242. RhetCompNow (see all syndicated posts by @tellioconnect)
  243. JAMES MICHIE (see all syndicated posts by @jamesmichie)
  244. Connecting – Digital Literacy (see all syndicated posts by @ARTiFactor)
  245. Connected Courses – authentic learning (see all syndicated posts by @jeremybwilliams)
  246. connectedcourses – Impedagogy (see all syndicated posts by @telliowkuwp)
  247. Education – CommunicateAsia (see all syndicated posts by @CommunicateAsia)
  248. Commentaires sur : (see all syndicated posts by Mia Zamora)
  249. connectedcourses – The Whole Classroom (see all syndicated posts by @todd_conaway)
  250. connectedcourses – Kira J Baker-Doyle, Ph.D. (see all syndicated posts by @kjbd)
  251. Connected Courses – Heloukee: EdTech and Digital Culture (see all syndicated posts by Helen Keegan)
  252. In Community (see all syndicated posts by @seecantrill)
  253. connectedcourses – Zythepsary (see all syndicated posts by @epilepticrabbit)
  254. Connected Courses and Diversity (see all syndicated posts by @bonnieboaz)
  255. Howard Rheingold Connected Courses (see all syndicated posts by Howard Rheingold)
  256. ccourses – CogDogBlog (see all syndicated posts by Alan Levine)

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