Connected Courses is a collaborative community of faculty in higher education

developing networked, open courses that embody the principles of connected learning and the values of the open web.

Pre-Course: Move-In, Orientation, Registration Why We Need a Why Trust and Network Fluency The Web: Concept, Platform, Culture(s) Diversity, Equity, Access About Co-Learning Putting it into Practice

How to Make a Timeline on Google Slides That Tells a Story

Want to learn how to make a timeline on Google Slides? It’s definitely a lot easier than it seems. We’re going to take a look at the three main methods of creating a timeline – with a diagram, with shapes, and using a template. So, whether …

8 Best CPA Review Courses

The CPA exam is one of the most challenging professional tests out there. With CPA pass rates hovering around 50%, many aspiring accountants find themselves retaking sections multiple times, often feeling discouraged with each attempt. If you’re prepar…

VT Student Food Access & Wellbeing Infographic & Report

We are pleased to release an infographic and report of the main findings from the 2023 Virginia Tech Student Food Access and Wellbeing Survey. This research was made possible by the 2023 CALS Strategic Plan Advancement Integrated Internal Competitive Grants Program. Main Findings If you are a Virginia Tech undergraduate or graduate student and are … Continue reading VT Student Food Access & Wellbeing…