Understanding Customer Experience


  • Jörg Pareigis
  • Lars E Olsson
  • Margareta Friman
  • Per Echeverri
Institutional Affiliation

Karlstad University





Date(s) course is being taught
  • January, 19 - June, 7
  • August, 24 - January 10

Ultimately, the customer is the sole judge of the quality of an organizations’ offer and is the actor that, in one way or another, pays for it. Due to this, the customer experience is important and a point of departure for marketing and organizational development.

Understanding Customer Experience is an open access graduate course from the Karlstad Business School in conjunction with the Service Research Center – CTF. The course is designed for professionals with an interest in customer experience and is available to both for-credit and non-credit participants. It is designed for professionals from a wide variety of business areas as well as public organizations. The level of the course content is on advanced university level based, builds on research conducted at CTF and is facilitated by active researchers.

The course centers around
– Open, collaborative and networked learning practices.
– Interactive video lectures, openly available on all your devices.
– You and your personal and organizational situation.