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This is the firehose, all external content syndicated into the site.

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Greetings! Β I have set up this new blog to participate inΒ http://connectedcourses.net/. Β  I’ve already got a couple of blogs that I write at the Ohio State University Libraries which are related to my work as Japanese Studies Librarian and the ...

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Mi presento: mi chiamo stefania e lavoro come biliotecaria in una bilioteca universitaria italiana. In particolare mi occupo di information literacy e reference. Sto facendo i preparativi per il corso Connected Courses anche se so che non sarà facilissimo dato che il tempo è sempre poco e la lingua inglese non aiuta . Ma sono contenta di averlo […]

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Here are some ideas and resources on how teachers can stay up-to-date and continue to learn from this week’s #Edchat.

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I’m a sociologist working in the Academic Learning Transformation Lab (ALT Lab) at Virginia Commonwealth University. My main blog is here. I’ll be using this site to experiment, including participating in Connected Courses.